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⋅Void Eagles:

Imperial Army: distrusted allies - Valuable assets in the Void, the Imperial Army becomes a hurdle to the Void Eagles on land, scorched-earth and fire-cloud tactics killing oftentimes more mortal allies than augmented enemies. The cohorts of the Excertus Imperialis have come to resent that — and righteously so.

Mechanicum: fellow warriors - You have a ship. You need people to maintain it. The cog-heads know ships. They maintain it.



Stygian Jackals: by order! - Un-noble tactics, not worthy of Humanity's greatest warriors.

Mechanicum: distrusted allies - The flesh. Always praising it, augmenting it. While Magi Biologis might praise that, the mechanist majority of the Mechanicum regard the IX legion with a contemptuous eye.

Imperial Army: battle brothers - To the Imperial Army, the Warbringers are the sword to the Halcyon Wardens' shield, leading them into battle while the later would try to protect them. Athough not always above suicide or meatshield tactics, the Warbringers have shown their ability to inspire the common man in heroic deeds.

Edited by Skalpynock
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Warriors of Peace Allied Chart -


Berserkers of Uran - By Order of X! - The Jade General has never hidden his disdain for Raktra and his frenzied way of war. Likewise, to the disciplined Warriors, the Berserkers are nothing more than a pack of mongrels. 


Eagle Warriors - Distrusted Allies - Although both seek to manipulate genetics, Alexos' belligerent attitude to his 'superiors' (as Jade sees it) marks him a fool. 


The Drowned - Battle Brothers - An odd alliance, but an incident of marine defection and betrayal created an unbreakable bond between them. [Will add more when I have a better understanding of this legion.]


Jackels - Fellow Warriors - Despite their service record, Willym's connection to Raktra taints him in Jade's eyes. 


Ghost Walkers - Battle Brothers - Similar in temperament, the flexible tactics of the Ghost Walkers mesh well with the Warrior's resilience.


Imperial Army - Distrusted Allies - Simply put, the Warriors, Jade especially, spook the average soldier. Their almost-inhuman calm in the face of war unnerves some, while whispers of genetic experiments worries others.


Mechanicum - Battle Brothers - While the Warriors do not forsake the flesh, their drive to remove emotional outbursts is lauded by the Mechanicum. The Magos Biologis' can always find friends among the Warriors.  

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Well, this is what we're working with chaps (and chappesses?).


This is the most up to date information provided by people, including the Drowned's modified one. Rather than having the Drowned's playstyle modified by Morro, as some of you may remember, Morro's rules included a modifier that basically changed all legions to be "By The Order"; leaving only Mechanicum as trusted. 


To run through it; 


Sworn Brothers

Lightning Bearers; when Morro was discovered, Russ was enraged to see that Morro had enslaved his own people and continued the farming of his people to Dark Eldar and Eldar Corsairs. Icarion was able to assuage Russ's anger. In addition, Hennasohn had been assigned to the Lightning Bearers early on, who helped develop his powers.

Void Eagles; The Void Eagles were one of the earliest trainers of the legion; their abilities in underwater combat lead to many cross-trained skills and the two fought many compliance campaigns early crusade.

Fire Keepers; The Fire Keepers were another early crusade legion with which the XVIth shared close affiliation; the two worked together even after the discovery of Morro, and he was one of the few who made his opinion clear regarding Morro's previous "misdemeanours" saying that mistakes could be learned from.

Dune Serpents; The Mad King was a valuable ally of the Drowned, acting as their eyes and ears for the Drowned's main combat forces. Morro once let Azus Bahamut to escape.

Warriors of Peace; [tbd]

Scions Hospitaller; The Drowned, as per their common given name were notable underwater combatants. They were frequently called upon to provide aid for other legions, and in parts to even train their specialists; but when Pionus was discovered on an marine world, the Drowned were brought in in large numbers to extensively train the legion for such operations. In return, as thanks, the Scions have aided the Drowned whenever the call came out, and the personable Primarch of the XIXth was able to encourage Sorrowsworn to be more open than he ever was with the others.

