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That's one possibility. Since the Traitors have such an early advantage, Icarion has two broad strategies he can operate on. One, he can push for Terra. Two, he'll have enough legion strength to set up a rival Imperium and begin to expand outward, and eventually swallow up the loyalist Imperium whole. Granted, either plan is ruined by the Revolutionaries' defection, but there you go. 

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If you look at Icarions position at the start of the insurrection,he has more than half of the legions and primarchs following him. Out of those legions that stayed loyal, the Iron Bears(sorry Redd) can effectively be discounted as an effective fighting force(on this kind of grand scale), the Crimson Lions, Scions Hospitalier, Void Eagles and Dune Serpents have all taken a very heavy beating and won't be able to effectively stop him. Icarion easily afford to send a legion after each of those, keeping the remaining forces with him and heading for Terra.

Once he reaches Terra he can cut off loyalist supply lines. This won't hve much effect on the astartes but the normal population will begin to suffer as soon as the food stops. Then Icarion can just wait for Terra to fall apart and then pick up the pieces as the Fire Keepers and Halycon Wardens will be fenced in and the remaining loyalists would have to be mad to try and break through. The only thing he has to fear is dissention from his own commanders.

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None taken Sig, that actually points out that the Bear's strength of being a capable small elite force is a weakness in Legion warfare. We might have all the finest gear and armoury, but the War Tribes operate independently so we'll typically be out numbered 3 or 4 to 1 in legion on legion combat. We're best used as assist to other legions in the Insurrection.
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What about Icarion and co. traveling through the webway in a surprise assault that circumnavigated all that defensive silliness?



...did you talk to Athrawes right before you posted that? If not, the coincidence is uncanny.


Because he just suggested that's what happens during the end-game. Instead of the Revolutionaries going to Terra, they head to Madrigal to collapse the Imperium Secundus (working title) at its heart, catching Icarion there. While the Traitors whittle down the Loyalists on Terra, Icarion faces off against Kozja and Jade. The Revolutionaries succeed with Icarion taking his elite through the Webway to launch a last-ditch attack on the Emperor.


Now, this couldn't happen at the beginning because the Emperor still has most of his power. It's only after years of fending off the daemons does he gradually become exhausted to the point where Icarion stands a chance. And that chance just happens to show up right when he makes his gamble.

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I'd actually imagine that might be a harder assault. Think battle of Thermopylae except it's the Emperor and even more Custodes and Sisters. As most of their contingents were in the Webway already fighting after the seals fall on the gateway.


EDIT: Athrawes suggestion is far better than I was thinking of simply Astartes pouring through the webway.

Edited by Chief Captain Redd
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We casually communicate telepathically :wink:


It's too bad a few of our fellow heresy members didn't like our project, but hey, you win some you lose some. I'm gonna say upfront that I'm happy and impressed you've kept this afloat for so long, so props to u man.



We lost some?

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No, he's talking about a thread in Age of Darkness General with about a few board members who were pretty upset about all of the Lost Legion Threads (dealing with Brotherhood of the Lost I think) overwhelming the AoD General discussion subforum before they were moved to special projects.

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We casually communicate telepathically ;)

It's too bad a few of our fellow heresy members didn't like our project, but hey, you win some you lose some. I'm gonna say upfront that I'm happy and impressed you've kept this afloat for so long, so props to u man.




We lost some?

Lol no, it just seemed that some people were upset with our project for whatever reasons :P reasons I can't quite penetrate with my intellect.

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Hmmm...so people are upset about it are they...(takes out a chain axe)


For good reason, it was taking up the whole front page of the Horus Heresy general discussion (and it had nothing to do with the Horus Heresy).


That's why this was all moved to the Special Projects Sub Forum.

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