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But book 6 does only feature campaigns including several legions. There is no history, etc for the DA for example.

It's more or less a campaign book for missing legions and blackshields.


Or did I miss something? Oo

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But book 6 does only feature campaigns including several legions. There is no history, etc for the DA for example.

It's more or less a campaign book for missing legions and blackshields.


Or did I miss something? Oo


Well that would explain why those legions get huge descriptions, but not why the Ultramarines get so little. Even the Word Bearers get twice the amount of sentences in Book 5.

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Ok I'm confused. The WB section in book is only a handful of pages long. Only 6 or so (have to look at it to be sure) while the UM got a very long organization part, a extensive exemplary battle and the normal amount of fluff, etc.


Are we talking about two different things? Yes, the WB guy two entrys until now to cover their normal Legion appearance and their demon form but I haven't had the impression that the UM were left behind or something like that.

Edited by Kelborn
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Ok I'm confused. The WB section in book is only a handful of pages long. Only 6 or so (have to look at it to be sure) while the UM got a very long organization part, a extensive exemplary battle and the normal amount of fluff, etc.


Are we talking about two different things? Yes, the WB guy two entrys until now to cover their normal Legion appearance and their demon form but I haven't had the impression that the UM were left behind or something like that.


I'm talking about the literal paragraph after the paragraph that starts with "The Space Marines of the Emperor's Legions are genetically..."

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Hmmm, good thing is: book 1 isnt.finished and we can always continue on book 4 so we have time for invictus return


Are you suggesting we skip Book 2, until he returns?


Because I'm getting frustrated. He took 7 months off, and that was fine since it was due to RL issues. But when he came back, he did very little actual work, to the point where I actually asked him to make some progress. It takes time and effort to flesh out a legion as we all know. It's not something you can just snap your fingers, and it's done.


Even after my prodding, there was still little work done. We have the Jackel's Hand, a note on the alliance chart, and one new character with rules. It's been over a month since he posted last, and he only posted twice in September after I informed him that the Jackels were in Book 2. 


According to his profile, he hasn't even been on B&C for half a month, let alone answered the PM I sent to him yesterday.


What am I to make of this?

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I suggest to finish book 1 amd then concentrate on book 4 because there is a lot of work done. Concerning his absence: I don't know but as you saw on hesh and talonair, there could always be reallife issues which hinders you even from entering the internet. I mean he could habve him self locked away from it in order to flesh his legion out and not be distracted by all our posts. Always looking up what we write consumes time amd concentration. So let us finish book 1 with the crunch and work on book 4 for the meantime and when book 1 is entirely finished, them we adress the problem again.
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Well there's always a certain someone *nudge nudge wink*


In all seriousness, we can circumvent book 2 for now and focus on cranking out book 4 which is what most of my spare time(a rare commodity now that I'm back in school) has been going towards. If Praefectus isn't engaging reasonably regularly by the time we get half way through that *shrugs* we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 


Incidentally I feel like I should apologise for how little I've been writing recently. As I explained above, last year of school and studying for my BAC exams takes priority over BotL for the moment although I'm still trying to get a bit of writing done here and there.

Edited by Sigismund229
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I suggest to finish book 1 amd then concentrate on book 4 because there is a lot of work done. Concerning his absence: I don't know but as you saw on hesh and talonair, there could always be reallife issues which hinders you even from entering the internet. I mean he could habve him self locked away from it in order to flesh his legion out and not be distracted by all our posts. Always looking up what we write consumes time amd concentration. So let us finish book 1 with the crunch and work on book 4 for the meantime and when book 1 is entirely finished, them we adress the problem again.


You really are advocating for skipping two books. Book 4 was to offer an outlet for Sig and other writers because we were stuck on crunch work for Book 1, which doesn't offer a lot of fluff work. Now, we have gotten to the point where I'm simply waiting for the work to be done, so I can devote work into starting Book 2. Squig, as busy as he is, is at least chiming in once a week and visits this board with regularity.


Compare that to Invictus whose last post was Sept. 6th, but his last visit was Sept. 23rd. My frustration is not when he's absent. My frustration is the work he doesn't do when he's here. He specifically told me that he didn't start work when he came back from his leave because he was waiting for when the Jackel's book was to be worked on. Well, Expansion is here, and he isn't showing much more effort than before I gave him the heads-up. 


If he is dealing with RL issues, then that's okay, but I'm not seeing evidence of that. 


And why did both of you advocate for skipping Book 3? 

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Agree with Mikhal and sigi.

Let us work on stuff we can actually work on and leave his legion behind until he shows up again. Then he can get an ultimatum. If that wont work, his further contributions can be discussed again.


If his legion is that important that we cannot proceed, jump to the next bits without his attendance.

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