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In the Cannon, a Company or Squad of Nova Marines (I think thats them) are in quasi-permanent secondment to a Rogue Trader Dynasty or Something.


They have also been known to lead expeditionary fleets which Marines would take part in.

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Do they have marines under their wing? I would say no ;)

Rogue trader Gotha had the 4th company of the pre-Curze night lords.

And I guess I could put one or two Void Eagles fleets under Rogue Trader command. Or the opposite, with some captains holding both Rogue Trader status and rank within the legion.

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"What are you doing, Captain Cortez?"


"Well....nothing. Why?"


"You have something behind your ... by the Emperor! Lay down that abomination! What kind of madness is this?!"


"Oh...you mean Fluffy? Well... I found him on Planet XP-459. Can't we keep him? He's just a little fuzzy hairball. I think the natives called them Tripples or something like that. C'mon, what can go wrong, hm?"




Yeah, could lead to some conflicts. :P


Besides that, Rogue Trader could be yet another point of view in our project. :)

Edited by Kelborn
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Wow kelborn.. Just wow xD


Wrote some stuff on my personal roque trader house and leader:


Ritcher Constantine "Roques tradius primarus" and the Dragon Guild/Family


Ritcher is the 112th holder of the golden Warrant of Trade in the Dragon Guild. His family the long rulers of this huge Guild. Ritcher is an expectional tradesman.


The Dragon Guild is a long ruling Roque Trader family (One of the 15 main families/guilds). They are mostly specialized in trading artefacts for huge storages of military grade wargear and armor, even sometimes large swathes of space marine wargear.


The Dragon Guild is mostly active in the Ultima Segmentus, owning a 5 planet solar system, they have 4 very well armed (Due to gear commited by the family) and well trained imperial guard regiments. They also have a steady stream of adeptus astartes ships coming through every year, trading hundreds of goods for new and never-before used gear.

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just some random stuff I.wrote with roque traders in mind, cc welcome


Ritcher Constantine "Roques tradius primarus" and the Dragon Guild/Family


Ritcher is the 112th holder of the golden Warrant of Trade in the Dragon Guild. His family the long rulers of this huge Guild. Ritcher is an expectional tradesman.


The Dragon Guild is a long ruling Roque Trader family (One of the 15 main families/guilds). They are mostly specialized in trading artefacts for huge storages of military grade wargear and armor, even sometimes large swathes of space marine wargear.


The Dragon Guild is mostly active in the Ultima Segmentus, owning a 5 planet solar system, they have 4 very well armed (Due to gear commited by the family) and well trained imperial guard regiments. They also have a steady stream of adeptus astartes ships coming through every year, trading hundreds of goods for new and never-before used gear.



Ritcher Constantine 175 pts

ws4 bs6 s4 t4 w2 I3 a3 ld9 sv4+/4++



The Plethoria segmentum (Grants Ritcher +1T and +1S (already included in profile), Ritcher also gains a 4+ armor save and a 5+ feel no pain save)

Iron Halo

Frag, krak, plasma and haywire grenades

power dagger

master-crafted power axe

archeotech pistol


Special rule:

agent of the imperium/traitors

Master of the trade warrant:

All models eligable to take a plasma pistol, may instead take an Archeotech pistol for the same listed cost.

An army that includes Ritcher, may nominate one unit(per game), this unit now counts its shooting-weapons as master-crafted for the rest of the game.

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Located in the north west of the Imperium, the empire of Mycenae is a large realm ruled over by the III legion, the Crimson Lions. Founded in the year 832.M30, just 4 years after the primarch Hectarion was found. The founding of this empire was triggered the the rebellion of the world of Hyraka. Seeing that, unless something was done, more rebellions would occur and gradually rip apart the Imperium, the primarch took it upon himself and his legion to prevent this from happening. So it was that he began to create the empire of Mycenae, a vast realm stretching across more than a thousand worlds and ruled over by the astartes of the Crimson Lions. As the empire grew, Hectarion formed the empire into multiple different Tiarniaid's, vast stretches of space ruled over by a Tiarnos, an individual selected from amongst the ranks of the Crimson Lions to rule over the Tiarniaid in the name of his primarch. At present, the current Tiarni are as follows:

Madros Caratacal, Tiarnos of the Geraia cluster. Known as the adamantium lord, Caratacal rules over a cluster of nearly 100 worlds, among which number nearly 13 forge worlds.

