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Which Primarchs remain after Terra? Niklaas, Redd, Yucahu and Azus, right? Yeah, there should be a fifth voice to form a council.


Not just who is on Terra. What's the state of the Terran system and the legions? I know we have a couple of Loyalist legions are trying to flank the Traitors and battling out in the void. 


Then, how quickly does word of Icarion's death spread throughout the legions? How many Traitors are able to escape the Sol System, who among the Loyalists give chase and who stays?

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Majority of the Wardens chase. (shows gwal that they are warmongering brutes and he failed even more)


In canon as soon as horus died there was a fallback because the sons of horus withdrew. Will there be someting similar? I mean. Alexos is banned, raktra imploded. Icarion commited seppuku. Who else to lead?

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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The way I saw it, when Icarion commits sepuku, Hec is still holding Eternity Gate and standing over a badly injured Gwal. When the 'Serkers fall back, he'd give chase, I imagine only hearing of the Emperor and Alex's deaths later. Course all of that is during the closing stages of Terra, not after. Edited by Sigismund229
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Alright, so Hectarion and his Lions give chase with a sizable chunk of the Wardens of Light. Gwal and the Halcyon Wardens remain, the latter in mourning. It is in this same battle that Irvin Ruel finally falls in battle. He will be interred into a dreadnought, leaving Alkylles to become the new legion master of the Halcyon Wardens. 

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Which Primarchs remain after Terra? Niklaas, Redd, Yucahu and Azus, right? Yeah, there should be a fifth voice to form a council.


Not just who is on Terra. What's the state of the Terran system and the legions? I know we have a couple of Loyalist legions are trying to flank the Traitors and battling out in the void. 


Then, how quickly does word of Icarion's death spread throughout the legions? How many Traitors are able to escape the Sol System, who among the Loyalists give chase and who stays?



My post was refering to Mikhals proposal of having a Primarch council.


Predators are retreating though taking heavy casualties. Afterwards, the Legion itselfe ceases to exist a couple of months after Terra.                                                                                                                              


Maybe one of the Traitors might go the EC route, ignoring tactics and strategic targets, rather hunting civilians for their own amusement.

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Although Hec would likely reign in once he heard Alex was dead and the Emp. seriously wounded. At that point, it hits home just how badly he's "failed" in his own eyes. Everyone who really mattered to him, Daer'dd, Alex, Russ, Pionius and the Emperor is dead or as good as. Cue blaming himself for their deaths and to some extent the entire Insurrection(he'd feel he should have seen the signs of chaotic taint what with his being possessed(kinda)) and desire to make amends. Edited by Sigismund229
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I see a bond of friendship established between Gwal and Hec. They both failed their friends and yet both survived and both earned the respect of the other during the siege. Could be a great tale of two who weren't to keen of each other because of differing world views but in the end they understand each other.
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Also would Redd count as he is 'only' an Astartes?

Actually... why not a marine to take over, rather then a Primarch? This is a serious question - I think it would be refreshing to see some Primarchs, having recognised their failures, bow down to the Astartes. Obviously, the Primarchs wouldn't just relinquish command of their legions (at once) or sit around twiddling their thumbs after that, but they might turn to new pursuits that aren't always to do with all-out war.


Hectarion would probably go off on a Black Templar stint, being the bellicose :cuss that he is, but I could easily see Niklaas say, turn himself either to the pursuit of rebuilding, or the complete opposite and seek out witches, taking the head of the budding Inquisition or something. I'm not sure what Azus and Yucahu plan on doing, but I don't see them as overly concerned with running the Imperial warmachine on their own. Yucahu might attempt something with the Imperial Fleet, or else go on a Rogue Trading spree, taking off in the HDMS Enterprise to boldly go where no primarch has gone before.


Azus? I haven't the foggiest, sorry

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Oh, crap. Alex knows he's going to die and is still the most politically savvy Primarch. He'd probably set up a system or make an edict of what's to happen in the 'unlikely' case of his death. He'd also be able to communicate with the Emperor beforehand to work out a good system.