Ghost Walkers; Shortly before the discovery of Sorrowsworn Morro, the legion's primary headquarters was engaged by xenos forces on a forgotten world. The legion commanders tried to establish a cordon [ran out of time, tired now chaps will update later]

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So, I've located a brief bio on where Madrigal was, and it's almost dead center of the galaxy, if I'm reading it right. (Athrawes, feel free to correct me on this.)


Which has some very interesting implications for our Insurrection. I had pictured Madrigal being the center of Icarion's new Imperium, and it gradually expanding out into the rest of the galaxy. My plan doesn't quite work here.


Now, I'm imagining several circular zones of control. Madrigal and it's zone is at the center of the galaxy and is slowly expanding outward. Terra maintains a ring of control around it. Around the Terran ring is a Traitor ring feeding on the edges of the Loyalist Imperium and making its way inward.

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Oh you found it hesh. Oh...but i already made my alliances clear but midified the relationship with alexos. Hmm a i search for it.


I had caerbannog placed in the south west, but jere I am very open. ( there is a map in netrayer finsing of the lost son) that spot nailed me.

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Just got mine done:


Battle Brothers

Berskers of Uran: Ever since their first fight, the white devil and the Jackal have been close friends

Imperial Army: Willym values the contribution of the army, recognising that they are an integral part of the Imperium

Lightning Bearers: Willym looks up to Icarion and seeks to emulate him

Crimson Lions: In their pre primach days the two legions were close, but have slowly drifted apart during the latter years of the crusade

Dune serpents: The two utilise similar tactics, leading to a friendly rivalry

Scions Hospitalier: Pionus' work on Jackel's jaw created a close friendship. The events on Polyhi also help

Wardens of Light: Gwal instantly hits it off with his brother. Gwal teaches Jackel the value of democracy, even if Jackel twists the perception a little to suit his own view.

Fire Keepers: Niklaas and Jackel became close friends upon their first meeting


Fellow Warriors

Iron Bears: The hit and run tactics of the legion do not favour stationary tactics. They also view hiding in great ceramite fortresses as dishonourable

Warriors of Peace: rumours of genetic experimentation lead to distrust within the legion. Jackel finds the General unnerving, much like Alexandros

Eagle Warriors: The increasingly wayward views of the legion leaves them held at arms length. They are still respected for their tactics and strength in battle though.

Godslayers: viewing their mercy for the non combatant as weakness, they are secretly scorned throughout the legion

Warbringers: As with the iron bears, gunlines, fortifications and massed armour assaults are unfavoured within the legion, and don't have a place with the Jackals fluid tactics

Ghost Walkers: "Spiritual Aid" is seen as heretical to Jackel and the XVIIIth. They are still respected for their use of medicines and ability to heal but are held at arms length.



By order of X!

Halcyon Wardens: Alexandros mind powers leave Jackel uncomfortable and agitated. He refused to take to the field alongside his brother since Lokhif

Grave Stalkers: Legionary Sacrifices and the unneringness of pariahs means the Jackals are unwilling to the point of leaving a war zone to fight with them. This stems partly from Jackels past and because the XVIIIth have unusually high self preservation instincts...

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Gah! Why is everything happening today!? Massive resurgence in activity here, all my pbp rpg games updating, Exalted 3e coming out. I have no time. And I'm supposed to be tidying the house for relatives to visit. :( /outburst


Sorry but why is it that everything cool happens all at once when I can't really do anything about it?

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The Drowned have been watching you, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Distracted by something else, their limbs wrap around you from behind, covering your mouth with an iron grasp muffling your cries, pulling you backwards into the water, and dragging you ever downwards, only letting you go when the bubbles stop...

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I've begun to notice that the Dune Serpents have good relationships with most of the traitors...  In that vein, I think some chapters will splinter, joining other legions with whom they feel a greater kinship (Eagle Warriors, Drowned, etc), possibly with characters and rules.  Are there EW and Drowned LA rules (so I can mix that with Dune Serpent rules)?

