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I'm reading a lot about techno-borg-steampunk and the like.


IF someone of us decides to do that legion, we already have a direction. :)


But only if one without a legion wants to take the seat of Invictus.

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I asked for Raktras Shephards Dark Souls heritage^^



But Nate is good too. How about what we call Raubritter. Those were Knights during the medieval times who well, ravaged the land although most of them were of noble heritage. but what can you await, if they come back from a crusade and find themselves stripped from all their titles because they were deemed dead.



Concerning Switching sides: If we have the other way around that the Knights of Nate change from traitors to loyalist, it could lessen the impact the switch of the predators fro loyalist to traitors have. also it kinda takes away from the suzerainty leaving the clutches of icarion. we repeat ourselves which could look like we don#t have anymore ideas.


PPS: We forgot Sete^^

Ooo, well let's put it this way - The Shepherds are the knights of Gwyn BEFORE everything went horrible, the 'serkers are the after ;)

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If we do make it back to the Legionaires "ring", I've had an idea mulling around for a very techno-barbarian, John Blanche-inspired legion. But I wouldn't want to stretch myself too thin between the Warriors of Peace and the artwork, since that wouldn't be fair to you guys, so I won't push for it unless you folks approve.

that sounds kinda interesting.
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I would be down.


I'd probably keep the Jackels name and colors and what not. I'd fiddle around with their backstory and their ideals AMD what not.


I would either try and keep them somewhat true to their original ideals/style or I would turn them more cheekish, rude, superior. Sort of insult your honor and challenge you while the rest of the squad surrounds you and guns down your friends.



Contemplating a very structured family with murder being allowed as an advancement policy.

Edited by Generalripphook
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Ripphook has affirmed his candidacy. As an Auxilia, your entry will be given more weight than the other rings. 


That leaves Apothecary Meros and Talonair to voice their candidacy. 


At the 12-hour mark, I will contact those two via PM, along with the Allies. 

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Don't want to be rude but the pirate kingdom thing will be taken over be the traitor predators, namely the Soul Eater tribe. :smile.:



A pirate legion. Fleet based and always trying to plunder the nerith factories of the lions^^

The Void Eagles already kinda fill that niche. They are inspired by maritime culture as a whole, but each sub-fleet is a different interpretation of the concept. Fourth Fleet are the "ramshackle soviet spaceship filled with dangerous experimental tech", Fifth Fleet is full pirate (to the point where their admiral is Albator/Harlock), Fifth are cannibal raiders, and Ninth Fleet is the very rational, analytical, boring aspect of modern naval warfare.


Or you know... there's also the Drowned? :P



Helterskelter has a draft of a Legion that are, for lack of a better description, Borg x Space Marines = horribleness.

And Borg x Space Marines? Tell me more, that sounds....crazy.

I once had a sort of similar idea, inspired by the Corax Coup, where Alpharius Omegon land on Medusa but as they defeat Asirnoth one of the twins gets dragged into the lava with the wyrm saving his brother, getting turned into an inanimate silver statue as a result. The surviving sibling is ridden with guilt over this a becomes horribly obsessed with seeking out technology that could "cure" his brother, egged on by infrequent blackouts and sensations of suffocating that he thinks is what his brother's feeling.


Admittedly it was a more Deus Ex-esque cybernetics-heavy Legion with a very "Information is Power" approach eventually progressing into Tzeentchian traitors with Borgish overtones after their Primarch is tricked into performing a ritual that he's been told will free his brother, only to instead allow a Daemon to possess the nigh-invulnerable silver body C'tan-style. The Daemon this kills the Primarch and takes his place, secretly usurping command of the Legion.


I posted a short-ish story of it in the Fanfiction section with some explanation of the concept if anyone's intrigued by it, I'm more than happy to offer up the general idea for the Project. Here's a link to the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/310550-srs-what-if-primarch-stories/?do=findComment&comment=4273069


Oooh, I had a somewhat similar idea with a "Sanguinius" arriving on medusa and being dipped in the wyrm's blood, and he becomes "Argentelus", the Silver Angel, but with a much more emo/depressed bent...

