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got alot of reading to do to get up to speed lol

Been there, my man. If you'd like stories that sum up particular Legions, we should be able to point you the right way. The Grave Stalkers, Void Eagles, The Drowned and Warriors of Peace have had the least attention, as far as I'm aware.

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Would it be possible to put it up at least in a barebones state, that way more of us can go in and fill in the blanks, so to speak?


I concur. Some of the threads, like the Dramatis Personae, are just for reference's sake. I'd rather post updates to a wiki than to a thread that will eventually become obsolete. That said, I don't know if Redd actually started the wiki yet or how much info is done. Somebody check with him when he comes in.


Question regarding the Vizenko prosecution: Would the Lions be employed in a similar manner as the SW at Nikae, present in force to ensure the other legions behave themselves(seeing as they're our Sine Recursu legion)?


Ditto what Blunt said. The Custodians are handling security matters as a neutral force.

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While my mind is still on the preamble to and outbreak of the Insurrection, I have some more thoughts and questions:

- Does MoM have implications for our idea with regard to Travier's ritual to attack the Imperial Palace? For that matter, could the very existence of a Webway connecting Terra and Madrigal seem to be a threat to Icarion, especially with the revelation of a secret army that perhaps Alexandros himself has kept from him

- Is there any indication of how long it should take to get the Webway operational?

- Are we going to tie the Dark Glass project into this? If the Paternova acts to sabotage it as he does in Path of Heaven, that could be the cue for Skal's replacement character

- What of the Astronomicon? This will be a major issue for the Insurrectionist side until Icarion can say "the gods will make the Warp our domain" - will he have a solution in mind?

- All things considered, given both extra time for Kelbor-Hal's anxieties and resentment to ferment, the Eagle Warriors' close ties with Cognis and the presence of Mortera, the Fabricator General's support will be even easier for Icarion to secure than it was for Horus


Edit: one thing we ought to implement as soon as the wiki is running is a link in the first post of every Legion thread.

Edited by bluntblade
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While my mind is still on the preamble to and outbreak of the Insurrection, I have some more thoughts and questions:

- Does MoM have implications for our idea with regard to Travier's ritual to attack the Imperial Palace? For that matter, could the very existence of a Webway connecting Terra and Madrigal seem to be a threat to Icarion, especially with the revelation of a secret army that perhaps Alexandros himself has kept from him

- Is there any indication of how long it should take to get the Webway operational?

- Are we going to tie the Dark Glass project into this? If the Paternova acts to sabotage it as he does in Path of Heaven, that could be the cue for Skal's replacement character

- What of the Astronomicon? This will be a major issue for the Insurrectionist side until Icarion can say "the gods will make the Warp our domain" - will he have a solution in mind?

- All things considered, given both extra time for Kelbor-Hal's anxieties and resentment to ferment, the Eagle Warriors' close ties with Cognis and the presence of Mortera, the Fabricator General's support will be even easier for Icarion to secure than it was for Horus


Edit: one thing we ought to implement as soon as the wiki is running is a link in the first post of every Legion thread.


-What implications were you thinking? The stuff that stood out to me was how the Emperor can temporarily leave the Golden Throne. I have no idea what's stopping the Emperor from leaving the Palace and smashing Horus.


-Grifft and I were guessing that, going with the 40 years to work on Webway was enough to establish Webway lanes all over Solar Seg, and set up three other hubs, one being Madrigal.


-What's Dark Glass?


-I don't think the Emperor can turn off the Astronomican for certain sectors at a time. It's a lighthouse, isn't it? They're either on or off, no somewhere in between.


-Fair enough.

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I assume a portion of the Emperor's will is still maintaining the barriers - I'm going to get MoM for Christmas. I'm wondering if AD-B indicates how much the Emperor has achieved in seven years, and what that means for our timeline.


Dark Glass is a prototype/backup Webway control node, overseen by the Navigator Pieter Achelieux. The Paternova finds out and has agents sabotage it - Achelieux prevents them from completely destroying it, but at the cost of his own life. Bear in mind this takes place shortly after the Heresy breaks out. The White Scars then locate it, and their chief Stormsee sacrifices himself - body, mind and soul, it's one of the few times a Heresy book has made me well up - to open a short-lived portal so the Scars can make their escape to the Loyalist lines.


I meant with regard to Icarion's endgame. He's going to end up killing the source of the Astronomicon.

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Sorry the Wikipedia has taken longer than planned, my position has been first management of background and content so we don't step on our own toes at times, we've had a dearth of new content including two new legions since I've started working on it. And personal setbacks so I do apologize.


One thing with Dark Glass is our Paternova is a loyalist. And if he wasn't his body bodyguard is an Iron Bear, with a a chapter of Totem Guard backup. That's been established for awhile.


Maybe we could go with a more subterfugle type of sabotage of the dark glass project since it can't be the Paternova? Maybe another of the house jealous of their ties and lack of power working in the shadows for Travier and Icarion?


Also; the issue of the full extent of The Emperor's power, I've sort of been dreading and itching to get to.

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Once the Wiki's got structure, a few of us can shoulder the work as well.


My idea was that the original Paternova does his thing to Dark Glass and pays the price for doing so, clearing the way for the one with the Bears' support and so on. The key thing in Path of Heaven is that he believes the Navigators will be purged as soon as they're made obsolete by the Webway.

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Hmm.... Daer'dd is a big part of this Paternova coming into power, also helping the Bears establish their existensive fleet strength fairly early.


He's one of Lord Thone's characters. I'd still be much more comfortable in saying maybe it's one of the other houses or a Second of the main. Even after Daer'dd's death and maybe especially, I can't see the Paternova panicking over loss of the fleet being used in such a bad crisis. And unless Thorne is okay with it that really stomps on his Navigator house plans.

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I initially didn't plan to write much about the Xenocide beyond that blurb, but thinking about it again, it makes a great starting point for Mili Ayelat's story. Consider him a parallel to Alkylles. albeit more radical in his tactics. From an inductee to admiral by the end of the Crusade, from youngest admiral to hardened commander by the end of the Insurrection, and then the rise of his Cohort during the planetary purges of the Scouring.

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