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So he'd have murdered an Astartes before anyone knew the situation. He'd have an immediate ticket to his own purging.


I prefer that he threatens to do something like that. Then the taboo around Astartes fighting remains, and the idea remains pretty much unthinkable

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He would have murdered a possible threat to the imperium.


But by breaking something which belongs to there dead brother and showing no sign of grief and open disresepct, it could be enough to enrage hec. Would hec attack because he loses himself and needs to be restrained? Morro provoking him further and further, giving him a lecture why all wolves have to die? Mocking him? I mean, hec could realize that it could have been him and his sons who were buried as they share the flaw. And if they were present on prospero it might have turned out bad for them. Would hec be more enraged by the realization or would that soemhow calm him?

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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My mental image is that everything has been kept ultra-secret. They know something is wrong on Prospero and the Wolves have been sent. Nothing more.


The latter is what I'm thinking. It's enough to anger Hec, without sailing too close to outright renegade acts.

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I'd be wary of having the pseudo-Black Legion have a name too close to the original Lightning Bearers, Sons of Icarion or Harbingers, as Athrawes (Character) will probably want to create a single legion out of the remnants of several of the other traitor legions (like Abaddon does). How about something akin to

  • Lost Sons/Brothers
  • Oathsworn
  • etc.

In fairness, I wouldn't mind Black Legion either - that name exemplifies the nature of what Abaddon or Athrawes create so well that it shouldn't be discounted too easily.

What colour scheme would they use? I think that some kind of white would be neutral enough to show that it is a gathering together of different legions, and I believe it is a symbol of death in Asian cultures. However, would that clash with the Warbringers?


Also, what would be the colour scheme of the One True Legion of the Suzerainty (or whatever the name of it was, I can't remember :sad.: ) - A quartered scheme of the Warbringers and Warriors of Peace could be interesting no?




I'm surprised to hear it's already been such a long time since Hesh posted, but he's already taken long pauses in the past no? Does anybody know his job?


EDIT - we really need to integrate the colour schemes and symbols into the first posts of the legions - even having them in the index could be interesting.

Edited by Lord Thørn
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Fair point about the symbols and schemes. I'll try to remember to do that for the Wardens.


As for Hesh, yes, he's been in and out before, but this happened after a particularly productive time on his part. Not only that, I'm not sure he's ever gone an entire month. I take that back. It's now been a month and a half now since he's made a post. 


And, I don't think anybody knows what he does in RL. According to his post in the Start thread, he does a lot of traveling for his work, but I'm not sure how that interacts with his internet capability. 


Thinking more on the Drowned, I think the general consensus is that they are too enmeshed in the canon to be replaced. In which case, we have more time to deliberate on their fate. Main options are to simply replace Hesh with another/new Legionnaire, or I enact the 04-Rock Protocol. Either way, the Drowned will be carried past Insurrection

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So why is white the wrong color for the suzis true legion?

Because Blunt probably thought you were talking about the post-Icarion Harbingers, rather than the Suzerainty's True Legion. Pure white I'm not completely keen on. One idea was grey, gold and blue, which from my tests in Chapter Maker looks adequately good. Another, the earliest, had them in gold, with purple (Asklepian order) and black adornments, but that might get too close to the Custodes and/or Emperor's Children.

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Did I miss something? What is this "suzerainty's true legion" people are talking about? And I thought the Suzerainity don't fall to Chaos, they just stay seperate from the Imperium?


Also, welcome General Ripphook, it's always good to see new blood amongst us. :)

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Ahhh. Okay....although the white as a asian reference could work for athrawes legiom too, I really meant the suzis true legion..



The true legion of the democrats is built.after.kozja has found the secrets.of the emperor and builts the one true primarch and from his gene seed the one true legion. Too bad that they will rise as the false primarch and create some turmoil.

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I believe Jade creates the False Primarch, or at least was co-creator. I have a very good plan for his fate, but if it makes more sense for Kozja to create it and Jade to be less involved, then I'm okay with changing his fate. But this was one of the things left to me by Sim, so I'm not sure how he'd feel with changing it.
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