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The Blood Crusade is when the war takes a hard turn into Chaos and daemonic warfare. The Eagle Warriors and the Berserkers of Uran launch this massive invasion into the home empire of the Crimson Lions. At the end of it, the Berserkers of Uran disappear into the Eye of Terror to become Khorne's legion and come back out angrier and uglier. 


Sig has actually started that book. Here's the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/325181-book-4-escalationaka-simisons-experiment/

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Yes, the tech-marines on the three Ordinatus units

I want a BL story about this. AD-B wants to write some Loyalists, doesn't he?


Personally, I'd skip having an executioner figure in that sense, as we don't have any events that really justify that.

See that's the point.


I rather see the wolves as executors and not executioners. We're they really involved in destroying the two misdibg kegions? We don't know. The mentionings in the HH are so ambiguous that we don't even know if they are still canon or just rumors like the "UM absorbed them" theory.


I rather see them as the Emperors enforcers. "You don't want to join? You're sure? Ok then, DIE!"


Depending on what Inferno will give us, I believe that the Emperor made them as his ultimate, crushing hand. The Night Lords were sent to intimidate, the World Eaters were designed to shred blood until the enemy gave up but the Wolves eradicate completely and at the same time are one of THE most loyal Legions.


If Hec already has this title, ok so be it. But I think that we should give each Primarch his own role in our universe like the canon ones and I'm not talking about the Emperors aspects shenanigans. Would enhance each Primarchs role in the whole setting, for example Anzumerken being the sniper assassin, Pionus being the caretaking scientist, Daer'dd being the Vulkan-blacksmith type, Niklaas being the architect of walls, Andezo being the Emperors judgement, and so on.

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@Kelborn: Who's Anzumerken? :huh:

A creation of my phones auto correct function. :/

I meant Anzu of course ^^


@blunt: didn't get that. Add a tribe? Who? You or me?

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Ass :P


Im not sure about all roles but I'll give it a try. ;)


Andezo: the Emperors judgement

Yucahu: the Admiral

Niklaas: the architect

Azus: sniper / assassin

Daer'dd: blacksmith

Gwal: the defender

Alexandros: the Hunter of superstition / believe amidst the stars

Icarion: the anti chaos / webway builder

Alexos: the diplomat / leader

Nomus: the tinker

Kozja: the general in terms of doing everything to improve his army

Jade: the master tactician

Koschei: don't know it yet, sorry

Hectarion: difficult, Sigi gave him so many aspects... The warrior empire builder? Or simply the warrior?

Morro: all terrain warfare

Pionus: caretaking scientist

Raktra: the punisher

K'awil: lurking intimidation

Edited by Kelborn
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Not quite sure how Jade fits in. Master tactician is an aspect that hasn't really been stressed for him, though it does suit him. I think he was initially devised as the cold, analytical scientist/scholar.


I always found it ironic how Jade, supposedly an unparalleled genius tactician, has rules that set him up primarily as a beatstick.

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Not quite sure how Jade fits in. Master tactician is an aspect that hasn't really been stressed for him, though it does suit him. I think he was initially devised as the cold, analytical scientist/scholar.


I always found it ironic how Jade, supposedly an unparalleled genius tactician, has rules that set him up primarily as a beatstick.


Well, originally, the emphasis was on his personal application of his studies to his combat style. The idea being that his Pariah nature hampered him as a combat leader, but he could still tear through the enemy.

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OK, so here's what I'm thinking...

The 1st Heredes, stretched thin fighting the rising tide rebellion in the Segmentum Pacificus, receives the call for aid from the Crimson Lions and even though the soldiers of Vasalius have always been Astartes haters, the Lord Commander sees it as an opportunity to prove his boasts of superiority over Astartes. He gathers up what's left of the 1st Heredes and puts his forces right in the path of the Berserkers of Uran, causing the destruction of his entire force but inadvertently buy the loyalist forces the time they needed to regroup.


What do you guys think?

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