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One of Icarion's traits (as I have developed from the High priestess Tarot) is an innate understanding of his brothers roles in the system. To me, that means an appreciation that every one of the emperors sons has a virtue to which they excel, having served so many years as the emperors right hand and councilor, he would share the emperors unique appreciation of each legion and their strengths.


To Icarion and his sons, they find harmony in different styles of warfare. While some might be distasteful to the warriors of the 1st Legion, they nonetheless respect the virtues each of their cousins embody.


What this means in terms of an allied chart:


I don't think any legions should really view the Lightning Bearers as a "by the order of X" furthermore The lightning bearers wouldn't view any other legion as anything less than fellow warriors with a certain few as battle brothers.


The only battle brother legion I know of for certain (which hasn't been marked on your chart Hesh) would be the Halcyon Wardens. 


there may be others Hesh, but so far, no one has really made it clear to me whether they would be battle brothers with the Lightning bearers short of you and Simison.



Hopefully that helps/makes sense.

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It does make sense, though I think a few legions would be distrusted allies, not so much as the Lightning Bearers view of them, but more that they take a dim view of the Lightning Bearers. 


As far as the Warriors of Peace - Lightning Bearers, Jade will always have great respect for Icarion, but that doesn't have to translate into Battle Brothers. 

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Yeah makes sense, but the actions of the lightning bearers who destroy 100s of worlds without a reason( we don't know aboit the ghost crusade) let the wardens of light who value the life of others distrust you


Mikhail, you know about the hundreds of the worlds because you are outside of the universe observing it. In universe, the purging of those world is an enormous secret. That's kind of the point of it, destroy the worlds quietly so the other legions don't ask questions. There is no way your legion would know about that in universe.


In the cannon universe, its the revelation of these destroyed worlds to the other legions/primarchs which leads to the LB being purged, in this universe i don't see any reason why the emperor would have done the same thing. 

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No, I agreee with simison that there might be a few legions which that view the Lightning bearers with distrust. I just feel like they should have, specific reasons, consistent with the setting, for distrusting them. For example, I'm sure there are a few legion which either just hate every, or are naturally distrustful of the other legions. Looking at the allies in the age of darkness allies chart, there are only 4 legions which distrusted the Sons of Horus. The iron warriors, because they are naturally paranoid. The white scars because they try to be unkown. The alpha legion because, spies. And the the thousand sons I assume because witches.


In this universe psyker isn't as big a stigma, and the Lightning bears don't use sny visual psychic powers any way, just divination with a touch of telepathy. It's hard for a legion to hate what they aren't aware of, or forced to witness.


With all that said, excluding distrusting for being witch (for the reasons above), the only reasons for distrusting the LB is if your legion hates most other legions, or is naturally paranoid. In those cases, it seems like legions they like or trust would be the exception. (Or has a very specific incident which would cause them to distrust the LB, however that would be a bit tricky to work out within the above constraints)

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Well as gwal is built after the fortune and he has contempt for the living, he likes most. His reason to distruss is when people habe to suffer or needless bloodshed. Because of this he will only work with the berserkers, if big e orders it.( although I admire immmmooooootaaaaaan raktra)


So if nothing of the purged worlds is known to him, not a faint gossip, then he really has no reason to distrust the lightning bearers. And then I bet, they could get along well.

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There could be a specific scenario that creates Distrusted Allies, Athrawes. As the Daemon-Bane of the Emperor, not only is Icarion sent on secret missions, but he'd have to be ready to deploy at a moment's notice, correct? It would be easy for the LB to be operating in a campaign with Legion Y and receive the call. Even if Icarion is allowed to say that the order comes straight from the Emperor, the other Primarch could take offense at the sudden loss of support. Kinda like how the Dark Angels have a reputation of being unreliable due to their hunt for the Fallen.

