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Do we have a legion that struggles to learn Gothic already?


Also, what would people think of me changing the Lions organizational terms(Brotherhood, Clan) to Braethreac and Cinnithaed in order to emphasise the difference in terms of organization between the Lions and other legions who have more standard organizations and also use those terms(like the White Scars using ordu instead of chapters)

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I have no problem. It will be in your organisation description so it will be clear what is meant. I should translate earth, roots, stem, branch, twig & leaf into gaelic. Do you use primarily welsh gaelic? Irish gaelic or scots gaelic? I use most kf the time scots gaelic and sometimes irish, never welsh.


By the way, wpuldn't it be funny if caerbannogi and mykenian share the same language.with different accents? ^^

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I have no problem. It will be in your organisation description so it will be clear what is meant. I should translate earth, roots, stem, branch, twig & leaf into gaelic. Do you use primarily welsh gaelic? Irish gaelic or scots gaelic? I use most kf the time scots gaelic and sometimes irish, never welsh.


By the way, wpuldn't it be funny if caerbannogi and mykenian share the same language.with different accents? ^^

I use primarily Irish gaelic and sometimes welsh but never scots so we've got it divided between us(although I normally alter it in some form or mash two gaelic words together) :biggrin.: Well maybe they were settled by people from the same region of Terra, who knows 

Edited by Sigismund229
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I have no problem. It will be in your organisation description so it will be clear what is meant. I should translate earth, roots, stem, branch, twig & leaf into gaelic. Do you use primarily welsh gaelic? Irish gaelic or scots gaelic? I use most kf the time scots gaelic and sometimes irish, never welsh.

By the way, wpuldn't it be funny if caerbannogi and mykenian share the same language.with different accents? ^^


I use primarily Irish gaelic and sometimes welsh but never scots so we've got it divided between us(although I normally alter it in some form or mash two gaelic words together) :D Well maybe they were settled by people from the same region of Terra, who knows

Imperial Gothic and the language of the Interex share words, so I don't see why they shouldn't

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If alexandros moved from fortune to empress, then gwal would fit again. He resembles the not so good things of fortune. Beeing to trusting and naive.



These are the major arcana on whom athrawes, sim and to my knowledge myself ( okay fitted it later) created our primarchs. Fair chance tgat the others built theirs also on that foundation.



By the way, not sure if leman russ should be the laat judgement in this reality too. It would fit to hectarion as well. Look for its description


Fair point, but rage is the key theme of Hectarion, which fits much better with the Tower.


Hmm, and you may be right that Gwal is a better Fortune, while Koschei is a better Chariot.


Also, I think Morro may make a fair selection for Emperor.


That leaves Azus to fill in for the Lovers, with an emphasis on his high adaptability, but his social skills are ruined by his fluid intelligence which makes him appear contradictory. Granted, I haven't seen a lot of characterization of Azus, so maybe I'm forcing him into this role, but I think it has real potential. 


So, here's my list as it stands now:


I - Magus - Magnus

II - High Priestess - Icarion

III - Empress - Alexandros

IV - Emperor - Morro 

V - Heirophant - Travier 

VI - Lovers - Azus

VII - Chariot - Koschei

VIII - Justice - Nomus 

IX - Hermit - The Jade General

X - Fortune - Gwalchavad

XI - Strength - Daerd'd

XII - The Hanged Man - Andezo

XIII - Death - Raktra

XIV - Temperance - Pionus

XV - The Devil - Yucahu

XVI - Tower - Hectarion

XVII - Star - Kozja

XVIII - Moon - K'awil

XIX - Sun - Niklaas

XX - Last Judgement - Leman Russ

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If I transfer this list on my real life, my family would be like


My wife: Perturabo / Yucahu

My son: Mortarion / Raktra

Myself: Alpharius & Omegon / Azus


I'm in the wrong family ^^

Ouch, you have my sympathies brother. :o

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It's funny. Try it for yourself. You'll see your family in a completely new way. ;P

My father would be Curze

My mother would be Lorgar if I'm remembering correctly

My brother in law would be Johnson

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Ok, I have (at long :cuss last) made a relic for the Mechanicum Abyssii. If I remember correctly, the list of required things for each faction was 3 Special Characters, 2 Unique Units, and 1 Relic/Unique Wargear option, with 3 other things selected from that list, as well as a Rite of War or equivalent. As it stands, the Mechanicum Abyssii have 2 Special Characters (I'm assuming Primarchs and Primarch-level characters aren't counted), 4 special units and 1 Relic.


I have yet to design their Rite of War equivalent (following the example set for the Mechanicum in the FW books, it will take the form of a unique Force Organisation Chart that grants some bonuses/penalties), and I need to decide on a third special character. Would people be more interested in an Ordo Reductor Archmagos, or a Myrmidax Archmagos?

Edited by Slipstreams
Use the :cuss emote, self-Censoring is against board rules.
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The Void Eagles almost exclusively talk in a simplified low gothic, their variety of birthworlds and original languages would make the legion unworkable otherwise.


Oppositely, the Warbringers speak High Gothic in public, but prefer to hold internal conversations in Ancient Strelian, a language few humans speak even on the homeworld. Kind of like Renaissance with Latin, or Rome with Greek. Hence the Strelified organisations and names. To the Imperium, they are the Warbringers, but among themselves they are the Voitely.

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It's funny. Try it for yourself. You'll see your family in a completely new way. ;P

My father would be Curze

My mother would be Lorgar if I'm remembering correctly

My brother in law would be Johnson

Okay, but how did you match each person to a Primarch? Star signs?

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It's funny. Try it for yourself. You'll see your family in a completely new way. ;P

My father would be Curze

My mother would be Lorgar if I'm remembering correctly

My brother in law would be Johnson

Okay, but how did you match each person to a Primarch? Star signs?



Huh, that would make me The Moon/Konrad Curze. I am the night?

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It's funny. Try it for yourself. You'll see your family in a completely new way. ;P

My father would be Curze

My mother would be Lorgar if I'm remembering correctly

My brother in law would be Johnson

Okay, but how did you match each person to a Primarch? Star signs?
As simple as it sounds, yes. I did it via star signs.

Lovers = Twins

Strength = Leo

Hermit = Virgin

And so on


The Predators prefer to speak Mardumian. They are able to speak Gothic fluent but with a heavy African / Jamaican accent. Same like the Scars, though open minded members enjoyed the language more, resulting in a "normal" way of speaking Gothic.

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Okay, after quickly consulting Google my results are thus:


Me (Pisces): The Moon (Konrad/K'awil)

My brother (Leo): Strength (Vulkan/Daerr'd)

My Dad (Scorpio): Death (Mortarion/Raktra)


Hmm, guess my family's not looking so harmonious either, huh Kel?

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Traitors star signs...Traitors star signs everywhere ^^

My son could've been Justice if he had been born earlier.

Though most of the stuff does indeed fit most of my family, some doesn't like my father being Curze. ^^

So there's still hope. :P

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I imagine Steel Legionnaires would technically be proficient in both Low & High Gothic, being able to share and learn that knowledge through the neural network, but dislike communicating verbally due to it being "slow" compared to their usual near-instant mental communications.
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