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I'm having a brain fart, who's in the genetic buggery pot? I can't even remember if I am.


Secondly, is there any precidence for someone rebelling against their nature when daemoned up? Not like going "nooo, I repent and am good!", but more like battling against the influence Chaos would have on their personality, at least temporariy. I have an idea.

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I'm having a brain fart, who's in the genetic buggery pot? I can't even remember if I am.


Secondly, is there any precidence for someone rebelling against their nature when daemoned up? Not like going "nooo, I repent and am good!", but more like battling against the influence Chaos would have on their personality, at least temporariy. I have an idea.



Wouldn't Argel Tal be the prime example? 


And here, it was on the first page of this thread:


The Vizenko Prosecution


Kozja (Wants to create the One True Legion)

Jade General (Wants to create Pariahs)

Alexos Travier (Cloning Marines)

Sorrowsworn Morro (Improve Astartes)

Raktra (Better Astartes)







Alexandros VonSalim

Pionus Santor 

Daer'dd Niimkiika

Hectarion Mycenor


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In respect to the above, the entire Bloodline of the Drowned is cursed with Morro falling to She Who Thirsts, and it is they who try to reverse the damage done by throwing in their lot with the Geneseed manipulators after the event


Morro manipulates those legionaries who are physically and emotionally close with him as a result of Urien Rakarths influence, mainly because he sees himself as inadequate next to his brothers, like Pionus, Gwal, Icarion.

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Well let's not forget, Niklaas has a magic daemon smashing hammer. And he will be at Terra.

( Pictures Gwal knocking daemon primarch out of the air, Niklaas points toward the outer wall of the palace,...and swings!)

Lol. After Alexos is banned we could take out some greater deamons.


K'awil is probably sulking in his wheelchair :P

Well in that case wait while hec and the remnants of lions and wardens are distracted and speed with your wheelchair to big e and stare at each other
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In respect to the above, the entire Bloodline of the Drowned is cursed with Morro falling to She Who Thirsts, and it is they who try to reverse the damage done by throwing in their lot with the Geneseed manipulators after the event


Morro manipulates those legionaries who are physically and emotionally close with him as a result of Urien Rakarths influence, mainly because he sees himself as inadequate next to his brothers, like Pionus, Gwal, Icarion.


Hesh, take your time in responding to this, but I know that the Drowned and Morro break paths at some point. Can you give me a quick outline? Is it Morro falling to daemonhood and the legion rejects him or visa versa?

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i hope raktra and hectarion will battle it out at the eternity gate in terra. crimson lions and warden of light held the gate but were smashed, raktra enters and then comes hec to get revenge for the ritual^^.


oooohhhh it could be so epic.

I'm gonna rip my own wings off, for starters.

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In respect to the above, the entire Bloodline of the Drowned is cursed with Morro falling to She Who Thirsts, and it is they who try to reverse the damage done by throwing in their lot with the Geneseed manipulators after the event

Morro manipulates those legionaries who are physically and emotionally close with him as a result of Urien Rakarths influence, mainly because he sees himself as inadequate next to his brothers, like Pionus, Gwal, Icarion.



Hesh, take your time in responding to this, but I know that the Drowned and Morro break paths at some point. Can you give me a quick outline? Is it Morro falling to daemonhood and the legion rejects him or visa versa?

Morro's dabbling with Dark Eldar fleshwarping sees him unwittingly have his soul sacrificed to Slaanesh through some daemonic implantation; Morro's legion has rapidly swelled in numbers following the events hidden in conspiracy. Before he is able to lose his soul entirely, he clutches on and wrestles it back, but his psyche is shared with that of a Greater Daemon; Zarakynel, N'Kari, Ingethel, or as yet another to be decided; with the promise of execution of the entirety of the Eldar species he is able to save himself and his legion.


With the outbreak of the Insurrection, Morro is able to keep it in check, and makes it his mission to eliminate any interfering Eldar forces, enlisting the aid of Slaanesh Daemons and hordes of enthralled populace. As Morro collects his forces for a hammerblow on Terra, the legion's more independent minded commanders had collected their own loyalists. They had already noticed changes happening to their forces, Morro's geneseed in their chests were corrupting them regardless of their actual personal bent. When the commanders (from their own ships) challenged Morro - knowing their primarchs attitude to things - some agreed with his decision, others immediately rebelled, the legion tearing itself apart as brother fell on brother, and Morro fled with his Flagship (Queen of the Damned, a heavily modified Gloriana class) to the muster point.


Morro took to the planetary assault head on, his rampage stopped by Mortera of the Mechanicum Abyssii. Triggering hidden kill switches in suits of armour and weapons of those few legionaries who stuck with Morro by accident or design, and near truedeath himself, Morro finally sells his soul, and realising his legion has been broken that there is no hope to save them, drags their souls into the Abyss with him. With an influx of warp power, he bursts free of Mortera's grasp but is shielded by Pionus, and a newly arrived Hennasohn and some of the Drowned who were loyal to him. The Primarch and the former legion commander sacrifice themselves but in order to finally destroy Morro's resistance, the possessing Greater Daemon relaxes control as Pionus is crushed in Morro's grasp. Thinking that Morro would be cast into the abyss by the revelation and with his former prediliction in morro's attitude they didn't count on the reverse actually happening; with his loyal followers disabled or dying, surrounded by Hennasohn's 'loyal Drowned' (only a small contingent of several thousand) and bombarded by Fire Keepers, Mechanicum forces, and the Scions, with the nearest forces of the traitors, Morro cast himself into the warp ending his role in the actual Insurrection. Those loyal Drowned who made their way to Terra are eliminated by Mortera's unflinching role, and recognising the threat they face from both sides, turn on them both before being killed to a man.