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Book 1

  • Lightning Bearers
  • Grave Stalkers
  • Godslayers
  • Iron Bears
  • Eagle Warriors
  • Scions Hospitaller

Book 2

  • Berserkers of Uran
  • The Drowned
  • VoidEagles
  • Stygian Jackals
  • Warbringers
  • Warriors of Peace

Book 3

  • Wardens of Light
  • Halcyon Wardens
  • Fire Keepers
  • Crimson Lions
  • Dune Serpents
  • Ghost Walkers




Alright, I placed that there for easy reference. 


I doubt we've finished the Allied Matrix, but I wanted to pursue this line of thought before it was buried too deep. I'd like to lay down the framework for getting the first book and will start an appropriate thread. But, first I wanted to confirm which legions were in there beforehand. The first book will be about the Insurrection Architects. So, the Lightning Bearers and the Eagle Warriors are a must. Since Daer'dd is the Primarch to die in the opening phase of the war, Iron Bears will be here along with the Grave Stalkers. 


It's the Scions & the Godslayers that I'm not sure about. Now, the Scions could make some sense to me if it was about the duel between Morro and Santor, which leads to Pionius becoming a Wraith-Construct. If that's the case where that does happen at the beginning of the Insurrection, then having the Scions be in Book 1 would fit but only if the Drowned are in Book 1. ...then I remembered that Koschei is the one who kills Daer'dd and promptly sank that idea. 


Furthermore, I want one non-legion faction be added, like in the FW books. In this case, the Abyssii. 


I want Book 2 to focus on the corruption as Chaos works its magic on the legions and Icarion's alliance breaks apart. The Drowned work here with the Berserkers, and the Revolutionaries (Warbringers & Warriors of Peace). The Jackels would be the 5th legion, as this would be when they go full renegade. The 6th legion should be the Crimson Lions since the Shadow Crusade is going to be one of the main campaigns in this book. And Hectarion's fortitude against the Bloodthirster shard adds a contrast to all of the corruption. The Dark Mechanicum faction should go here.



And, despite only intending to outline Book 1, let me just go ahead and deal with Book 3. This book focuses on the Siege of Terra and the end-game. Wardens (both of them), Void Eagles, Fire Keepers, Ghost Walkers, & the Dune Serpents. The non-legion faction will be an Imperial Army faction. As I mentioned to Athrawes, Icarion takes time to corrupt and undermine the legions to his cause, but at the same time, Alexandros is gradually strengthening the Imperium. So, while he has fewer legions at his disposal, the Warmaster has more reliable human armies. At first, they're little more than speed bumps, but after the Revolutionaries & the Jackels break off, they're able to make more of a difference in the Insurrection. 


My layout


Book 1 - [insurrection]

  • Lightning Bearers
  • Eagle Warriors
  • Iron Bears
  • Grave Stalkers
  • Godslayers
  • Scions Hospitaller
  • Abyssii

Book 2 - [Corruption]

  • Berserkers of Uran
  • Crimson Lions
  • The Drowned
  • Warbringers
  • Warriors of Peace
  • Stygian Jackels
  • Cognis Heretica

Book 3 - [Absolution]

  • Halcyon Wardens
  • Wardens of Light
  • Fire Keepers
  • Void Eagles
  • Ghost Walkers
  • Dune Serpents
  • Imperial Army Faction


Any glaring holes or major issues with my layout?

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Seems cool to me. Add another piece of my allies chart in - trusted allies with The Drowned. Sea-faring demon Primarch and ground-bound demon Primarch sounds like Leviathan and Behemoth to me.


EDIT: Ignore me, that's already there.

Edited by Raktra
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Makes Sense to me especially since in the Original book outline by Hesh, the Reason the Scions were in Book 1 was to that Wraith-Pionus would be appendix'd into book 3 so that its not:


Book 1:

Scions are here!


Book 2:

We're also kinda here! Look at our New-And-Improved Primarch!


Book 3:

Duel with Morro Vs Wraith @ Terra Possibly.

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