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That origin is far more cooler than the fire hawks explanation.




the use of valdor as assassin? That contradicts a bit with my personal view of the custodes and really? He sneaked her up in power armor? She must have a very deep sleep^^

Read up on the Blood Games the Custodes do for training. :p

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Indeed they are.

Though I agree on the fact that the Imperium is right about to collapse because of several, near unbeatable threats, the overall mood in those threads is close to nihilism. :/

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There are several ways in which this doesn't affect us.


As I've said before, our canon is an odd mishmash of several different editions of 40k. The term I've used to describe this is 1.5, but perhaps 2.5 would be more accurate. Regardless of the name, this idea has been shown a couple of different ways. The Emperor has been more upfront about daemons and Chaos, but he has still hidden the Chaos deities. This is a cross between his near-total ban on Warp shenanigans and his complete honesty of the earlier editions. Another example I intend to implement this style is with the Tau. When they were first introduced, they were actually a noble and bright faction with the GrimDark factor due to their situation. There were this bright star of hope and goodness utterly surrounded by this sea of enemies who could squash them with but a thought. This changed in later editions as the Ethereals were given a much shadier character, the sterilization practices came about, and so on. I intend to dial it back to the halfway point between the two interpretations.


Besides that, this is another Black Library book. As Blunt pointed out, that means there are several different interpretations that could be read into the Emperor's words. We know how BL works with its fluid canon.


On a third level, this is AD-B we're talking about. From my understanding, he typically places the Emperor in a harsh light, perhaps the harshest light possible, whenever he writes him. So, on this level, I could simply counter that I believe his interpretation is flawed based on potential biases or characterization, and my interpretation is the one this project is based on. Hence, my version of the Emperor is the true one for BotL, and AD-B's Emperor exists in a different universe.


All this to say is that Master of Mankind has as much impact on our canon as we allow it.

Ran out of likes: suffice it to say, good points :)


Also, no one has done anything wrong yet, but I'd like to remind everyone to keep using spoiler tags if you wish to continue discussing the book - I haven't looked forward to a book as much as this since the last asoiaf came out, which was... already a pretty long time ago :)

Edited by Lord Thørn
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It's too early in the war for a 'You Have Failed Me' scenario. Icarion is still the idealist at this point and wouldn't simply execute Hal. Which leaves either the Abyssii intercepting Hal or Hal surviving his way to the Traitor lines.


Talonair, I know you'd like the kill, and I think I'll give it to you but later. I'm not aware of any intense Mechanicum vs. Dark Mechanicum campaigns after the Martian Civil War (Which, I admit, could be simple ignorance on my part). Hal could be a reoccurring thorn in the Loyalists' side, and the Warmaster assigns Mortera's forces to countering the fallen Fabricator-General. This opens up several possibilities as far as I can see and allows Mortera to prove herself to the Imperium time and again, building up her reputation that she'll become the natural replacement to Kane. 

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Which makes me wonder at what the Mechanicum's situation is within the Suzerainty. I know the WoP have a bound forge-world, and have ideas for a schism on Caelenia which results in a Suzerainist victory after the Void Eagles try to intervene (stealing spaceships in the process). More on that when I don't have a microscope in front of my face, but if anyone (especially Drak and Sangui) has ideas for a Fabrikator-General of the third path, I'm all ears.



Also, do the Harbingers get Zhao-Arkadd psy-automata?

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It's too early in the war for a 'You Have Failed Me' scenario. Icarion is still the idealist at this point and wouldn't simply execute Hal. Which leaves either the Abyssii intercepting Hal or Hal surviving his way to the Traitor lines.


Talonair, I know you'd like the kill, and I think I'll give it to you but later. I'm not aware of any intense Mechanicum vs. Dark Mechanicum campaigns after the Martian Civil War (Which, I admit, could be simple ignorance on my part). Hal could be a reoccurring thorn in the Loyalists' side, and the Warmaster assigns Mortera's forces to countering the fallen Fabricator-General. This opens up several possibilities as far as I can see and allows Mortera to prove herself to the Imperium time and again, building up her reputation that she'll become the natural replacement to Kane. 