Following the Siege, Morro is able to travel between worlds by putting them to the torch, but can only make short 'hops' into the Warp. The scouring forces are able to track down this creature massacreing worlds (think in Cthulu manner), with a certain amount of help from Ahriman (who fled into the webway vis a vis the destruction of the Thousand Sons), Eldrad Ulthran, and a collection of Phoenix Lords.


I see it as several stages;


1. Morro discovered. Seen as the runt, weakling, and the only Primarch to enslave his own planet.

2. Challenged by Russ, and captures Rakarth. (Hint; Rakarth allows himself to be captured, scheming in the background from Be'lakor, Slaanesh, and the Eldar). Rakarth begins experimentation on self and those of his legion nearby.

3. Vlka Fenryka and Thousand Sons are lost from Imperial records.

4. Icarion Insurrection occurs. Morro targets Pionus.

5. Failing to eliminate Pionus, Morro begins hunting Eldar soulstones.

6. Legion gathers for Siege, XVIth legion shatters into constituents.

7. Siege; when wall is breached, beaten by Mortera, give in to chaos, begins to corrupt Terra and force people to take their own lives, Hunts down Mortera, but is driven off by Pionus letting her escape, Hennasohn's ship unloads on the planet, and help fight Morro, but the long siege means they aren't the match for the DaemonMorro and are killed (ish, in the case of Pionus), but Morro is driven off.

8. The 'Scouring' ; Morro tries to heal his legion by sacrificing himself to slaanesh as well as the souls of as many people as possible. The Eldar connections with Pionus lead them to fight him together, and Morro sees a chance to save his legion and himself once more; potentially getting into the webway and getting the Black Library and Commoragh and dragging the souls of all the entire Eldar race into the abyss.


1, 2 and 3 are prior to Insurrection and outside of the scope of the story, but alluded to in fluff, while 8 again could be a followup.


For the Legendary Battles; there is the underwater war; perhaps taking the fight to Iona with rules for underwater fighting, and the Siege part 1, basically giving all models in the Drowned gains Gets Hot attacks and roll to see if they count as always being if Difficult and Dangerous terrain, siege Part 2 sees a Mega Battle with Morterra, Pionus and Hennasohn bringing around 6000pts to fight against Morro, and an endless tide of Slaanesh Daemons lead by Belakor.


Hope that helps?

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"As a memory fades, a warrior fades. Brothers turn on each other, brotherhood forgotten. Love shall break, trust shall be replaced. Hate shall conquer, only the worthy shall survive. The galaxy is in turmoil, an empire falling


Now a bolt round moves between my finger. It's destiny yet undecided, it hungers. I feel it's power slowly growing as I decide it's victim. My boltgun will roar, my spear will growl. My weaponry shall once again sing, my armor once again displaying my grandeur.

I will wait for the moment a past brother will look me in the eyes, his body tremble with pain in the chest. I will watch to see his life power seeping from his eyes, how his light in this dark universe shall fade. I shall feel the power of betrayal, my betrayal. my weaponry singing, my soul aflame.


Prepare yourself my brothers. We are now the flames in the dark."

-Last fleet wide vox message to all traitor legions by Alexos Travier, 2 days before the siege of Terra

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I had an idea about what could occur on Cadia during the Cadian massacre. Perhaps Hec could lose it completely but(due to Tzeentch not wanting Khorne getting too powerfull) instead of becoming another demon of Khorne or losing the bloodthirster shard, a pyschic imprint of the shard gets put into the minds of every Crimson Lion, giving them a form of the red thirst.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Taking down the wards



Hey ho, AO108 and myself are actually discussing how Alexos would take down the wards. So we came up with the Idea, as he is sacrificing the entire 11th fleeth led by the wardens of light, that he also commences an exterminatus on the planet nearby

( for all who are not following this: just short before the insurrection, the eagle warriors asked for the aid of the wardens of light to "befriend" a planetary system. Is the first joint operation since ages for the two friends. So while they are planning the operation, alexos backstabbes Gwal injecting Quarith drugs in his system. Then he let his fleet attack the wardens fleet and annhilates them completly)

So we have a lot if pariah dying and the plan was, with help of the billions of killed souls he empowers himself, and envelopes the pariah "souls" with the souls of the damned and is so able to channel them and direct them directly to the wards on terra and the massed pariah "soul" eats away the billions first and then the wards before tgey dissappear. Leaving the wards destroeyed and the emperor pinned to the golden throne, cause of the massed deamon assault who pour now into reality.


What do the fraters think? Other version would only consists of the sacrifice of the wardens and with they psyonic cryoit and the attack on his best friends sons, the chaos gods help him to take the wards down.


@Hec: Uhmm, i would reconsider that Idea. It is too much chaotic.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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