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Hello gentlemen and ladies. I was thinking about vehicles legions use in fluff but we haven't seen rules for yet, so it got me pondering What of the Sabre? I'd love to see it and I think a thunderfire cannon variation and an Avenger Gatling cannon variant would both be amazing and all three serve very different rolls. Thoughts?

Are you proposing the Sabre and variants with thunderfire cannon and avenger gatling cannon? Bear in mind the sabre also has two variants with neutrino laser or vanquisher cannon.


Somehow, I think the Laser destroyer array vindicator should be relabeled as a Sabre variant, not a vindicator variant, their roles are too dissimilar.

A thunderfire cannon as Vindicator variant is a nice idea, though I don't think it fits in the 30k timeline. A Quad-mortar Vindicator on the other hand would be rather awesome.


Finally, wouldn't the Avenger cannon be more suited as a main turret weapon for a Predator?

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@thørn I forgot about those variants of the Sabre but now that the Neutrino laser is on both a Sicarian and Malcador chassis I don't think it's fully necessary. And the Avenger Gatling Cannon is a Knight mounted weapon so I think it's more suited to the big hull mount opposed to a turret mount.

It's Knight mounted when it's twin linked, same with the fire raptor - I could easily see a non-twin linked version on a pred.


For the Neutrino Laser, there's even the cerberus (or the other spartan version), so you do have a point. However, I really love the Vanquisher ^_^ There's something about solid-shot weaponry that I really like over energy-based weapons...

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I to love me some super sonic brass and steel. Also are you sure you're not thinking of the Avenger Bolt Cannon? Because the Avenger Gatling Cannon is 36" str6 ap3 heavy 12, Rending aka the best Brrrrrt in the game. They're very similar I do confess.


So variants would be

-Battle Cannon



-Avenger Gatling Cannon


How would you feel about adding the Sabre Simi?

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Yeah but short range does sort of work in the style of a Vindicator. What about using the giant flamer template and have it be something like str5 ap- rending, concussive. It'd be great to pair with assault marines. We might also want to do a giant flamer weapon.

Also maybe we should rearrange the vindicator/Saber entries so it'd be



-Demolisher Cannon

-Avenger Gatling Cannon

-Sonic weapon

-Flamer weapon



-Battle Cannon

-Laser Destroyer



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Someone mentioned beacons for the Astronomicon, and it occurs to me that those could tie into the Webway. Magnus, who was intended to at least help forge the links of the Webway, is no longer around to fulfill that role, so the Big E needs that power from elsewhere, right?


Also, does anyone know how big the embarkation decks of a Gloriana Class ship are, and how many Astartes you could fit there?

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Someone mentioned beacons for the Astronomicon, and it occurs to me that those could tie into the Webway. Magnus, who was intended to at least help forge the links of the Webway, is no longer around to fulfill that role, so the Big E needs that power from elsewhere, right?


Also, does anyone know how big the embarkation decks of a Gloriana Class ship are, and how many Astartes you could fit there?

Never actually thought about what the beacons would do about the webway. I just thought of them as an interim measure meant to amplify the astronomicon until the Emperor's webway project was complete.


@Mikhal: so the WoL might not have their primarch during the later parts of the Scouring?

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@Mikhal: so the WoL might not have their primarch during the later parts of the Scouring?



Before I forget, quick note, given Gwalchavad's actions, he is definitely our Lion of BotL in terms of questioned loyalty. For the theological concepts, I'm definitely going to write something to the effect that he appears to be two-faced. 

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Well i had planned to have gwal leave as soon as terra/solar/imperium is secured. We jave yet to decide when this will be. And ambigous figures are always interesting. And the two faced thing fits to the masked man. Mask on and off^^


Hmm..when the battle is over I could see niklaas or hec leading the forces. New warmaster? Don't know. Could be that the remaining primarchs decide that this title will never be goven to anybody again to honor alex sacrifice.


Maybe a council of the remaining primarchs and with direct votes? And if there is a tie they call forth someone from the council of terra?

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Not sure. The Emperor might have a few words before he's entombed. Actually, given the shorter period Malcador is on the Golden Throne, he might live for a few more seconds or minutes after his stint. 


What happens after Icarion commits seppuku? The word obviously spreads quickly...or does it? At the moment of Icarion's death, what is the state of the war?

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Which Primarchs remain after Terra? Niklaas, (Redd, of course not Redd! I meant) Hec, Yucahu and Azus, right? Yeah, there should be a fifth voice to form a council.

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