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I just found out that


!!!warning!!! Spoilers for the Beast Arises series!!!

Ullanor becomes Armaggedon after the Beasts were defeated


Don't know if we had any use of it but we should keep in mind that they aren't seperate worlds anymore for our timeline and future content.

Edited by Kelborn
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That moment when you find out you should've been writing augmetic, not augmentic, all this time...

Yeah, it was a shock when I noticed it was written that way everywhere in official material.


Actually, in the french translations it is "Augmentiques" I believe :P

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Bare no mind. I'm merely cooling down with this exercise of the mind. 


I - Magus - Magnus

II - High Priestess - Icarion


V - Heirophant - Travier (?)


IX - Hermit - The Jade General

X - Fortune - Alexandros

XI - Strength - Daerd'd

XII - The Hanged Man - Andezo

XIII - Death - Raktra


XV - The Devil - The Jade General (?)


XIX - Sun - Niklaas

XX - Last Judgement - Leman Russ

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Strength is warm, active and expansive, yet also self-controlled, composed and compassionate. He will be an extremely solid and dependable character, who is at his best under pressure yet slightly at a loss when without a goal to work towards. A crisis focuses him excellently and he will immediately take charge, but under more relaxed circumstances he may become complacent.

Like Justice he is practically creative, though probably with a bit more of an eye for flair over functionality.

Despite his apparent solidness Strength will always keep half an eye on his brothers, seeking their approval and support. He is unlikely to voice opinions he feels will be unpopular, and might take the easy way out of debates by withdrawing or not engaging until the popular vote is already cast.

Strength forms a trio with the Emperor and Temperance, focused on action and identity. Temperance recognises the conflict between the individual identity and that of the cosmos, the Emperor forms and asserts identity, and Strength makes this identity stable and accepted by others. This trio in turn represents three aspects of the personality of the Last Judgement.

At best, warm, generous, compassionate, honest, enthusiastic, determined and authoritative.


At worst, self-centred, jealous, prideful, stubborn, boastful and with deep insecurities masked by overconfident and exhibitionist behaviour.




[Yeah, that does sound like Daer'dd. Does that mean he does have some secret insecurities?]

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At first I thought that Andezo would fit Temperance like the Khan but as it seems, the Hanged Man sounds more like him. Edited by Kelborn
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Hmmm - it's interesting trying to categorise mine now - I see elements of The Tower in Azus, but Koschei I'm not so sure about. It's kinda ironic considering Koschei started as the High Priestess and Azus as Fortune; both of which seem utterly out of place with their current characters.
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XII - The Hanged Man Character:

Regardless of what is going on under the surface, the Hanged Man will appear accepting, calm and unperturbed. There may well be a mischevious streak to his nature, though it will only show through to people who know him well. Yep, Andezo is quiet and distant to others but very closely connected to his own sons and those he trusts. Therefore, they would notice if something bears him down.


There is a lot going on under the surface, and when it does break through a complete change in character can be observed. This can be seen in the Culling of Strathos Secundes. Because of deceiving and lack of information, he orders his sons to purge an entire hive city although there are thousand of innocent civilians.

The Hanged Man is permanently on the edge of the abyss and can call upon, or accidently fall into, both the inescapable revolutionary power of Death or the fatalistic gloom of the Moon. He will be particularly intense in personality, usually manifesting as absolute calm and poise but also affecting his darker moments.  Uses psychic powers to fight chaos but is not able to see through the schemings and manipulations of the Dark Pantheon and their chosen Icarion. Dives into the darker side of his soul after joining Icarion and ultimately succumb to it after the Siege of Terra.


At best, calm, magnetic, influential, contemplative, and highly intuitive. More calm and intuitive than influential for sure


At worst, fatalistic, morbid, self-abusive, insecure, hesitant, and makes unnecessary sacrifices. Begins with the Culling and gets worse during the remaining Insurrection until it reaches its peak after the Siege.


Yeah, seems to fit him the most.



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