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Yeah, some peoples response will always be "it's not canon, it's stupid" but you get that with anything DIY. We're doing something very cool and pretty special. I personally enjoy ours far more than the standard Heresy. Although we do lack Dan Abnett and ADB.

Maybe we could recruit ADB into the fold...:tongue.:



Ha! I write better than ADB! .....no, not really. 


And I'm actually pretty surprised that there were complaints at all. No one has to read a thread they don't want to, and we're not stopping the other threads from posting. Ah well, que sera sera.

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Yeah, some peoples response will always be "it's not canon, it's stupid" but you get that with anything DIY. We're doing something very cool and pretty special. I personally enjoy ours far more than the standard Heresy. Although we do lack Dan Abnett and ADB.

Maybe we could recruit ADB into the fold...:tongue.:



Although that would be awesome, it might be best if we let him concentrate on the official canon :tongue.:


Although this project is far from "stoopid" as may have been suggested, I do agree with it not having it's place in the Age of Darkness sub-forum.


NB: I've got to write some more stuff about the Paternova ^^^ Chief Captain, have you got any more news about your friend who could have been interested by taking up one of the Imperial Army posts ? Also, since there don't seem to be any others interested in creating a member for the Grand Councils, I think it's safe to open up that possibility for anyone now, even those who already have a Legion. Remember, as in the official canon, the focus is still pretty much on the Legiones Astartes: a little break by creating something slightly different might appeal to some though, so feel free to post in the Grand Councils thread if you're interested ^^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've been looking at numbers, doing some low-level crunching, and it looks like we have approximately:

1 146 000 loyalists (including the Wardens of Light)

1 325 000 insurrectionists (including the Stygian Jackals)

195 000 revolutionaries (including 5,000 True Legionaries)


It becomes appearant that the Revolutionaries are vastly outnumbered, (numbering less than the LB or HW alone) even more so when taking into account the losses taken during the Hunt for Azus and the Battle of the Forge. Even with these two legions prizing themselves as elite, there is just no way they can spend a part of the Insurrection as a separate side. How to correct this? Well here's a list of (non mutually-exclusive) propositions, feel free to criticize, add, or twist them until we reach a point where consensus can be achieved.


-Simply bring the Warbringers closer to the 200k mark (though not above it, closer to 180-195) Or increase the Warriors of Peace, but that's missing the whole point of that legion.

-In the Reference thread, Raktra mentioned one third of the Berserkers splitting from the main Legion. Rather than remain loyalists, what about them joining the Revolution in quest of an Imperium where they can thrive, only to end up used as lab rats for Astartes 2 (or in their case, Thunder Warriors 3)?

-Cloned marines. Cheap, unefficient, get the job done. But already used by Alexos (dirty traitors always stealing the best ideas)

-Non-Astartes. Just as the True Legion (Legio Novastartes) is meant to cross the bridge between marines and primarchs, so would these regiments of the Old Hundred and the New Dozen be ennobled with the gift of genehancement.

-Scrap the whole "third faction" idea, have the IXth and XVIIth realize that Icarion is betraying his initial promises, rejoining the loyalists as everything goes chaos-y among the traitors. Would bring the loyalists to 1 348 000 marines (not accounting for heavy losses), evening the odds between either side.

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I thought the Stygian Jackals were revolutionaries?

Also, theres more than one way to skin a cat. Given that the loyalists and traitors will probably be keeping each other occupied, the revolioutonaries could just keep to small scale raids against the main armies while using their main force to carve out empures on the fringes of ths Imperium. This way they wouldn't need numbers on par with the loyalists and traitors but would present a significant enough threat to warrant a significant loyalists effort to destroy them in the scouring.

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I thought the Stygian Jackals were revolutionaries?

Also, theres more than one way to skin a cat. Given that the loyalists and traitors will probably be keeping each other occupied, the revolioutonaries could just keep to small scale raids against the main armies while using their main force to carve out empures on the fringes of ths Imperium. This way they wouldn't need numbers on par with the loyalists and traitors but would present a significant enough threat to warrant a significant loyalists effort to destroy them in the scouring.