In that case, let's jump back to the scenario. The Emperor is crippled and deprived of speech, Malcador is only a few feet from Death's door, and Alex is outright dead. What does the Imperium need to survive the Emperor's 'death'? Since none of the Loyalist Primarchs can adequately fulfill his role as the Voice of Terra, the High Lords and the Council of Terra will resume their original role of being the political head of the Imperium, even if Alex tried to appoint an successor. So, to preempt the potential conflict, Alex will split the roles of Warmaster and chief political representative of the Space Marines, a synthesis only he could achieve.


Out of the remaining five: Hectarion, Azus, Gwalchavad, Yucahu, and Niklaas, Alex does pick Hectarion to succeed him as Warmaster. The Scouring will require an aggressive commander to retake the Imperium's lost territory from the counterfeit Imperium, and someone who has been able to pass every trial and temptation Chaos has sent his way. Niklaas and the Fire Keepers will be needed to repair and build the Imperium back up. Azus needs to stay out of the spotlight to do what he does best. Yucahu is personally recommended by Alex to be Hectarion's chosen successor and an unofficial deputy Warmaster of sorts to help keep Hec balanced.


That's the straight-up military succession. Politically, Alex formally inducts the Hands of Terra as an official subcommittee of the Council of Terra with the other Primarchs becoming official Hands (though they can still choose to be represented by one of their sons). They are to elect the High Lord of the Legiones Astartes, an actual space marine representative to ensure a voice on the Council. The appointment is to last for a century. 


How does that sound?

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Regarding Hec he would certainly fit the bill for an aggressive commander. However, I feel it would chafe that the politicians rule the Imperium instead of the warriors who spend their blood rebuilding it and the only thing that would stop him just bursting into the Council of Terra and saying "We're in charge now, pack your bags and leave" and making the War-Council the prominent ruling body of the Imperium would be a respect for Alex's wishes and the possibility of another civil war.
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Maybe one of the Traitors might go the EC route, ignoring tactics and strategic targets, rather hunting civilians for their own amusement.

This could very well be the Godslayers, and in fact having portions of the legion go hunting for civilians would probably be a smart move for the traitors as it would mean they'd be able to bolster their ranks.

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The loyalists have to decide:


Split their forces to protect the innocent and prevent their zombie fate or concentrate their forces and prepare themselves for a World War Z like flood of undead


Lovin' it. :D

Edited by Kelborn
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Is there any plans for an event to occur at the Signus Cluster? If not, and if nobody else minds, I've got plans to use Signus Prime as the setting to something I'm currently writing for the Warriors of Peace.

FYI, and I don't know if this is relevant, the WoP and the FK meet on the day of revelation.

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Well they are all Gods of War, so I don't think it's unfair to use it in part; But! I do however think that finding their humanity, their quirks, their other lives is what gives them serious depth. It's like the Superman issue of "he can't be beat what's the point? That's boring" but in the right hands, he might be the most absolutely interesting character in all of comics, because you can focus on his love, his loneliness, him having to be careful not just break reality and how he copes with all of that.


And with Primarchs, it's the same because until the Insurrection they can't be beat. Hell our biggest, baddest, strongest Primarch is the first to die, which makes for great drama for all of Humanity because it shatters the hope of the Primarchs, that the Imperium is immortal because it's led by 21 gods (counting the big E, Malc, and Valdor). But that's gone. So once that's off the table we really get the truth of our Gods of War, Alexandros' garden, Pionus' sister, Andezo's paranoia, Daer'dd's family. But they still do need to be Gods of War; and I commend everyone on this because we're not just writing bolterporn or this simply for the sake of cool. This has become an amazing tragedy, a great drama. We might not be the finest wordsmiths, but I'll be damned if this isn't a beautiful narrative.

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. . . Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I can see, each and everyone of us wants to give their primarchs a good character development.


Just the term God of war is a bit bland. There are other ways of describing it appropriately. Everyone knows that a Primarchs is a beast on the battlefield. Rather point out their individual skills or something similar.

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