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*outruns a tsunami of homework*


Okay, guys, what'd I miss!?


-The Revolutionaries primarchs wrote the Codex as an "In case we lose" treatise.

-Pionus is in a giant gorilla-eldar-dreadnought. Who is bound to fight Cthulhu-Morro in a titanic clash.

-The Abyssal Mechanicum has a primarch-equivalent Archmagos

In absence of fulgrim, Gwalchavad is the best looking guy in the galaxy. He is so cute, he actually wears a mask in order to not shame hos brothers ;)


And yeah...don' t know what is more crazy. Pionius as an eldar dreadnought, cthullu morro ( actually i love him) or the iron lady. Actually even if this is already insane stuff, I think miss thatcher is too strong because to be earnest: if big e or the mechanicum could built suxh a monster. Why bother with primarchs and make deals eith crazy gods. Just as they say in iron man: "heroes weren't born, they were built"


Last but not least: Do we have a talented artist amoung our lines, so that we can visualize the whole insurrection?

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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*outruns a tsunami of homework*


Okay, guys, what'd I miss!?

-The Revolutionaries primarchs wrote the Codex as an "In case we lose" treatise.

-Pionus is in a giant gorilla-eldar-dreadnought. Who is bound to fight Cthulhu-Morro in a titanic clash.

-The Abyssal Mechanicum has a primarch-equivalent Archmagos

In absence of fulgrim, Gwalchavad is the best looking guy in the galaxy. He is so cute, he actually wears a mask in order to not shame hos brothers :wink:


And yeah...don' t know what is more crazy. Pionius as an eldar dreadnought, cthullu morro ( actually i love him) or the iron lady. Actually even if this is already insane stuff, I think miss thatcher is too strong because to be earnest: if big e or the mechanicum could built suxh a monster. Why bother with primarchs and make deals eith crazy gods. Just as they say in iron man: "heroes weren't born, they were built"


Last but not least: Do we have a talented artist amoung our lines, so that we can visualize the whole insurrection?


I'm working on toning Mortera down. I was never going to get it 'just right' on the first draft, she was always going to be under- or overpowered. Who is, at present, the single most powerful traitor Primarch, and/or the most durable? And for the point on 'why don't the mechanicum just make one', they really can't. Mortera at present is the culmination of millenia of experience, tinkering, upgrades and chance Dark Age salvage. She's not an STC design, they can't just print more of her.

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I've tested her against Pionus, Raktra and Niklass, and so far her damage output completely overruns each of them. Raktra comes the closest to killing her, but dies the fastest (0.7ish wounds per round dealt by Raktra vs 1.7ish per round dealt by Mortera, both taking into account It Will Not Die), Pionus comes second, dying the slowest and managing to get some good damage on her, and Niklass can barely scratch her paint. I think, overall, Pionus would be the one with greatest chance of killing her, if he gets lucky with a Disembowl attack. I haven't had the chance to test her against Gwal, but I will do that now

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Having tested it against Gwal, I think her biggest threat is a tie between Gwal and Pionus. Gwal got heavily beat on in the first few rounds, but as soon as his +2 WS and +1 S kicked in, Mortera's damage output dropped off a cliff. He was also able to put as much damage into Mortera as Pionus was. However, unlike Pionus, when Gwal's at his peak combat prowess, it doesn't take much bad luck to see him wiped off the table. So, with that in mind, here are the changes I propose to make to Mortera:


Remove master crafted from her scythe, definately get rid of Entropic Discharge (all these rolls were made without taking it into account), drop the Disruption Forks to Strength 4 or 5 (these rolls were made with them at strength 5), drop rad grenades (all these rolls were made without taking them into account), maybe drop her invuln to a 4+, maybe drop the reroll on her IWND, and maybe drop the +1 Str on her scythe

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*throws a wrench at the gallery*


Okay, after wrestling with the images, I have an announcement! I've hired an artist to do a commission for Alexandros! I've uploaded the first sketch over on my WIP thread. Here's the link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/309261-the-warriors-of-the-renegade-legion-and-their-allies/


I would love it if people could give me advice because I'm wrestling with one or two things.

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The shield does need to be bigger, that is true. As I mentioned, I'm struggling with the shield. A round, Hoplon shield fits the Greek theme better, but the Myrmidon use Roman tower shields. Decisions, decisions.


I'm intrigued by your thoughts on Alex. I've always try to portray him as the young brother, bit of a runt of the litter vibe. He does like to joke around as you've guessed.


