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If I could just throw you some advice:

- any Loyalists that would be among the Berserkers of Uran broke away and became "Legio Auxilia" under the old VII Legion name of the Shepherds of Eden. They are all but wiped out roughly four years into the Insurrection, a fraction surviving under the leadership of Marshal Vyrn.

- the Godslayers might have Loyalist elements, but every warrior of the Legion is doomed to Nurgle's embrace

- the Warbringers have one definite Blackshields force, albeit one that wears their altered colours proudly

- the Eagle Warriors will have some Loyalists led by Takar (we're still debating the options for how they come to be)

- Harbingers are meant to have eliminated all theirs except for like three guys on Terra, however there's potentially room for some to grow disillusioned at some point.

- Grave Stalkers, I believe, are too small to produce a Loyalist force of any size, even before the Insurrection begins

- the Drowned, Warriors of Peace and the XVIII are as yet unspecified as far as potential Loyalists go

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What about the predators? As far as I recall their fluff, Andezo turned to Icarion while some of his sons where to far away and returned later to find their legion on the traitors side and a legion civil happened. There could be room for loyalist elements.
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They confront their brothers after the siege of Terra and the legion itself is so diminished in numbers and fractures into warbands and the like. Only one loyal faction exists: the Phantom Blades.


During the Insurrection, there is no blackshield force to work with.

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Oh, and hello too.


Yeah you could always come up with a blackshield force and leave their origins in the shade only leaving small hints. They can belong to more different legions. Maybe friends from different legions on different sides who decided to honor their friendship even more than their legion....hey...that gave me an idea^^

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The Godslayers have the Lost Brotherhoods, Terran Godslayer companies that went dark during the Great Crusade and returned to the Insurrection ready to fight against the Traitor Godslayers.


Likewise, as the Traitors turned toward daemons as auxiliary forces, some Harbingers would probably become disgusted and flee the legion before it gets worse.



Right now, I'm the de facto writer for the Harbingers, so I can give you the go ahead to use Harbingers, whether as a whole force or as a mixed bunch with other Traitors who've gone rogue.

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"You all know of the Indomitable Few, the most noble and loyal sons of the Emperor, the heroes of the Great Crusade. Alexandros, Pionus, Daer'dd and Hectarion. Figureheads, friends to the common man, good faces for propaganda. Everyone has read the epics written from their tales, embellished by poets and singers. I will spare you these. I will tell you of another ensemble of primarchs, ones who won't elicit dreams but dread. Have you ever heard the term of "Four Hellriders"? I believe you haven't, for they never refer to themselves as such. But there came a time when these four were sent on a campaign together, and they carved the threat with bloody hands. Sumakutaa, Akarro, Bahamut, Sambedi. Their first names deserve not be spoken,for entire systems are still ashes from the actions they undertook in that campaign. I will tell you of the Rangdan Xenocides."
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Thank you all for your insights.


Simison, I would like to take you up on the offer to use a break away faction from the Harbingers. I have a few ideas and should have them all organized into a cohesive narrative over the weekend. Would you like me to post it in your ongoing thread or start anew for conversation sake?

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I humbly submit my abilities as a writer for a Imperial Army force or something along those lines.


You're hired. Is there an existing force you were interested in or were you looking to do something new?


Something new...well as much as is possible in the Warhammer universe lol. I'm thinking of a force that is so arrogant that they consider themselves equal to Astartes, are unflinchingly loyal to the Emperor and in their hubris, go up against one of the traitor legions and get utter annihilated. Just an idea, what do you think?

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Thank you all for your insights.


Simison, I would like to take you up on the offer to use a break away faction from the Harbingers. I have a few ideas and should have them all organized into a cohesive narrative over the weekend. Would you like me to post it in your ongoing thread or start anew for conversation sake?


I'd prefer if you posted in the Lightning Bearers Reborn thread. While I'm the de facto writer, Athrawes is the actual owner of the Harbingers. If he has time to check things out, I'd rather he be able to read all the happenings with his legion in just one thread, so we don't force him to scour the sub-forum for related content.




I humbly submit my abilities as a writer for a Imperial Army force or something along those lines.


You're hired. Is there an existing force you were interested in or were you looking to do something new?


Something new...well as much as is possible in the Warhammer universe lol. I'm thinking of a force that is so arrogant that they consider themselves equal to Astartes, are unflinchingly loyal to the Emperor and in their hubris, go up against one of the traitor legions and get utter annihilated. Just an idea, what do you think?




There are a couple of ways you can take it. The arrogance can derive wholly from their attitudes. Or it could be because they're better than your average Imperial Army regiment, perhaps they are the beneficiaries of gene-therapy that really do put them slightly above the average human. Another idea is that they are a beast-man/abhuman regiment, who have a disdain for purer humanity and view space marines as artificial genetic aberrations, while they are the proper genetic destiny of mankind. 


