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I really like that. It could be following the 'discovery' of the Mechanicum Abyssii, and Hennasohn has taken a massive battering. Morro comes to assess the damage to his legion and demand reparations to help rebuild the legion. Gwal is there as well, and our Diplomat is there to assess. Russ could be there for many reasons, possibly on request of Alex, or even the Emperor. Maybe Gwal holds back Morro, while Russ is held back by either Hectarion or Daerdd, and while aruss relents, Morro attempts to attack him while his guard is down, relying on Gwal to cut his arm off?


That sounds like a good enough reason for Morro to change and become gribbly? When he realises the change and what effect it has on him, Morro turns to becoming from an angry young man into a completely dispassionate character who his legion begins to despise as he takes them into a vicious self punitive campaign. While some feel anger, excitement, Morro just feels the absence of feeling nothing, which when it comes to the insurrection and he goes for Pionus, he says as much. 'why are yu doing this, Morro?' 'My brothers feel something. I just feel empty, all I want is to feel something', basically a side effect of the daemongraft drawing his soul within himself. 'And you think killing me will solve it?'




Raktra, I love your story, for what it is worth. I don't think 'Gal Vorbak' should necessarily be limited to a single legion. We have like 4 Pariah legions after all.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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@Simison: hehe, wouldn't view a badly hurt Morro as a success ;)


@Hesh: Yeah something like that and as Morro don't give in, Gwal handles the Situation like that to stop the angry Morro. I always like it, when from the best intentions something bad was created

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Was struck by inspiration and wanted it recorded somewhere just in case. 


If we get to Insurrection 40k, due to the Emperor's ruling at the Prosecution, there will be a segment of Space marines, perhaps a demi-legion, that will celebrate their geneseed defects as disguised blessings from the Emperor.

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Well written Soul Drinkers?


Count me in! I loved the idea behind them and back then as a 40k newbie, I really did like the books. Would be cool to have something like them in our universe.


Question remains, which Legion could feature such a sub group?


Surely one of the Insurrection, but I would like to see a possible loyal faction which celebrates their defects. During the war, they could break off, saying: "We are the chosen of the Emperor! Behold our glory and might!" *bam* "Here's my blessed tentacle! NOW DIE!"

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How far are we going with the Irony :p?


Get ready for some serious special snowflake stuff LOL


Cuz this sparked an ironic idea for my legio when it gets to broverse 40k that, at the behest of Pionus to be put in stasis at the Imperial Palace (in the event that he doesnt did beforehand) to essentially be the ultimate "oh :cuss!" Button, that the legion/chapter, as it ages, starts attempting to replicate the "wraithing" process to an extent (think wraithguard in TDA vs a wraithknight in Imperiak Knight armor) in honor of the Primarch and his Eternal Vigil.


So the legion would slowly fuse the Techmarine and Apothecarion together or something as time went on.


Meaning that Dreadnoughts would essentially be the near-dead astartes soul in a wraith-thinrg construct inside the chassis meaning they can operate indefinitely since the wearer isnt prone to insanty/degradation over the centuries anymore; the only thing ending their duty being the destruction of the core.


Similarly, this Core would permit them to be placed in TDA of some kind for operations where Dreadnoughts arent the best solution.


So while the recruitment of the legion would be slowed due to increased imperial regulation, theyd get around that limitation by having Astartes that technically dont count on the census or some deal like that.


And, if/when Pionus is awakened, hes just supremely disappointed in the Scions because theyve forsaken the purity of the human frame in favor of "wraithing" those that would have taken ever-so-slightly too much effort to bring bacn especially since getting Wraith'd came with its own benefits....like pseudo immortality.


But really, Id never go that far. I like to keep my two main loves in Warhammer (marines and wraithdar) separate.


Also if the reading of this jazz is wonky, blame phone typing.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Was struck by inspiration and wanted it recorded somewhere just in case.


If we get to Insurrection 40k, due to the Emperor's ruling at the Prosecution, there will be a segment of Space marines, perhaps a demi-legion, that will celebrate their geneseed defects as disguised blessings from the Emperor.

Have them be Warbringers or Warriors of Peace successors (if we go the chapter line) for delicious irony.

