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I don't know. I'm going to try to get some posting done, but I feel disoriented. Like, it's the weekend, and I don't have to do any work. But it's not. Also, it's also 40k day, so I'll be out for a few hours regardless.

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Enjoy. I was actually thinking a bit about the balance issues you encountered last time; do you reckon when all the Heresy stuff is published they might update it to make 30k armies competitive outside of their own subsection?


Also, I'm now even more glad I have this little refuge from political discussions than I was after the referendum. I think I'm going to need it.

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Enjoy. I was actually thinking a bit about the balance issues you encountered last time; do you reckon when all the Heresy stuff is published they might update it to make 30k armies competitive outside of their own subsection?


Also, I'm now even more glad I have this little refuge from political discussions than I was after the referendum. I think I'm going to need it.


Perhaps. Now that GW is handling some of the production, it might happen.


That bad, eh? I have mixed feelings about it since I enjoy talking about the subject but understand the potential volatility it might induce. If you ever get the urge to talk about it, I'm always up for a conversation about it in the PMs.  

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He bo. You mean those from mario? I am in contact with him and might grt some soon. He is very interested in our little project. Same as always: if we all order as team we might get a discount at least at the design stage.
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"Nibaasiniiwi had to pause for a moment to find the right words to describe a few hundred Orks’ heads exploding all at once. They seemed to suffice, and after he told how they had stood swaying, even as the gory mist had been blown away by the gale, he had to wait for a couple of minutes as Ellan was overcome by laughter. He thought that if she found this story so funny, then he really must find someone who could tell the tale of Alexandros and the looted tanks that he couldn't call Leman Russes any more."


You know the project has hit critical mass when it starts to reference its own in-jokes.

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I know that Mikhal, AO and I are buddies of each other.

Meros is also a buddy of Mikhal while Blunt and Griff are as well my buddies


Predators buddies: Mikhal (overall), Griff (rules), Blunt (fluff)

WoL: Kelborn & Meros

Eagle Warriors: Kelborn


That's what I'm remembering.

Edited by Kelborn
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While I'm awaiting Grifft's reply on the Bears, did Hesh pick a buddy?

Sorry. Been trying to sort my employment issues this week. So I've been a bit busier than normal. I have all the bits that Redd has sent me, but I've not gotten to adding them to the file yet. I've also been playing about to help my OCD feel better about the stat-lines/weapon profiles.

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While I'm awaiting Grifft's reply on the Bears, did Hesh pick a buddy?

Sorry. Been trying to sort my employment issues this week. So I've been a bit busier than normal. I have all the bits that Redd has sent me, but I've not gotten to adding them to the file yet. I've also been playing about to help my OCD feel better about the stat-lines/weapon profiles.



Thanks for the update. No rush needed, just wanted to know what was up.

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