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Ok so. Basically, the Forge-world of Xana in the western fringes of the Imperium was a pretty powerful forge world during the Great Crusade. They were already the target of some suspicion before the Heresy in canonverse, and were fairly independent from Mars. They remained outwardly neutral during the early days of the Heresy, but when it was discovered by loyalists that they were stockpiling vast amounts of material for an unknown client, Rogal Dorn declared them traitors, whilst at the same time the Sigillite made covert offers to Xana, promising revision of their death sentence in exchange for the material and absolute allegiance. In the end, Horus offered a better bargain.


The attack on Xana that followed is pretty :cussing fantastic. It involves the dead of Loyalist legions rising up on Xana as revenants to attack the forges (first appearance of the legion of the damned perhaps?) along with loyalist battle automata, a Blackshields force stealing TWO Ordinatus units, an awesome Dark Angels ship battle, and some pretty cool descriptions of just how a Primaris-Grade Forge World can defend itself against a hostile fleet




Definately worth a look, one of the lesser known parts of the heresy, but an important one, as it led to Xana becoming essentially the first ever Hell-Forge

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Of note also is that Xana is where Archmagos Scoria is from, the only canon Mechanicum character who, rules wise, can go toe to toe with almost any Primarch out there and win (He beats Horus, statistically)


Daemon upgrades?

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Wasn't Xana that one forge world which was supported by the Salamander Brethern of Fire (forgot their name, the one with the nearly immortal Dreasnaught) strike force for a short amount of time while battling AL + IW forces?


Or was that another one?


Heard a lot about Xana...seems like I need to read that asap. ^^

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I don't want to detract from this Xana conversation as it sounds like a great springboard for some interesting lore writing for the Segmentum Pacificus theater, but I have a question...

As the Auxilia I'm writing for is based in the western part of the Galaxy what, if anything, is planned to happen in that region of space?

(Or is the 1st Heredes going to need to go on a road trip?)

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Where exactly on the western space. South west is the caerbannog corridor. A corridor established to allow refugees to enter caerbannog. Amd his surroundings. But evil pirates roam the lands and kill those innnocents and the wardens habe not enough siphs to protect them all and are not allowed to hunt down those scoundrels
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Bit off topic


As Russ was Big Es executioner / executor, do we have someone who took took over this role after the events of Prospero?


If not, may Andezo take it?

As he was always tasked to hunt down and extinguish those who secretly conspired against the Imperium and the like, I believe that the Emperor might choose him as his new enforcer.


It would also help me developing his character as the loyal son, who strikes and avoids to ask questions but when he faces more and more chaos followers, his loyalty starts to crack. Another reason to join Icarions in the end.

Edited by Kelborn
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Yes, the tech-marines on the three Ordinatus units

I want a BL story about this. AD-B wants to write some Loyalists, doesn't he?


Personally, I'd skip having an executioner figure in that sense, as we don't have any events that really justify that.

Edited by bluntblade
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There can be eldar pirates as well.originally it were jackals but as they died out a predator tribe took the task. But. Yeah. So many ships with week defenses will draw more than only rigue astsrtes to them.



So xana is close to caerbannog? Will the abyssii conquer them? Or do they fall to the traitors or do they stay loyal or neutral in broverse?


And kel: makes sense, but I am nkt sure if another wanted to claim the title. Somehow i habe tge lions in mind.

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I don't want to detract from this Xana conversation as it sounds like a great springboard for some interesting lore writing for the Segmentum Pacificus theater, but I have a question...

As the Auxilia I'm writing for is based in the western part of the Galaxy what, if anything, is planned to happen in that region of space?

(Or is the 1st Heredes going to need to go on a road trip?)


Generally speaking, nothing specific. Most of the heavy fighting is taking place in the galactic East and Center. But I have a few ideas. Mikhal's mentioned the Caerbannog corridor, and all that entails. Another big campaign that they can be involved in is the Blood Crusade, a massive invasion against the Crimson Lions since you're not too far off from Mycenae. 


However, one big thing the Heredes can do is react to the Day of Revelation. As mentioned, roughly a third of the Imperium either goes Traitor or Rogue. The Heredes can be one of the first responders and be charged with putting down rebellions around Vasalius. So, they spend the first years helping reclaim Seg. Pacificus. How does that sound?

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