You can especially take the abhuman route in several different ways, since there are essentially space satyrs a part of the Imperial Guard in old canon, while there are confirmed cat people in current canon. 


Given how wide-ranging the Day of Revelation is, it'd be incredibly easy for your arrogant Army regiment to be the first responders to a Traitor space marine company in such-and-such location, relishing the chance to prove themselves against Astartes, only for it to go horribly against them.


How does that all sound?

Edited by simison
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I humbly submit my abilities as a writer for a Imperial Army force or something along those lines.

You're hired. Is there an existing force you were interested in or were you looking to do something new?

Something new...well as much as is possible in the Warhammer universe lol. I'm thinking of a force that is so arrogant that they consider themselves equal to Astartes, are unflinchingly loyal to the Emperor and in their hubris, go up against one of the traitor legions and get utter annihilated. Just an idea, what do you think?

They'd make a good foil for the Warbringers, Astartes so arrogant that they believe themselves fit to rule over humanity, and in their hubris rose against the Emperor when he told them to stop toying with gene-seed.

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I was actually thinking their arrogance would be attitude based, an absolute confidence in the infallibility of man that goes so far as to make them believe that anything that stands in their way simply must fall. Any other possibility is inconceivable. They also believe in the divinity of mankind (in a non-religious way), almost to the degree of being purists, though they're pragmatic enough to acknowledge the usefulness of ab-human attachments, abet grudgingly.

Imagine this, an Imperial commander with such supreme self-confidence that he can come off as condescending to a Primarch. :blink.:

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I'm thinking of calling them the Terranguard 1st but the more I think about it the less I'm sure it...Any suggestions? It has to be something that reflects the idea of the purity of mankind but is also absolutely self-aggrandizing.


My first thought was about Hitler and Napoleon. Although they were extremely nationalistic, both of them were outsiders to a degree. Hitler was an Austrian, while Napoleon was born on Corsica outside of France proper. I think the same principle can apply here. Pick a system near Terra and have them come from there but have their name be something like that the Vanguard of Sol, the idea is to make them sound like they are the rightful inheritors/soldiers of Holy Terra in a roundabout way.


How does that sound?

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"You all know of the Indomitable Few, the most noble and loyal sons of the Emperor, the heroes of the Great Crusade. Alexandros, Pionus, Daer'dd and Hectarion. Figureheads, friends to the common man, good faces for propaganda. Everyone has read the epics written from their tales, embellished by poets and singers. I will spare you these. I will tell you of another ensemble of primarchs, ones who won't elicit dreams but dread. Have you ever heard the term of "Four Hellriders"? I believe you haven't, for they never refer to themselves as such. But there came a time when these four were sent on a campaign together, and they carved the threat with bloody hands. Sumakutaa, Akarro, Bahamut, Sambedi. Their first names deserve not be spoken,for entire systems are still ashes from the actions they undertook in that campaign. I will tell you of the Rangdan Xenocides."

Yes. All of the yes.

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"You all know of the Indomitable Few, the most noble and loyal sons of the Emperor, the heroes of the Great Crusade. Alexandros, Pionus, Daer'dd and Hectarion. Figureheads, friends to the common man, good faces for propaganda. Everyone has read the epics written from their tales, embellished by poets and singers. I will spare you these. I will tell you of another ensemble of primarchs, ones who won't elicit dreams but dread. Have you ever heard the term of "Four Hellriders"? I believe you haven't, for they never refer to themselves as such. But there came a time when these four were sent on a campaign together, and they carved the threat with bloody hands. Sumakutaa, Akarro, Bahamut, Sambedi. Their first names deserve not be spoken,for entire systems are still ashes from the actions they undertook in that campaign. I will tell you of the Rangdan Xenocides."

I wondered when the Dauntless Few would pop up on our end. Sublime, sir.

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"You all know of the Indomitable Few, the most noble and loyal sons of the Emperor, the heroes of the Great Crusade. Alexandros, Pionus, Daer'dd and Hectarion. Figureheads, friends to the common man, good faces for propaganda. Everyone has read the epics written from their tales, embellished by poets and singers. I will spare you these. I will tell you of another ensemble of primarchs, ones who won't elicit dreams but dread. Have you ever heard the term of "Four Hellriders"? I believe you haven't, for they never refer to themselves as such. But there came a time when these four were sent on a campaign together, and they carved the threat with bloody hands. Sumakutaa, Akarro, Bahamut, Sambedi. Their first names deserve not be spoken,for entire systems are still ashes from the actions they undertook in that campaign. I will tell you of the Rangdan Xenocides."

Ooooohhhb yeeeeaaahhh

Can't wait for it to happen! :D

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