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Well Niklaas may well be the Sun. As funny as that is.


Interesting. I don't have a firm grasp on his personality, all I can remember is that he dislikes psykers. Maybe if I think of him as stubborn and stable it helps.

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Well Niklaas may well be the Sun. As funny as that is.


Interesting. I don't have a firm grasp on his personality, all I can remember is that he dislikes psykers. Maybe if I think of him as stubborn and stable it helps.

He's no fun to hang out with, but if you absolutely need something done, and done right, he's your guy.


Most loyal of friends. Most terrible of enemies.


I should write some conversation's between him and some other characters.


Just not Raktra.

Edited by Demus Ragnok
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Bare no mind. I'm merely cooling down with this exercise of the mind. 


I - Magus - Magnus

II - High Priestess - Icarion


V - Heirophant - Travier (?)


IX - Hermit - The Jade General

X - Fortune - Alexandros

XI - Strength - Daerd'd

XII - The Hanged Man - Andezo

XIII - Death - Raktra


XV - The Devil - The Jade General (?)


XIX - Sun - Niklaas

XX - Last Judgement - Leman Russ

I think I'd almost see Alexandros more in the role of The Empress than Fortune.


K'awil I'm not too sure of, it feels a bit of a cop-out to put him in The Moon, but it's an ok fit. I originally had him in mind for a broken Fortune, but that doesn't seem a great fit either any more.


Nomus would likely be either The Star or Judgement.

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I - Magus - Magnus

II - High Priestess - Icarion

III - Empress - Alexandros


IV - Emperor - ?


V - Heirophant - Travier (?)


VI - Lovers - ?

VII - Chariot - Gwalchavad (?)


VIII - Justice - Nomus (?)

IX - Hermit - The Jade General

X - Fortune - (?)

XI - Strength - Daerd'd

XII - The Hanged Man - Andezo

XIII - Death - Raktra


XIV - Temperance - ?


XV - The Devil - Yucahu

XVI - Tower - Hectarion

XVII - Star - Kozja

XVIII - Moon - K'awil

XIX - Sun - Niklaas

XX - Last Judgement - Leman Russ



I think I'd almost see Alexandros more in the role of The Empress than Fortune.


K'awil I'm not too sure of, it feels a bit of a cop-out to put him in The Moon, but it's an ok fit. I originally had him in mind for a broken Fortune, but that doesn't seem a great fit either any more.


Nomus would likely be either The Star or Judgement.



Really? What about Alex gives off more Empress vibes than Fortune?


Looking at both Kozja and Nomus, at this point, I think Kozja fits the Star to a tee. He believes he is doing great work for humanity, but in his personal interactions he's always aloof in his sense of duty-bound honor. That and how he is so focused on creating the one true legion that he only later realizes how much he was missing. 


As for Justice, Nomus is outgoing and friendly?



With his mental instability maybe Alexos Travier could double as The Moon too?


Except his mental instability is inflicted upon him via the Emperor.




Well, we've managed to narrow it down to just 9 more roles left. 


Would Gwal be a good candidate for the Chariot?


Would Koschei make a better Fortune that Alex? Or perhaps Koschei could fit Temperance?

Edited by simison
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Grifftofer, on 15 Nov 2016 - 10:55 AM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png


I think I'd almost see Alexandros more in the role of The Empress than Fortune.


K'awil I'm not too sure of, it feels a bit of a cop-out to put him in The Moon, but it's an ok fit. I originally had him in mind for a broken Fortune, but that doesn't seem a great fit either any more.


Nomus would likely be either The Star or Judgement.



Really? What about Alex gives off more Empress vibes than Fortune?


Well. Taking straight from the site:


Particularly magnetic and charismatic, and unlike those other of his brothers prone to gathering crowds of admirers (the Magus, the High Priestess, the Emperor and the Hierophant) he genuinely welcomes them rather than keeping them at arm's length. Due to desire for close emotional relationships but also for harmony, the Empress is at risk of surrounding himself most closely with sycophants (more by accident than by design). Generally though he will do his best to get along with everyone, though he might well take rebuffal of his advances badly. Emotional relationships are far more important to him than intellectual ones, and genuinely spiritual ones might take some encouraging.