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Don't want to be rude but the pirate kingdom thing will be taken over be the traitor predators, namely the Soul Eater tribe. :)




A pirate legion. Fleet based and always trying to plunder the nerith factories of the lions^^


The Void Eagles already kinda fill that niche. They are inspired by maritime culture as a whole, but each sub-fleet is a different interpretation of the concept. Fourth Fleet are the "ramshackle soviet spaceship filled with dangerous experimental tech", Fifth Fleet is full pirate (to the point where their admiral is Albator/Harlock), Fifth are cannibal raiders, and Ninth Fleet is the very rational, analytical, boring aspect of modern naval warfare.

Or you know... there's also the Drowned? :P



Helterskelter has a draft of a Legion that are, for lack of a better description, Borg x Space Marines = horribleness.


And Borg x Space Marines? Tell me more, that sounds....crazy.


I once had a sort of similar idea, inspired by the Corax Coup, where Alpharius Omegon land on Medusa but as they defeat Asirnoth one of the twins gets dragged into the lava with the wyrm saving his brother, getting turned into an inanimate silver statue as a result. The surviving sibling is ridden with guilt over this a becomes horribly obsessed with seeking out technology that could "cure" his brother, egged on by infrequent blackouts and sensations of suffocating that he thinks is what his brother's feeling.

Admittedly it was a more Deus Ex-esque cybernetics-heavy Legion with a very "Information is Power" approach eventually progressing into Tzeentchian traitors with Borgish overtones after their Primarch is tricked into performing a ritual that he's been told will free his brother, only to instead allow a Daemon to possess the nigh-invulnerable silver body C'tan-style. The Daemon this kills the Primarch and takes his place, secretly usurping command of the Legion.

I posted a short-ish story of it in the Fanfiction section with some explanation of the concept if anyone's intrigued by it, I'm more than happy to offer up the general idea for the Project. Here's a link to the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/310550-srs-what-if-primarch-stories/?do=findComment&comment=4273069

Oooh, I had a somewhat similar idea with a "Sanguinius" arriving on medusa and being dipped in the wyrm's blood, and he becomes "Argentelus", the Silver Angel, but with a much more emo/depressed bent...

Like a certain Horseman!

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Hey everybody, generally new to the forum but I've been working on a homebrew Legion myself and I heard there was a possible opening in your guy's alternate universe. If that is the case I'd like to suggest my Paladins of Midterra as a possible canidate. My Primarch is Amarthanar the Blind. To give you a good idea of the legion here are a few cliff-notes:

* Follows a strict code of honor called the Paladin's Code

* Superlative city and low visibility fighters due to geneseed trait

* Primarch design based on the High Priestess card in the Tarot.

* Have a traditionally strong Pyker presence within the Legion and the population of their home world.

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Ugh, why does everyone have to be so infatuated with filthy witches. (Screams silently)

Were you a Black Templar in canon?


Anyway, Andezo of the XXth is our blind one. Not sure why he's blind. He belongs to Kelborn.


And those are definitely some handy skills. If you don't become a Legionnaire, there's always the Auxilia.

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Just happy to be considered. As an added note to consider, I'm a freelance writer and a commissioned painter so there's more than a few things I could contribute to the project.


Just curious, who's you're blind primarch and what is the condition of his blindness?

His name is Andezo Sambedi, Baron of Mardum, the lord of the Predators


He lost his normal eyesight early on when his incubator pod travelled through the warp. As he stayed longer in the immaterial than his brothers, the protecting feller field of his pod became weaker, enabling the dark gods, especially Tzeentch to change him and his fate.

Instead of a normal sight, he was "blessed" with an aura sight, enabling him to sense demonic auras and see the autas of those arround him (their souls, emotions, etc. mixed into them).


You can also have a look in my thread about the XXth Legion. :)

Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Edited by Kelborn
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If you're now accepting of applicants, I wouldn't mind throwing my Brazen Bulls into the mix - A Legion inspired by Graeco-Indian, Graeco-Bactrian, Pontic and African cultures. They rule over an area of space called the Tauromachy of Pont, and their Primarch is Aniketos Maur - The White Bull, The King in the Stars, Holder of the World, who all in all, is a pretty complicated guy. He's a politician and a warrior, a saviour and a conqueror - A patrician of the arts, a man fond of singing and poetry, but fonder still of butchery and gladiatorial games. His adopted mother exiled him as a child, hoping that the wilderness would kill him - But that fails, and he returns with steel in his hand and blood in his mind. He overthrows his adopted mother and brother, has them killed quietly, and goes on to subdue the surrounding cities and, eventually, worlds. Mithraic Kaur, his right-hand man, becomes his First Captain.