Myrvallen Seronos of Clan Briganda, Tiarnos of the Hariak cluster.

Myrvallen Hothor of Clan Aksar, Tiarnos of the Cadian gate. A grim and unsmiling man, Hothor is a Terran marine of great renown, Achilos, an emissary of the Halycon Wardens, is known to have stated that Hothor would break before he bent. These qualities make him ideal for watching over the unstable region of space known as the Cadian gate.

Myrvallen Vellocatos of Clan Senonos, Tiarnos of the Variala cluster.

Myrvallen Venutius of Clan Garda, Tiarnos of the Jurana cluster.

Myrvallen Belonos of Clan Atrebetos, Tiarnos of the Algarda cluster.

Myrvallen Tincomos of Clan Ikenos, Tiarnos of the Atharha cluster.

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I like that character. Could be pretty brutal on a Moritat, although that would probably fall under Lone Killer. If it didn't, for 125pts you have an eraser. I didn't want to make Corvo an autoinclude either - hence why he costs best part of a land raider along with some other rules to make him worth that cost.


That said, outside of the mechanics, fluffwise, is he really going to give any old redshirt sergeant a weapon that is otherwise reserved for a Praetor or the Champions of the Elite Bodyguards of a Legion whose base is on Terra?


Perhap he may choose a single unit during deployment only (including attached characters, but excluding Unique). Any model may choose to swap their Plasma Pistol to an Archaeotech pistol for free. This could represent the dude choosing a certain bodyguard and equipping them as gifts.


As for Master crafted, that is nice. Perhaps tie that into an artefact, which functions like a Cognis Signum, but also grants MC to the unit as well as +1 BS.


Is he loyalist or traitor?

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I like that character. Could be pretty brutal on a Moritat, although that would probably fall under Lone Killer. If it didn't, for 125pts you have an eraser. I didn't want to make Corvo an autoinclude either - hence why he costs best part of a land raider along with some other rules to make him worth that cost.


That said, outside of the mechanics, fluffwise, is he really going to give any old redshirt sergeant a weapon that is otherwise reserved for a Praetor or the Champions of the Elite Bodyguards of a Legion whose base is on Terra?


Perhap he may choose a single unit during deployment only (including attached characters, but excluding Unique). Any model may choose to swap their Plasma Pistol to an Archaeotech pistol for free. This could represent the dude choosing a certain bodyguard and equipping them as gifts.


As for Master crafted, that is nice. Perhaps tie that into an artefact, which functions like a Cognis Signum, but also grants MC to the unit as well as +1 BS.


Is he loyalist or traitor?

Thanks Hesh! Will consider that


He is neutral, choosing no sides, buisness is more important, although being loyalist is more like him


BTW, made a model for him... pics coming soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, this winter's celebrations resulted in me acquiring a Betrayal at Calth set. Thirty marines, five Terminators, two commanders, and a Contemptor. How is it relevant to this thread? Well I have decided to forgo my allegiances to the Iron Warriors, finding Mk IV plate aesthetically ill-suited to the sons of Olympia. Instead, these forces will be members of the 18 legions of the Lost Brotherhood. Most of them will be Warbringers of the Vth principate. But I shall paint a single marine in the livery of each other legion. For the Warmaster, for the Stormborn, and for the Successors.

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While I am fairly drunk and sure to get drunker as the morning/night progresses(I am English and therefore have certain standards to maintain) I had an idea which I thought might be a cool little thing to introduce.


I thought that perhaps the legions could have a decanial(once every decade) celebration/booze up on the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Crusade, during which champions from each legion fight each other to see who's biggest and da best! along with a representative of the custodes as well as duels between representatives of knightly houses etc. lasting for several days-a week with feaqting in between bouts.


What do y'all think?

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I can't help but notice your event seems to emphasize drinking, an activity you seem to be enjoying. :wink:


Anyway, I like it. Not sure how plausible it'd be given how the Great Crusade continually stretches outward, but, at the very least, it could be an earlier tradition that has A) gone on strong, B) fallen out of favor, or C) upheld by only certain Primarchs/legions.

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