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Well if we make it as far down the list as a Legionnaire taking on another Legion, I would like to put my name in for that. I have some ideas percolating still for a Legion with close ties to the Mechanicum. They also sort of believe in the Flesh is Weak ethos, but their drive is to eliminate all emotion and operate purely logically. They are also heavily fleet based so they'd make a fairly sensible foil to the Void Eagles.

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A sword master legion would be cool. But that is a thrait which can be added to every legion soemone builts.


And please no more roman, greek, macedonian style legion. Also no asian as we have already japan, china and a korean- malaysian-gaelic-bling perversion.


Spanish or portuguese or renaissance themed would ne ace. But i am looking forward what will be.




Or other way: who wants to ask AD-B if he wants to fill in the legion? ^^

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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A pirate legion. Fleet based and always trying to plunder the nerith factories of the lions^^


That would be cool.



And Borg x Space Marines? Tell me more, that sounds....crazy.


And Sig, no more pariah legion. But the masked guy was cool although he seemed a psyker and there is only enough space for one masked avenger^^

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And Sig, no more pariah legion. But the masked guy was cool although he seemed a psyker and there is only enough space for one masked avenger^^

As I said, by melding some bits and dropping others they would be neither pyskers nor pariahs. I thought I could incorporate the being able to see the future but in the same way that Curze can. He dreams of the future and the meaning of his dreams isn't always clear. And I could give him a twin brother. But let's wait for the other auxilia to speak before going any further with that

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Imagine the Legion Inkspillers come to live. Warrior scholars who accompagny the other legions and write about their deeds. Even better than any remembrancer because they are fighters as well and know exactly how things work on a battlefield. Their ultimate goal# a complete history of the great crusade and a nin influenced view on the insurrection. A tale of swords and souls, eternally retold.
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Helterskelter has a draft of a Legion that are, for lack of a better description, Borg x Space Marines = horribleness.

And Borg x Space Marines? Tell me more, that sounds....crazy.


I once had a sort of similar idea, inspired by the Corax Coup, where Alpharius Omegon land on Medusa but as they defeat Asirnoth one of the twins gets dragged into the lava with the wyrm saving his brother, getting turned into an inanimate silver statue as a result. The surviving sibling is ridden with guilt over this a becomes horribly obsessed with seeking out technology that could "cure" his brother, egged on by infrequent blackouts and sensations of suffocating that he thinks is what his brother's feeling.


Admittedly it was a more Deus Ex-esque cybernetics-heavy Legion with a very "Information is Power" approach eventually progressing into Tzeentchian traitors with Borgish overtones after their Primarch is tricked into performing a ritual that he's been told will free his brother, only to instead allow a Daemon to possess the nigh-invulnerable silver body C'tan-style. The Daemon this kills the Primarch and takes his place, secretly usurping command of the Legion.


I posted a short-ish story of it in the Fanfiction section with some explanation of the concept if anyone's intrigued by it, I'm more than happy to offer up the general idea for the Project. Here's a link to the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/310550-srs-what-if-primarch-stories/?do=findComment&comment=4273069

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