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Having Icarion and Alexandros might make the most sense if they want to peacefully integrate Mycenae and Hectarion into the Imperium, no? Also, both being Psykers they'd be able to sense Hectarions Bloodthirster Shard. 

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As we continue to move forward, I'm getting reports of conflict between Frater. I'm not going to give out names, but I would like remind everyone that, despite our shared love for this universe, we do come from a variety of backgrounds. I ask that when we offer different opinions, we aim to make them tactful. The best way to change someone's opinion/view is if it's done with gentleness. As my Colonel taught me, always give your opponent the chance to make an honorable exit.

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Well about the pariah traits, i find it really difficult to make them absolutely streamlined cause that could take away some of the creativness to this project. And we would have a lot of similar legions I fear.

Example: The one legion let their pariahs roam free. Others control their pariahness via devices like masks or otger things. Then you can be a blank or a full pariah, hurtong others with you presence. I wouldn't recommend a unification cause that wie have so much creative differnence makes the whole thing interesting.


If we go this way, why make not every psyker equal, and then why not making everyone equal? Because that would be boring.


But we could think of a pool of pariah traits from which one can choose like for the psypowers and wartraits.


And then let the legion designers decide if they want to control it ( Wardens have masks) surpress it ( no idea how that could be achieved but maybe there is a creative way or let them roam free and spread fear on their enemies

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Hmmm. Aren't all the pariah rules ao far based on the culexus( would be easier if those sisters were already released)


Wardens as well with some alterations. The luth apriahness work, as if they use psyoutgrenades. The comhedair are more special cause they create in unison the hexagramic ward and are more the defense buffers.


So how would a change affect these? Sure, the luth would stay tge same, bht the comhedair? Of course I can think of a new unit. Maybe an elite elite guard with big sowrds, string in preator lv etc....but that is not the best solition.


If the pariahstraits are fluffy more fleshed out. It isin my opinion the better solution.

And as we move into unknwon Space cause no pariah primarch exists.

Nobody knows how that will affect the powers of blankness. I mean we manipulate our primarchs so extreme. That they work with dark elder, ut themselves in eldar technology, have little men in their heads, are hulk and we created a complete new xenos threat.


So sorry if on get snappy on the pariah thing cause I fear it will kill the variation, creativeness and freedom to create our legions.

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An Idea, while not as cool as creating your own personal Pariah Variation or just using the Culexus rules, would be to essentially make it like a Psychic Discipline Tree having 5 Powers + Primaris and giving Pariahs Access to Essentially ML 1-3 and Passive Buffs.


So, As a preliminary Test/Example/Template we could for on something like:


Pariah Gene: A Model with this Special Rule MUST purchase at least One Grade of the Pariah Gene; those grade being: Delta (1), Alpha (2), Omega (3). This also lets the model choose up to their Grade in Abilities from the Pariah Table as well as confer the Psychic Abomination special Rule. A Pariah will always know their 'Primaris' ability.


Psychic Abomination: Causes Fear Tests at -3Ld for any Pyskers or Daemons within 6" of a model with this special rule. Additionally, all blessings and maledictions immediately cease their effects when the unit affected by these powers is within 6" of the Psychic Abomination as well as cause all Psykers, friend or foe, to only be able to manifest psychic powers on a 6+ and to no longer generate Warp Charge during the psychic phase if within the area of effect.


Pariah Abilities: These must be activated through a successful Leadership test minus half of the Abilites # rounded up. (0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3 respectively)

  • Primaris: Warp Bane: The Pariah causes Instant Death to any psykers or daemons he attacks within the area of effect of Psychic Abomination. 
  • #1: Enemy Units must take a leadership test at -2 or be pinned when shot at or charged by a model with this ability active. This modifier is doubled against Daemons or Psykers.
  • #2: 
  • #3:
  • #4:
  • #5:

Etc, the stronger effects being those that impose a -2/-3(PH) to the test.


I guess.





Edited by Slipstreams
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Whilst I'm not against the idea of unifying the Pariah traits somewhat I think it wouldn't be quite as simple as looking at the Culexus's rules. Even though this has served as a source of inspiration for some/all of the rules we have so far. This is due to the Culexus having very binary abilities when it comes to psychic powers. I don't think that would translate well into a force that could have lots of models with these rules. This was part of the reason I was really careful with my own pariah rules, I didn't want it to simply be if I took pariahs then enemy psykers might as well not exist. I mean from a fluff point of view this is kinda how it works, but in game it just leads to dull matches and annoyed players who don't get any use out of their (potentially) favoured models.


Slips: I actually quite like the idea of a 'psychic discipline' for pariahs, though I'd probably chose a different method of manifestation than you, as it is quite similar to the Mechanicus 'powers'. In my mind there is a potential to make them powers that aren't rolled, but instead have fixed Warp Charge costs. In that way you could fluff it to be their natures being brought out more in the presence of great psychic energy, making their otherness more apparent.  (Actually I think this may have given me a hint of inspiration I may try and work on this at some point.)

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Whilst I'm not against the idea of unifying the Pariah traits somewhat I think it wouldn't be quite as simple as looking at the Culexus's rules. Even though this has served as a source of inspiration for some/all of the rules we have so far. This is due to the Culexus having very binary abilities when it comes to psychic powers. I don't think that would translate well into a force that could have lots of models with these rules. This was part of the reason I was really careful with my own pariah rules, I didn't want it to simply be if I took pariahs then enemy psykers might as well not exist. I mean from a fluff point of view this is kinda how it works, but in game it just leads to dull matches and annoyed players who don't get any use out of their (potentially) favoured models.


Slips: I actually quite like the idea of a 'psychic discipline' for pariahs, though I'd probably chose a different method of manifestation than you, as it is quite similar to the Mechanicus 'powers'. In my mind there is a potential to make them powers that aren't rolled, but instead have fixed Warp Charge costs. In that way you could fluff it to be their natures being brought out more in the presence of great psychic energy, making their otherness more apparent.  (Actually I think this may have given me a hint of inspiration I may try and work on this at some point.)



Jap, in the same way, we fashioned the wardens powers. They control their pariahness with their masks, cause otherwise it must have an effect to allied units as well.

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As far as the Pariah unity, I don't have a particularly strong opinion. My Pariahs in the Warriors of Peace legion are simply based off of the Culexus rule. I'm inclined toward Grifft's position since he's dedicated the most work to a Pariah system, as far as I know.

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As far as the Pariah unity, I don't have a particularly strong opinion. My Pariahs in the Warriors of Peace legion are simply based off of the Culexus rule. I'm inclined toward Grifft's position since he's dedicated the most work to a Pariah system, as far as I know.

And he also made my pariah rules so that they fit the character of the wardens and what I habe in mind for them.


I am strongly against a change. All the same would more or less take the soul out of the different legions.

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