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The Mars Alpha is just a specific pattern of Leman Russ though, just like there are Proteus pattern Land Raiders and the like.


You see, that's what I thought it was. Though it would be amusing to picture an Army regiment pinned down by Orks when the commander yells into the radio, "SEND IN THE MARTIANS!" And then a wave of tanks come over the hill.


I did some research, but I can't tell you just how little info is out there. Ironically, the most informative link was a B&C thread started by our very own Demus. The two theories are that the Space Wolves found the STC or saved a forgeworld where it was mass produced.


So, we have two questions to answer. One, which origin story do we choose? Two, which legion is given credit?

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Except the Proteus isn't a pattern in the same way as the Leman Russ. The Proteus is a separate variant with different wargear and options to a Phobos/Achilles. In the same way that a Leman Russ Executioner and Exterminator variants have different wargear.


Leman Russ and Land Raider are the type. Executioner/Phobos are variants on that type rather than patterns.

Edited by Grifftofer
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I thought the Leman Russ was named after him while he was still an Imperial army commander way back when and not even a Primarch.


Yes, that's where the fluff originated. The reasons for the renaming though were less set in stone and extremely hard to find any concrete evidence of.

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@grifft: The Proteus has a variant armament and function, but is still technically a pattern of Land Raider. Perhaps a better example would have been the Deimos pattern predator. The name just indicates a different manufacturer or make.


As for what to call our "Leman Russ"...Why not continue the mythical creature naming convention that Imperial guard tanks seem to have, and call it something like the Cerberus, or Manticore?

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Yes, Orthros is basically a two-headed dog.


Nemean from the Nemean Lion I presume? Have a soft spot for that thing.


Some others:


Pallas, Argus, Echion, Gigant are all basically names of Giants

Keres is a spirit of violent death



Though Argus would be perfect for a monitoring system as its a giant with 100 eyes.

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