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Seeing as this needs an overhaul anyway:


is there any chance, Drak, that you might be able to draw your design for a Scion's helmet over his standard one?

Can anyone else think of things we ought to add, besides a Predator and whoever our new XVIII are?

White faceplate on the 'serker.

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Seeing as this needs an overhaul anyway:

is there any chance, Drak, that you might be able to draw your design for a Scion's helmet over his standard one?


Can anyone else think of things we ought to add, besides a Predator and whoever our new XVIII are?

White faceplate on the 'serker.
I believe the warriors of peace generally have red trim now, and there may be a way to give the black a lacquered effect


Can you please remind me of the name of the soft? :)

Edited by Lord Thørn
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Oh cool, we're back online. The only thing I can see on the image is that the Serpents colour scheme has changed very slightly since then (I.e. closer to the model in the first post of the thread), but that change is pretty small.


Now to catch up on the other threads...

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Skal has identified the painter previously used for our Legionnaire pictures: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282304-chapter-generator/


If Drak's keen and not totally buried under his workload, Thorn might be able to whip up a specific one for our use (Scion helmets, WoL skirts and all). But in the meantime if anyone's keen to use that one and make some fresh example Legionnaires for us, that'd be brilliant.


On the Book 1 front, what's our next step?

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Skal has identified the painter previously used for our Legionnaire pictures: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282304-chapter-generator/


Ah cheers, ill have a mess round with that first ^^


To be clear, if i do get a painter together, it wouldn't be just for this project, but certain elements would indeed be for the botl

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Damn. I was worried I'd misunderstood the criteria


Skal has identified the painter previously used for our Legionnaire pictures: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282304-chapter-generator/

Ah cheers, ill have a mess round with that first ^^

To be clear, if i do get a painter together, it wouldn't be just for this project, but certain elements would indeed be for the botl

Omg omg omg. Wardensmaska and tonfas.!!!


Team Sangi:


Was the name Silver Scorpions the final name? Because we have the Scorpion kin in rhe Cognis and Scorpion among the Wardens. kinda crowded

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Skal has identified the painter previously used for our Legionnaire pictures: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282304-chapter-generator/

Ah cheers, ill have a mess round with that first ^^

To be clear, if i do get a painter together, it wouldn't be just for this project, but certain elements would indeed be for the botl


Omg omg omg. Wardensmaska and tonfas.!!!


If Drak (or any other artist in fairness) can draw them - I have very little drawing talent :P I'm also thinking that weapons might work best when kept appart from the body, like FW do in Imperial Armour and Heresy books, simply because it's easier :P But if we can get some of the bits and bobs for the legions and some other organisations (NightGuard for instance), then that would be really cool :)

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Pionus, Kozja and the Jade General squabbling over a My First Science Kit, Azus attacking someone with deoderant, Kozja trying on dad's bling...

Yucahu playing with toy spaceships, Ka'wil sulking in a cupboard because no one else will play hide and seek... help, I can't stop
Hectarion ceaselessly shouting "This is Sparta!".
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