Sounds good to me. I do like the idea of Mortera as very much a wild card in the Great Crusade and Insurrection. She will very publicly declare for the Imperium, starting with every one of her Tech-priests that tries to turn traitor being 'made an example', however she'll always be a slightly shady character, very few people knowing if she's entirely on the level

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It would seem to me the loyalists greatest strength at the beginning is infact the Mechanicum forces considering that Mars is taken in favor, then we have the Three Fires and the Demiurg, Niklaas and the Fire Keepers, Mortera and so on. And interesting development I didn't realize was quite so great.
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I can certainly see the Abyssii fleet being something of a force multiplier. The Arks aren't just incredibly powerful warships, they offer what amounts to a mobile naval base in terms or refit, repair and rearming. Arks have been described in the past as being capable of housing Cruisers in their hangars, and with the onboard manufactories should be able to create replacement parts for damaged and worn ships

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Do we have a battle in which the Talons of the Emperor (Custodes & Sisters of Silence) participate? Something like Prospero? Edited by Kelborn
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I feel like the Martian civil war would be too chaotic and sudden for an attempt like that

Sorry, those sentences should have been seperate paragraphs. Alex is the only Primarch participating on Mars to the best of my knowledge. Icarion will be busy getting his Imperium Nova together.

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Is it to late to get in on this in an official capacity? If you guys are sticking with 18 legions or your too far into the narrative to add another legion at the current point in the story, I understand. I think this would be a great project to help with.


 Greetings Guardian. The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, it is possible to join the project in an official capacity, but not with a legion. Instead, we're open to people creating secondary forces, such as Mechanicum factions, Imperial Army regiments, Knight Houses, etc. If you specifically want representation as a Space Marine force, I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to create a Blackshield or flesh out one of the Insurgo forces, though the latter would require permission I wager. 


Or, if you're willing to wait, we're going to have plenty of opportunities when the legions are broken down into Cohorts/Chapters that it'd be more than possible for you to take an open slot there. 


Beyond that, we're always looking for new writers and artists, especially artists. 


How does that all sound to you?

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I'd like to say it's not that far away, but a more blunt answer is that we're looking at a couple of years, minimum. I limit how much development that happens outside the Insurrection so that the project doesn't lose focus and spiral out of control. We're looking in the ball park of 9 books, and we've only made progress on books 1-4. So, definitely much later.


Nobody has started a Blackshield force proper, so you'd be treading new ground. The Insurgos can offer some basic ideas, but, off the top of my head, you'll need to have some background info about how the Blackshield force came to be, what it's current mission is, and activities throughout the Insurrection. 

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From what little I can find I am assuming ghat the Blackshield are loyalists from traitor or hold out legions. If that is so, couldn't we form them into a sort of melting pot for those thst break away?


I'm thinking that they could be used as the "expendable" troops. They have more to prove since they left their original legions and formed together under a new banner. With that logic it is actually feasable to have a "chapter" sized fighting force with varied combat roles or specializations.


Mostly spitballing here at the moment, but they could even be called The Black Shields due to a use of a blank shield somewhere on their armor which is of course black. Maybe the shield itself is a prominent piece of war gear.

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Blackshields are actually a bit more than that.


They can be:

  1. Loyalists from traitor legions who cast off their colors.
  2. Traitors from loyalists as above
  3. Marines who went "Screw this" and decided to do things their own way.

And anything in between, really.

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I'd like to go the traitors who remained loyal route. Preferrably with the hodge podge of initial sources. Kind of like a warband, common goal with different backgrounds.


Are there any of you with traitor legions that would allow me to work with/off your legion to establish a force?

Edited by Celestial Guardian
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