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I think all the moderators and administrators are helpful and would be happy to answer your questions. If they think it's worth creating a sub-forum than great. If they don't think so then they'll let you know. A quick PM won't hurt anybody in any case.

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Sorry, don't know really. I've seen Brother Tyler, Inquisitor Kravin and Vash113 posting recently, and Brother Argos for the fund rush, so probably one of those three (they're the only Lexicaniers I know of, but since I'm only starting out I don't really know).


If they aren't the ones to ask, they'll no doubt point you in the right direction.


PS: of course, I have to remind people reading the thread that we mustn't plague the admins and moderators either, they've got a :censored: of a lot of work on already and they're doing a fine job of it.

Edited by Lord Thørn
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So I painted 3 models for the brotherhood of the lost, a holycon warden, a berzerker of Uran and a Iron bear


Enjoy! (It's not my best painting, I just did these for fun and for hobby sake :P )




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How about we re name the Corvus pattern somthing like "Vengeance pattern" to reflect it coming into use during the scouring?


In fact, "Corvus"/"vengeance" pattern could be totally different, since Corax's legion doesn't help field test it, it might have completely different features that the Raven Guard wouldn't have requested.


I was also thinking that if you want to write a Codex Astartes equivalent, it could be a "simple" space marine rather than a Primarch. It could also be something originally written by one of the secessionist legions.

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I forgot to tell everyone my colour scheme, didn't I. Piss.


Okay, coal black with grubby grey-white arms and shoulder insides, with dark gunmetal trims and crimson eye lenses. Think Iron Hands crossed with Raven Guard. MkV, please!

Edited by Raktra
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I've been thinking about the possible variants of Power Armour that these Legions could have. Well, two possible variants anyway:

  • "Duellist" pattern:
    • Specifically thought out for Assault and Despoiler marines, though can obviously be used by tacs and devastators etc.
    • Reinforced armour down left hand side (pauldrons, vambraces, greaves) for the close combat weapon wielding arm, which is also the side facing enemy when firing a boltgun.
    • Right hand side integrates additional stabilizers (for the boltpistol aim), but is more fragile than on Maximus armour.
    • This assymetry and the lop-sidded gait of so-equipped marines are very distinctive.
  • "Void" pattern:
    • Mainly in use by the 3D combat specialists (Drowned, Void Eagles and Voidborn)
    • Void hardened armour with extra jets and oxygen stores, for use in marine and void environments
    • Vambrace integrated weaponry as standard on right arm, avoiding the deadly chance of dropping it, as well as leaving the arm free, which is especially important in such environments. Usual possibilities are bolt pistol, las-cutter and melta-pistol, but don't provide an extra attack in these cases.
    • Since the armour is optimised for withstanding pressure differences, it is one of the more fragile armour patterns, and integrates less sensory enhancers
    • but the increased mobility in specialist environments is highly valued by the 3D combat legions.

Feel free to ignore these, but I was thinking that some of the legions would prefer these to the corvus pattern with its enhanced sensor arrays, that aren't especially useful for them.



I've also thought that if you want to keep mkVI similar to its canon incarnation, it could be fielded by the Stygian Jackals (who would also like the sensory arrays), and so it could be called "Jackal"/"Jackel" pattern - I don't feel "vengeance" really fits if the mkVI arrives earlier than the scouring like in canon-verse.

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