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It's a list of the rules that a Praevian Consuls passes over to it's Battle Automata bodyguard unit. Usually its a slightly modified version of one of the Legion's special rules.


The issue with the list is that we need the Legion rules for each BotL Legion, assuming we intend to put them all in at once. We could split it up so that each book has the Praevian rules for the legions included in it I suppose

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It's a list of the rules that a Praevian Consuls passes over to it's Battle Automata bodyguard unit. Usually its a slightly modified version of one of the Legion's special rules.


The issue with the list is that we need the Legion rules for each BotL Legion, assuming we intend to put them all in at once. We could split it up so that each book has the Praevian rules for the legions included in it I suppose


Except we don't have all the canon rules either. Perhaps the next book will show how a new Praevian legion specialty will be included?

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Fair point. I'd also like to mention that I've been making a couple of additions to the Pariah special rule. Mostly to make it possible to make the Sisters Psychic Abomination rule. I understand that the 30k rules for them will be previewed in next months White Dwarf, so I will post something once those become available online, but I have some bits put together based on their 40k rules.

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Been thinking about what might mark the point where certain parts of the Mechanicus really took against the Technocracy. I'm thinking either they realise that the Technocracy treat technology in a humanist way, seeing it as a product of the maker's ingenuity (if there's any spiritual aspect to it, then it's a pronounced regard for their forerunners). Alternatively their "Fabricator-Consul" might say "innovation" like it's not a dirty word.
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Brothers, it's official. I've checked the Facebook message and his profile. Invictus has not answered and has not returned to B&C since late September. I'm afraid we must consider him Lost at this point. 


Therefore, the Stygian Jackels and their Primarch, Willym Jackel are to be removed from our canon and replaced with a new legion. 


As last time, our consideration for a replacement legion will take place in phases. Our Auxilia will get first choice. That includes Lord Thorn, Bluntblade, SanguiniusReborn, and Talonair. Unlike last time, we will not expand, until we've heard from each one of these four, so that no one is accidentally left out.


If all four reject the option, then we'll move onto Legion Allies, which is where I put Apologist. Mostly because I'm not sure if he fits the term Auxilia, but wanted to give him some kind of deference since he has been part of the project for a month or two now.


If he rejects the option, then we'll expand the offer to beyond the project. I'm already aware of two petitions from this 'ring', for lack of a better word. So, I doubt we will make it past this one, but if we do...


Then we'll consider a current Legionnaire's request for a second legion. No third legions.


Let the discussion begin! 

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Crap, what a shame. :/


Right from the start, I don't desire a second legion. I don't have enough time to cover that as well. Though I do have an idea for a new legion which can be used.


I'm for auxiliaries or someone new. Second or third legion should be the most desperate solution.

Hope that we can solve this rather quick.

Edited by Kelborn
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Actually, while I'm at it, Skal and Squig, any desire to pass on one of your legions to someone else?

There's too much I need to write before I can safely transfer control of a legion yet (and the choice of which I'd relinquish is really hard).



It's alright Skal, I'm not saying you have to give up a legion. I'm just asking if you want to give up a legion.

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Sorry, I'm still not going to commit myself to a legion. I'm well aware of the level of commitment would be needed and the level of commitment you have all given the project, and, well, I'm just not ready for that. It wouldn't be fair for the project and it wouldn't be fair to you all.


I am prepared to give a bit of a helping hand for ideas and stuff though :smile.: Steampunk could indeed be cool, but I think certain other members of the project (Sigismund, I mean Sigismund) will explode if we don't hear out a few more of their ideas for a legion ^^


Just to be sure: the Jackals were a loyalist legion right? Would that mean that the new legion would have to be loyalist too? Or could they be part of the Suzerainty? Or, thinking rrriiiiiight out of the box, they could be an entirely shattered legion even before the insurrection, allowing more people to do whatever they want with them? (although that would imply no new primarchs)

 EDIT: Actually, we do need to keep the new primarch, to make Daer'dd's death more meaningful. However, he can still be exiled from his own legion :devil:





Otherwise, at one stage I was thinking a gunslinging cowboy primarch could be cool... I really don't know why, since I don't like cowboys, but Steampunk Cowboy legion has a certain ring to it :wink:

Edited by Lord Thørn
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The Jackals were traitors, attacked the Eagles during the Day of Revelation, as years passsed the Jackel got annoyed at Icarion repeating the same patterns as the Emperor and went blackshield, carving their own kingdom on the fringes, and their primarch was the only one still alive and non-daemon by M41
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The Jackels are Traitors turned Renegades, so they offer plenty of flexibility as for as allegiances. Even then, I think we might be able to handle a potentially Loyalist Legion. The sheer amount of defections from the Loyalist legions really gives Icarion an overwhelming advantage at the start.
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