Their tactics consist, largely, of a Bull's Head movement. Heavy Companies - Terminators, large amounts of tanks, Dreadnoughts - Form the chest and head, and allow the enemy to fall upon them - Whilst the Horns, the Assault Companies, envelop them. It means the Bulls suffer large amount of casualties, often, but Maur doesn't really care. The end justifies the means. They pour libations to the Emperor before each campaign, and also sacrifice bulls on an altar - They venerate him, the common Legion, but Maur and his elite don't. There's a religious divide between the Primarch and his Legionaries, something that he hasn't bothered quelling - It's far too trivial for his concerns. 


Mithraic Kaur leads the Bull's Head, Harsha Soter performs the rank of Second Captain and holds sway over the First Horn, whilst Shaka Kinnaras lords over the Second Horn. Their flagship is the Poison King, although Maur prefers to spend his time aboard  the swifter Starsnake.

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Bulls are sacred in the Tauromachy. Aniketos has cultivated a breeding program of them - Those worlds which he conquers, he seeds with Tauromachian ideals; and that means the integration of bulls. Statues, paintings, the real thing - Aniketos has gutted a cruiser, Mother Of Worlds, and converted it into a breeding farm. He's a bit eccentric, but you don't tell that to someone with a penchant for having his enemies crushed, burnt and exsanguinated.

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Alright, time for bed. Before I turn in, I'm doing a Day 1 Recap:


Auxilia Ring -


SanguiniusReborn, Lord Thorn, & Bluntblade have withdrawn their candidacies.


Apothecary Meros & Talonair are undecided.


Generalripphook has put forth a continuation of the Jackels with some minor changes.


Ally Ring -


Awaiting PM responses from Apologist, Sete, and A D-B.


Xeno Ring - 


Reddragon has offered Brazen Bulls


TheBlindPrimarch has offered the Paladins of Midterra


ckpmax1108 has offered The Devoured


Nate has offered a 'Germanic Knight' Legion


helterskelter has offered the 'Borg Marines'


Legionnaire Ring -


Grifftofer has a Fleet-Based, Mechanicum-loving, Flesh is Weak Legion


Kelborn has offered a 'Steampunk' Legion


Drakzilla has offered a 'techno-barbarian, John Blanche-inspired' Legion


Extra -


SanguiniusReborn has offered a legion concept of 'Deus Ex-esque cybernetics-heavy' Legion.



Good night, everyone. Don't destroy anything until I get back.

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A D-(sprays tea) ... seriously?


Has Helterskelter posted about his Borg Marines? If not, I'll track him down and grill him.


The Paladins of Midterra have a thread, right? I'll look there, do The Devoured have one as well?


Sangi, I had worries that your idea would amount to Chaos Iron Hands, but you have me intrigued now.

Edited by bluntblade
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Hell yeah, Simi is serious. Haven't expected that as well, :D


Helter did post something like a summary previously in this thread.


Paladins and Devoured got threads, correct. Devoured are in the WIP part and the Paladins can be found in the Special Projects part.


Damn. this is getting very exciting. Can't wait for the result. ^^


Though may I through in my personal opinion?

It's not against Ripphook, it's just that I don't feel comfortable with someone using the Jackals without Invictus permission. I would be way more upset if someone would do that with my Predators instead of just replacing them. They were his project, his idea, his contribution. Think that a new legion would be the fairer solution. :/


Concerning my proposal.

It's not a whole concept like the others have it. It's just a mere idea of an AdMec aligned Legion which has closer bonds to Mars than to Terra. Basically Griffs idea if you want. Just thinking that a steampunk legion would be something cool to develop. :)

If we decide to choose a tech focused legion, maybe we could implement something steampunk-ish. In comparison to the others, I don't have a Legion concept like them.

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