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Cpmax and I agreed that the Devoured will enter our realm as a cohort of the Predators.


I will integrate them as one of Mardums tribes. Though the will start as a normal tribe and we will implement the parasite / beast theme during the Insurrection.


Question is:

Shall he wait with creating a thread for his cohort until we will deal with them? Shall he post his stuff in my thread? Will there be a separate thread for all future cohorts like the Devoured or the Star Lords?


If the latter, I would likely start that thread to give him, Sete and those who wish a place to start. :)

Edited by Kelborn
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For now, keep it in the Predators thread to emphasize that they are still part of the Predators Legion. I want to try to keep the project synced on the Insurrection, so that we all start working on the Scouring/Division of the Legions at roughly the same time. 


Even then, there's plenty for him to do to establish the tribe's activity in the Great Crusade and the Insurrection.

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Cool. I will implement Meros Gunslingers and ask BlindPrimarch if the Paladins of Midterra want a place at the sun as well.


That makes:: apostles of light, grey wardens, legion of the damned, light crusaders, gunslingers,[paladins of midterra mayhaps], white templars, twilight knights. Illuminators, seekers, seekers of truth, peacekeeper, sun spears, peacemakers, pacififier and of course many others



=> until endtimes: "the unforgiven"


=> Endtimes: Wardens of Light once more after the Emperor "forgave" them

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If anyone has any ideas for Iron Bear cohorts I'd love to hear them so far I have The Stalking Bears, Leviathans, Iron Hawks, Iron Wolves, Totem Warriors, Thunder Lords, and the Sons of Daer'dd. And while I was thinking the Iron Bears might be hesitant in fully splitting this keeping a larger cohort of 50,000ish Iron Bears I've still got like 5-8 cohorts to form after the scouring.
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Currently planned cohorts:


Loyalists: remains of Phantom Blades & Storm Lords become the Storm Blades under the leadership of Thoruk


Traitors: remains of the Bloodhands & Spirit Breaker join Athrawes' Legion under the leadership of Legba


Renegades & Pirates:


The Black Condas tribe (nearly intact as they were separated from the bulk of the Legion for quite a while becomes the horrors of the void, the Devoured under the leadership of Severyth Cain.


remains of Soul Eaters, Goredrinkers & Skullrippers become the Black Raiders (name pending) under Shaka


Rest is annihilated. As the Legion ceased to exist, separate warbands are all that is left of Andezo Sambedis sons.

Edited by Kelborn
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As already stated several times, the Void Eagles legion is already cohort-ed since the late Great Crusade. The Morning Stars become a traitor warband, that's well-established. The Sons of Nothingness remain loyalist-aligned renegades for quite a while, being ratified as a formal Cohort only during the Third or Fourth founding. "Standard" second-founding cohorts I have already started to establish (and shall work further in dividing as the Insurrection goes) are the Ash Walkers, Blood Eagles, Burning Axes, Eternal Armada, and Brazen Eagles. There are vague references to a later-founding Stormbringers cohort somewhere, I believe.


But less talked about the future, I need knowledge of the "present". Knowledge of my legion's enemies. What is the XVIII doing on the Day of Revelation, is Nomus on good terms with Yucahu, and what did the proto-Suzerainists do to Azus?

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If anyone has any ideas for Iron Bear cohorts I'd love to hear them so far I have The Stalking Bears, Leviathans, Iron Hawks, Iron Wolves, Totem Warriors, Thunder Lords, and the Sons of Daer'dd. And while I was thinking the Iron Bears might be hesitant in fully splitting this keeping a larger cohort of 50,000ish Iron Bears I've still got like 5-8 cohorts to form after the scouring.

Which one did you have in mind for Nibaasiniiwi? I'd also meant to ask if any Dreadnoughts go to Successors besides the Bears cohort

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Nibaasiniiwi forms the Stalking Bears did you meant any of the Bears' secondary cohorts? If so absolutely about 50% of all dreads help found the new cohorts.


Also I think I might call any Bear cohorts Grand Wartribes just to show there is still a very strong presence of family between them.

Edited by Chief Captain Redd
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I need to check Scars again, but I recall Wraight giving them specialised voidbikes rather than jetbikes that were void-capable.


My main question, however, is whether some patterns might be better suited to frontal assaults. A destrier to the White Scars'... err, whatever sort of horse a Mongol army favoured.

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