The artist is the one who drew Icarion for Athrawes: http://saint-max.deviantart.com/

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I did, Mik, I'm just giving the thread another hour/few more replies so I could reply en mass. ....actually, I should probably be replying there right now. I'm too used to saying everything over here.


*goes back to proper thread to reply*

Edited by simison
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Okay, this is the last time I'm going to reply on Alex here. 


That's part of the reason why I prefer the hoplon over the tower. The tower has very limited mobility thanks to its size, but I've seen the hoplon used well in duels. (Check out Hector's & Achilles' duel from the movie Troy.) 


The Dhal shield doesn't address the theme issue. Should Alex match his sons or is it okay that he has his own shield style? 

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Ok, having tested her against various canon Primarchs with her adjusted profile, Mortera's results are as follows:


Horus: Phyrric victory to Mortera. Mortera reduced to 1 Wound, her Weapon skill knocked down to 1, her strength to 2 (she restored two points lost in Strength over the course of the battle). The battle would leave Mortera utterly crippled, and perhaps easy prey after dispatching Horus. This combat lasted more than 12 rounds, and was very much a case of slowly chipping each other away.


Angron (no bonus from Nails): Victoy to Mortera. Mortera reduced to 4 wounds. Angron just can't put out damage fast enough when not buffed by Butcher's Nails


Angron (max. bonus): Phyrric victory to Angron. Angron reduced to 2 wounds


Fulgrim: Total victory to Mortera. Mortera ended the combat on maximum wounds (two regens). Fulgrim'sproblem here is that me can only wound Mortera on 6s


Mortarion: Stalemate. Each Primarch was damaging the other as quickly as they were regenerating. Concussion from the Forks did nothing, due to Mortarion's weapon being unwieldy, and Mortarion's Instant Death denied Mortera her FNP. Overall, I kept rolling until I got bored, leaving Mortera and Mortarion on 6 wounds each


Ferrus (Hammer): Phyrric victory to Ferrus. Ferrus reduced to one wound. Another very lengthy combat


Curze: Victory to Mortera. Mortera reduced to four wounds. Curze suffers very much the same problem as Fulgrim, however the Shred and ID a a ways to mitigating that


Vulkan: Phyrric victory to Vulkan. Vulkan reduced to two wounds. Lengthy combat, shorter than Ferrus'. That ID S10 hammer is lethal to Mortera, and Vulkan's 3+ invuln saved him a lot of pain


Lorgar (default): Lorgar rolled Invisibilty and Hallucination. Victory for Mortera. Mortera reduced to 5 wounds. That was a short lived combat. He never managed to get either of his powers off, and Mortera just clubbed him to the dirt


Lorgar (transfigured): Lorgar selecting Invis and Hallucination (other powers have no bearing on combat). Phrric victory to Lorgar. Lorgar reduced to one wound. Hallucination never went off, but he successfully cast Invis every turn, and just slowly chipped away at Mortera. Mortera got a few hits in, and an unlucky Perils took away Hallucination


Perturabo (Fists): Total victory for Mortera. Perturabo got some hits in, but Mortera regenerated them. The combat lasted for some time, but Pertuarbo with the Logos just doesn't have the damage output


Perturabo (Hammer): Phyrric victory for Mortera. Mortera reduced to 2 wounds. The hammer makes a real difference here


Alpharius: Total victory for Mortera. Alpharius didn't so much as scratch Mortera, and the combat was over pretty quickly


Rogal Dorn: Total victory for Mortera. Again, couldn't scratch the paint.


Corax: Victory for Mortera. Mortera reduced to 6 wounds. That was the fastest combat yet, lasting two rounds. Corax opened with Scourge, getting 9 attacks, of which two went through, Mortera dealing three wounds in return. Next turn was Shadow-walk, and Mortera dealt another three wounds, and restored a lost wound.


Guilliman: Phyrric victory for Guilliman. Guilliman reduced to one wound. That increasing weapon skill helped Guilliman, meaning Mortera was never hitting on 3s, and after two rounds he was hitting her on 3s. The reroll to one invuln save per phase helped as well, as did his S10 gauntlet.



So, after those tests, the results are: 8 sound victories to Mortera, 2 Phyrric victories, one stalemate, 4 loses which were Phyrric victories to her opponent. With these results, I believe the best option would be to enact the changes I tried out here, and perhaps with one fewer wounds.

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