Which leads to an option I had not seen until now: demagogy. What is best for a Revolution, than turning disgruntled governors and deposed satraps against their master? Promise them freedom from this golden tyrant, and prosperity without oppression, and they will heed your call. The people changes hand from one king to another, and they believe they have been freed. With sufficient diplomacy, you can deceive entire subsectors while the rest of the Galaxy burns in a war you have fled. With sufficient trust, they will fight for you, unknowing that it is one-sided. With sufficient lies, you build an Empire.

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Yap, thought so aus Well. The good vs evtl is ongoing and the neutrals ( :cussing neutrals, you Never Know which side they Are on) i mein the revolutionaries usw the ensuing Chaos to create their own Little Empire far away from the Others and use their with to turn Magistrates and Rulers to their cause
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First of all, welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword !


Next, Simison and the others will have to confirm this, but I'm afraid it might well be too late to join a new legion to the fray.:unsure.:


However, there is a part of the project where new members are always welcome: the Grand Councils. This is where we are striving to create the stories, rules and/or artwork concerning the men and women of the War Council and the Council of Terra, who will one day become the High Lords of Terra: they are therefore some of the most important people in the Imperium, yet we hardly know anything about them!

This "sub"-project was created specifically for people like you, who want to join the project but arrived after all the Legions slots were taken, so we'd be glad to have you ! :biggrin.:


In any case, I think we'd all be pleased to read about your lost Legion, so post it up on the forum :smile.:

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If it is indeed too late to add my legion, instead I'd like to enter my Mechanicum group, if that's at all possible.

AFAIK, the only thing that we would want to keep "Set-In-Stone" for the Mechanicum would be Kalbor Hal as Fabricator General otherwise, I believe you're free to take up that spot and to do with it what you see fit.

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I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible to enter your sons of the Omnissiah :smile.: It might even turn out that your fabricator-general/archmagos/etc. could be a candidate for becoming the successor to Kelbor Hal in the Council of Terra when Hal turns traitor ?



If it is indeed too late to add my legion, instead I'd like to enter my Mechanicum group, if that's at all possible.

AFAIK, the only thing that we would want to keep "Set-In-Stone" for the Mechanicum would be Kalbor Hal as Fabricator General otherwise, I believe you're free to take up that spot and to do with it what you see fit.



As Slipstreams says, Kelbor Hal is still Fabricator General (of Mars) when the Insurrection Starts, and he (along with Malcador) is going to be a group effort

Edited by Lord Thørn
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Just out of interest. Can you give details about your legion? Maybe per pm? I always love to read new stuff.


And: Greetings earthling :wink:


I would also love to hear your ideas, Talonair.  And, if you do decide to join our brotherhood, good luck!  You've got a lot of reading to do... :wink:

Edited by Big Bad Squig
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I'm just wondering if it's too late to join this project, as I have my own legion I'd like to contribute

Well, even though it's too late, feel free to give us your ideas. Some bits might end up in the Lost 18. (Much like some parts of the Voidborn should have ended in the Void Eagles before I forgot I had to work on them)

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Welcoming party's held on Uran. Bring bone saws.


Do I want to ask?


If it is indeed too late to add my legion, instead I'd like to enter my Mechanicum group, if that's at all possible.


By all means! And welcome, Talonair! The Mechanicum is a vast organization spanning the most of the galaxy. We'd be happy to hear what you'd bring to the table.

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Now, I may have lost count in around 24 pages, but do we have a list of who dies/ascends/disappears when in the Insurrection?

If we need to make one, Yucahu takes his "First company" to the edge of the Galaxy, then dismisses all ships apart from his own and flies off with a bunch of his marines and mortal crew. For Kozja, I don't know, what happens to the Revolutionaries after the end of the Insurrection hasn't been detailed yet.

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