Not shallow by any means, but can appear that way because he keeps nothing hidden. Very open and genuine, he is as he is right the way through. The only thing he keeps to himself is his lack of self-confidence, which he may not even realise. This stems from the fact that, rather than being self-sufficiant, he is overly reliant on his relationships with others for his sense of self and purpose.


Sensual, and an appreciator of beauty in all forms but also quite capable of finding beauty in most things. Probably has a touch of possessiveness towards both people and objects, and an unwillingness to let go of any connection he has formed.


Very accepting of other's idiosyncrasies, even if he doesn't personally understand them. Hates to see anyone unhappy or discontent, but will probably flounder if they don't respond to his usual methods of friendship and sympathy.


At best, open, friendly, idealistic but practically so, gregarious, and diplomatic. As close as you can get to a figure of the divine mother whilst being a demi-god death machine (and these two ideas aren't as incompatible as they seem).


At worst, materialistic, self indulgent, self-centred, overdramatic, overwrought and in short a screaming diva.

I've highlighted those parts that strike me as particularly strong parts of Alexandros's personality. He seems to draw more on the positive aspects of the Empress than Fulgrim, but that could be due to him not falling as Fulgrim did.



As for Justice, Nomus is outgoing and friendly?

Not really, but of the 'logical' types Justice felt closer overall than the Lovers. I guess others might have different ideas of course.



As for some of the other roles. I think that Hectarion would do well under either the Tower or Temperance.

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Ok. So sorry for the double post, but I have a bit of news to share. At the end of the month I will be starting a new job that will be taking up a fair amount of my time, thus I will be less available to push forwards with this as I have been up till now. I'm certainly not dropping out, just slowing down some (I'm not sure how much, due to there being large potential overtime options up till Christmas).


However, because of this, I will be trying to make as much progress as I can over the next 10 days or so. So if there are any bits people want me to add/change or look over now is the time to ask :)

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I - Magus - Magnus

II - High Priestess - Icarion

III - Empress - Alexandros


IV - Emperor - Morro (?)


V - Heirophant - Travier (?)


VI - Lovers - ?


VII - Chariot - Koschei


VIII - Justice - Nomus (?)


IX - Hermit - The Jade General

X - Fortune - Gwalchavad

XI - Strength - Daerd'd

XII - The Hanged Man - Andezo

XIII - Death - Raktra

XIV - Temperance - Pionus

XV - The Devil - Yucahu

XVI - Tower - Hectarion

XVII - Star - Kozja

XVIII - Moon - K'awil

XIX - Sun - Niklaas

XX - Last Judgement - Leman Russ



Still at it. I agree that Alex seems to be a better Empress than Fortune and moved him over there. I think Hectarion makes for the perfect Tower. Lastly, I think Pionus makes for a strong candidate for Temperance.


Off-hand, Koschei, Morro, and someone else that is currently escaping me have yet to be listed. Would Koschei or Morro fit the Emperor? 


For the Steel Legion and the Predators, can I have legion sizes to update the first post?

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If alexandros moved from fortune to empress, then gwal would fit again. He resembles the not so good things of fortune. Beeing to trusting and naive.



These are the major arcana on whom athrawes, sim and to my knowledge myself ( okay fitted it later) created our primarchs. Fair chance tgat the others built theirs also on that foundation.



By the way, not sure if leman russ should be the laat judgement in this reality too. It would fit to hectarion as well. Look for its description

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A quick bit of napkin maths (with my information showing the Berserkers at ~240K strength) suggests that if the Steel Legion have a strength of 110K+ it would be enough to give Icarion a +33% advantage in terms of marines under his command on the Day of Revelation. That feels like an advantage reasonable enough for him to start the hostilities, especially as he plans to ambush the loyalists too.


This would also put the nominal strength of the Suzerainty at around 300,000 (not including losses taken during the first half of the war). This also feels like a big enough number for them to be able to break away and form their own separate state.


As such I suggest that the Steel Legion be at least this strong (we would be in the bottom third of the Legions in terms of manpower at 110K).

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