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@Simison: that layout for the books looks about right from what I have been able to follow. I'm not sure at the moment what Icarion will be doing in the first book. I understand he is there, to balance out the three books. As of right now, all he seems to be involved with is planning out the Inserrection, but i was kind of hoping that the Lightning bearers could blood themselves during the opening betrayal.


Symbolically I think Icarion needs his legion to get its hands dirty in the prosecution of the loyalists. A while back you and I had briefly discussed having one of Alex's Lieutenants be killed in combat, with the Lightning bearers, but I can't seem to find the posts. Aside from that, if that even takes place during the first betrayal, I'm unsure what would be a suitable battle, and a suitable adversary for the Lightning Bearers. 


If we wanted to still go the route of having the LB first major engagement of the Insurrection be against the Halcyon Wardens, i was thinking something less adversarial and more diplomatic.



From the beginning, i've been trying to make it clear that Icarion doesn't really resent Alex for being chosen warmaster, Icarion resents that the Emperor overlooked him, but Icarion is still close to Alex. He wants to bring Alex to his banner, To Icarion the Alex may be leading the Loyalists, but his true enemy is the emperor, he sees Alex as being deceived and used by the Emperor.


Basically I think the encounter should be that what ever largish force of Halcyon Wardens become aware of the insurrection, they should be confused about legion loyalties due to to wide spread misinformation. They should be aware that several legions have ambushed others, but with no idea that it is being orchestrated by Icarion. There are then two possible options: (A) The Wardens are currently cut off from Alex and so seek out icarion as their closest "trusted" ally. or (B.) Alex Sends them out to find Icarion to have him rally the loyalists and get a clear picture of what is happening.


In either scenario, they approach the LB peacefully looking for help and guidance. Icarion should make clear his position somehow (vague I know but I am unsure what would be suitable.) My current Idea is that Icarion agrees to help them hunt down and combat the traitors, and so travels as a fleet to engage several shattered Legion groups. Icarion is shown then to manipulate the misinformation, by leading the Loyalist Wardens to exterminate Legion forces which turn out to be loyalist groups/loyalist survivors from the other ambushes.


It can be at this point that icarion makes his request for loyalty from the Halcyon Wardens with him


The situation is not intended as an ambush, but when the wardens refuse, they flee, and Alex's lieutenant is slain in the rearguard/escape. Icarion allows a few ships to leave intentionally unmolested to bring word to Alex that his brother is coming for him.


(this might actually be a good place to insert your several thousand traitors Simison, the Wardens who declare for Icarion could be convinced by him here if you didn't already have plans for them.)




Simison I know that this is a very rough summary but as of right now that is my current thinking on the LB campaign for book 1.  I think this route has merit but, what are your thoughts?

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We originally had the Equerry, Pyrrhicles, be the victim of the Lightning Bearer ambush. Now, I see the 'Warden detachment falls back to Madrigal' path more effective than 'Alex sending them out of ignorance' due to his divination foreseeing Icarion's betrayal and being close to the revelation of the Insurrection. When Alexos breaks the Terran defenses, Alex is on Terra and senses the destruction a moment before the Emperor contacts him.


Then I gave it a little more thought. Alex sending the detachment could work if Chaos is blocking him from seeing far into the future. In that scenario, he only knows about Alexos' betrayal. Still, it's not my preferred scenario. 


The other scenario where the Warden expeditionary force falls back on confusion. Given the unreliable nature of long-range communication, I can definitely see this happening. In fact, Icarion could arrange it that the Warden force is nearby when the Insurrection breaks out and that it happens to have large amount of Wardens who'd favor Icarion. I like this scenario more. When Pyrrhicles (or Irvin, who is Chapter Master of the Wardens) refuses Icarion's offer, there can be a moment of shock as half of the Wardens with him turn against him. 


And either Pyrrhicles or Irvin Ruel would be suited for the moment. Pyrrhicles is personally loyal to Alexandros to the bitter end, but Irvin Ruel is loyal to the Imperium/Emperor, being one of the original Terran marines. Both would refuse Icarion's offer and fight to the death for their causes.

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Eeeuuuuch. I was hoping we'd forgotten about them.


Like I said, that's if we go with the default. Since the Insurrection is still a massive, galaxy-breaking event, the other races will try to influence the outcome, but I understand that the Cabal is a mixed bag, and I personally could do with or without them. 


What does everyone else think of having the Cabal show up?

