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So you guys want a Legion that is not phariah or that does nor use psykers but needs to fall to tzeentch?

That makes things complicated for my Legion with a hint of what if... Lol

Edited by Sete
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A slaaneesh pariah legion where all temptations where not enough to still their desires. Could be interesting. But how come posting something like that is forbidden, but putting Raktra in a skirt is allowed? Strange world!!!!



Edit: Wasn't Andezo supposed to fall to Tzeentch? Amd falling to tzeentxh without beeing a psyker legion is not easy, although you could work on a conspiracy and manipulating theme here. But not secrecy, lying for power gains

Because one is a porn reference and not allowed by the rules the other is a dude in a skirt for giggles.



That was a rethoric question. But yes, will not happen again.



And yeah,, it is not a must for Tzeentch to have an army. as stated before, he influenced andezo, so maybe he will become his champion. But it is not a must. Sim seems to like the disbalance created here.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Tzeentch is the one and only Just as Planned guy.


Does he even need a Legion? Wouldn't it be more fitting for him to have his strings all across the Imperium, manipulating here, scheming there.


If necessary, these "cults" can rise to form a legion-esque force. :smile.:


The TSons aren't a Legion anymore as well. Dozens of warbands consisting of "one thousand" sorcerers and their rubric. Not quite what I would call a Legion. ;)


And yes: We need a separate thread for all volunteers and their concepts.

Edited by Kelborn
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Tzeentch is the one and only Just as Planned guy.


Does he even need a Legion? Wouldn't it be more fitting for him to have his strings all across the Imperium, manipulating here, scheming there.


If necessary, these "cults" can rise to form a legion-esque force. :)


The TSons aren't a Legion anymore as well. Dozens of warbands consisting of "one thousand" sorcerers and their rubric. Not quite what I would call a Legion. ;)


And yes: We need a separate thread for all volunteers and their concepts.

You summed up Sim's contingency plan - which is the event that would earn Legba the title of Deiciomancer.

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Well I pictured the Legion as being very practically minded, very ends justify the means, they willingly embrace cybernetics to make themselves more efficient at their paticular jobs but aren't flesh haters looking to rid themselves of weak meat like the Iron Hands, they just really want to make their papa Ygró proud. As they follow Ygró's secret objective to free Stereós (Ygró keeps his brother hidden out of shame, fearing his new family would blame & hate him as much as he does) they aquire tonnes of illegal Xenotech they study ravenously, allowing their tech to advance further than the rest of the Imperium's, as a result their implants and cybernetics are very modular and customisable to that Legionnaire's role and mission, including things like advanced neural networking between squads and individual squadmates to record and collate as much infomation as possible for research. This aids the Legion's modus operandi of electronic warfare, using their technological edge over Xeno races and the other Legions to observe, study, sabotage and then strike at the foe's weak spots with laser like precision and sledgehammer force.


Ygró would be easily swayed to the traitor's side with the promise of even more forbidden tech to study and support from the traitors' finest minds, eventually resorting to more esoteric methods as he grows more and more desperate, leading to Tzeentch snaking his way into things, perhaps Alexos, as a "fellow scientist" could start Ygró down this path?

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You gents are lucky. Not only am I awake an hour short of sleep, but my morning class is canceled. Thought about going back to bed, but wife is staying up, so I am too. Y'all should thank her.


Anyway, I agree that, given the large amount of responses, we should establish a thread for it.

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Now should we set up the thread or wair for simisons okay? maybe he has a complete other way of electing the new legion in mind. hope it doesn't contain a bat named lucille. EEEEENIIIEEE- MEEEEENEEEEE- MIINNNNIIEEE....

*sobs quietly*




What Slips said. Come to think of it, Raktra's skirt wasn't even that short

You should see the one I wore in real life.

And all in your prettiest dresses ;)


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If you want me to give more detail on borg marines I can flesh out the idea to give it a bit more weight

So long as you understand that it will be added to the Xeno category, then, yes, you can make your pitch.

Ah, I didn't realize Blunt. I thought they were just like an army of Paragon Shepherds (Mass Effect). I didn't sense any overtly knightly influence.

It's more in their conduct, I hadn't really made much of it with their appearance. The other big influence (from Raktra) is the Angels in Darksiders.


I'm hoping I can bring some of that through in their general fluff.


Edit: thoughts on potential Legions:


The Devoured interest me, and they could be handy for certain ideas Sim has. I do wonder how well they would fit into the Insurrection, though. That'll require a plausible way in which they avoid censure.


Paladins of Midterra: well they raise the question, are we specifically looking for a Legion to fill a gap among the Traitors? If so, the Paladins look like a square peg for a round hole.



That's where the challenge lies (and I do like a challenge). Having a incredibly plausible reason why The Devoured haven't been found out yet. Perhaps a highly tuned sense of deceit lying behind a perfect demigod smile? or just the sly cunning of a being meant to pass off as an ally of mankind?


There in-lies the limitations of a non-human creatures self-preservation system to continue a ruse, wherein the ultimate goal is incredibly in line with its nature.


Enlighten us Meros. As long as they are no killer clowns.



And so many new candidates...where have you been all the time?


Spasmodically floating though the endless horrors of the Immaterium, also known as deadlines in an Architectural field.

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When are we going to have this thread for submissions up? I've been considering ways to adjust my Paladins to fit into this round hole they seem unfit for, and then it hit me...What's more satisfying then getting to watch a Paladin fall from grace? Especially when he doesn't realize it's happening along the way? maybe masterminded by Tzeentch? I dunno, you guys tell me.

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Sooooo, Leman Russes. Does anyone know if GW ever created a prior name for them? Because they were around since the earliest days of the Great Crusade, and Russ doesn't show up for at least twenty years later. So, they had to have some kind of name back then, right?

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