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I'm okay with them, just because I think our process won't make them so heavy handed. We don't need them to turn a primach with a short speech. But there are lots of old powerful beings outside of our transhuman lot, and I think if used right it could be an interesting subplot opposed to the macguffin they exist as now. Besides I'd love to see Icarion get into a mind war with a slann or Daer'dd get into a fist fight with an old one ^_^
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Ohh absolutely the core 18 legions and other new characters and factions are what is important right now. But we are ultimately world building, and like in my personal gaming group I'm the only non Xenos player, but they'd be interested in seeing where BoTL goes and how it effects their factions. Especially since with this once we hit scouring and beyond and dare I say the 42nd millennium we don't have to stagnate as a group we could have more inclusive wide spread campagains eventually that actually really move the narrative again. But that's a far off thought.
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Ohh absolutely the core 18 legions and other new characters and factions are what is important right now. But we are ultimately world building, and like in my personal gaming group I'm the only non Xenos player, but they'd be interested in seeing where BoTL goes and how it effects their factions. Especially since with this once we hit scouring and beyond and dare I say the 42nd millennium we don't have to stagnate as a group we could have more inclusive wide spread campagains eventually that actually really move the narrative again. But that's a far off thought.


Wow, didn't realize we had xenos fans, let alone non-internet fans.

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With all the talk of where our homeworlds will be I got a little inspired to try and be creative. So I thought I'd try and make a galactic map for us to use if we want and maybe stick on the 'inside cover' of the book when we get to that point.



Spoilered due to image size :tongue.:


I would have used the official map as a basis for this except that cleaning it up would have taken forever and it felt less morally dubious to just use an image of the milky way rather than the FW one. Obviously this is missing all of the named planets that we might want to put on here and I want to remove the page number boxes at the bottom too. But other than that what do you guys think? Any suggestions on how to improve this? Or should I give this up as a bad idea and just use the FW one?

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I was thinking of putting othe major landmarks on it like some of the named forgewords. Possibly other 'important' worlds from our fluff too, say from the exemplary battles bits of the legion chapters. To be honest I'm not sure yet how much I can fit on without it looking too busy, so there'll be a bit of experimentation involved.
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Maybe highlighz the primarchworlds. Give them different colors make them bigger. That exemplary battles maybe red and so on. Of course all the planets the wardens of light were on must be golden;)



And sorry for the text before. I must have been drugged by Alexos

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Hey ho Fraters, just a quick message from me:


You know the iconostasis sries from disarmonia?


As you know, Raktra, Icarion and Gwalchavad were also sketched in that manner and right now disarmonia offers a discount. so if any of you wants to have a iconostasis in that quality. feel free to write disarmoniahttp://orig00.deviantart.net/2aa3/f/2015/118/7/c/the_iconostasis_by_d1sarmon1a-d8rdjrk.jpg



To contact here just visit her profile on deviantart:


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Wow. As much as I would love to get an image like those for K'awil I don't have a good enough idea of what I want him to look like to be able to describe him really. Plus I'm in a need to spend no money at all period at the moment. Maybe at some later date...




Anyway. I've done a little bit of work on the 'map'. The big things were changing the colour and enlarging the galaxy itself. Is this an improvement or should I do something else. My main issue with the red was that the labels and other stuff placed on top could get lost quite easily. I'm hoping the additional contrast of blue will help with that. I've also tried to add a few extra stars further out from the centre, not too many or it will look strange, but hopefully enough that you can see them. I've also started to add some of the labels in too, will probably try to look back through the last few pages here to figure out where some of the Legion homeworlds are and try to add them in as well.


Oh and the gaps in some of the names are so I can maybe add some king of a symbol around the first letter for different types of worlds. We'll see what becomes of that.

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Book 2 - [Corruption]

Berserkers of Uran

Crimson Lions

The Drowned


Warriors of Peace

Stygian Jackels

Cognis Heretica


Book 3 - [Absolution]

Halcyon Wardens

Wardens of Light

Fire Keepers

Void Eagles

Ghost Walkers

Dune Serpents

Imperial Army


This is sorta me talking 'out loud', and seeking input. When I mentioned which campaigns were going to be in the first book, I was surprised by how many events we were leaving out. So, I've had a nagging thought that we need more books. To give it greater scrutiny, I'm going to outline what the other 8 campaigns would be.


Book 2

- Shadow/Blood Crusade ~ Berserkers/Eagle Warriors vs Crimson Lions

- Jackels go renegade ~ Stygian Jackels vs Cognis Herectia/(legion) [i can't remember but there is a legion homeworld near the Jackel's. They'll be duking it out.]

- Revolution ~ Warriors of Peace/Warbringers vs Grave Stalkers

- New Empire ~ Revolutionaries vs Traitor Retaliation attack (The Downed, Lightning Bearers, others)


Book 3

- War of Shadows ~ Ghost Walkers vs Dune Serpents

- Loyalist Counter ~ Void Eagles/Imperial Army vs Traitors

- Neutrality discarded ~ Wardens of Light vs Traitors

- The Final Battle ~ Halcyon Wardens/Fire Keepers vs Traitors


How does that look? Is there too little?

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