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I love that idea Slips. It is especially ironic as the changes affecting the Scions mirrors the changes to the Drowned as a result of Morro's actions.


If we need a reason for him to be on Terra, outside if 'just because', Morro would be looking for Rakarth and a way to get to the Black Library and the webway; if he does this, then he can strike at Terra through it, so doubly so having Pionus there is awesome.


Also, for our 'final showdown'; how about Betalis III, of the Mymeara campaign? Rakarth escapes as a result of the sacrifice of Irrilyth, and depending on how people feel about it, Eldrad Ulthran. It could be this which turns Betalis III into an ice planet after being anwater world?

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Ohhhh That would be awesome!


The "Death" of  Water World. The Final thing Morro does to truly show that he and Pionus are now, irreversibly, set against one another. The Bonds of possibly the two closest 'Verse Primarchs being eternally broken with the Death of a Planet-Type that symbolized their connection to one-another (Or something like that. I might be reading a bit too much into this LOL).


And the Threat of One condemning the Other to an Eternal Vigil in a Stasis Field is suitably Grimdark in my books! :P

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I want to emphasize that this was a quick idea that I wanted to record for later. I will not develop this idea until the Insurrection is finished. Only then will I devote any serious work into an alternate 40k reality.

Of course. I don't even know where I'm going beyond the skirmish at Iphigenia (where the General and Kozja find Azus, shots are exchanged, and I think the Revolution kicks off, somehow; this somehow may involve the Serpent being captured, philosophical discussion about what constitutes treason and corruption, and eventually them letting him leave). Then shenanigans ensue, and from what I remember Simison saying, they retreat to Han, forming a parallel empire of disgruntled governors whose loyalties were bought by more or less sincere promises of empty ideas like "More independence" or "lessened tithe demands"… Then horrors ensue, but I'm waiting for Blackshield Chymeræ fluff/rules for that. So that's still a month away.


Right now the question I'm trying to settle is how Magnus' death affects Kozja. Sure, he becomes suddenly paranoid about his gene-seed and that of his brothers. But does he become wary of psykers, fearing that their existence may lead others on the path to damnation (thus straining his relationship with the Warmaster and Icarion, and leading him closer to the General's staunch magophobia)? Does he start thinking that the psychic potential of astartes should be studied and regulated more closely, rather than the general leeway given by this universe's absence of Librarium, so that such errors do not destroy the First and Fifth? Does he wish to resurrect the legacy of Magnus, by creating new marines from a more stable strain of his gene-seed (probably one crossed with Icarion's and Alexandros'), resulting in something akin to crappy-prototype-grade Grey Knights? These later two would cause major disagreements with his co-regent, which could be either an interesting plot point, or something breaking the credibility of the two working together.

Ultimately that's "my" legion and "my" primarch, but I see so many paths, each equally as interesting as the others, I need to make a choice.

Edited by Skalpynock
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How far are we going with the Irony :tongue.:?


Get ready for some serious special snowflake stuff LOL


Cuz this sparked an ironic idea for my legio when it gets to broverse 40k that, at the behest of Pionus to be put in stasis at the Imperial Palace (in the event that he doesnt did beforehand) to essentially be the ultimate "oh :censored:!" Button, that the legion/chapter, as it ages, starts attempting to replicate the "wraithing" process to an extent (think wraithguard in TDA vs a wraithknight in Imperiak Knight armor) in honor of the Primarch and his Eternal Vigil.


So the legion would slowly fuse the Techmarine and Apothecarion together or something as time went on.


Meaning that Dreadnoughts would essentially be the near-dead astartes soul in a wraith-thinrg construct inside the chassis meaning they can operate indefinitely since the wearer isnt prone to insanty/degradation over the centuries anymore; the only thing ending their duty being the destruction of the core.


Similarly, this Core would permit them to be placed in TDA of some kind for operations where Dreadnoughts arent the best solution.


So while the recruitment of the legion would be slowed due to increased imperial regulation, theyd get around that limitation by having Astartes that technically dont count on the census or some deal like that.


And, if/when Pionus is awakened, hes just supremely disappointed in the Scions because theyve forsaken the purity of the human frame in favor of "wraithing" those that would have taken ever-so-slightly too much effort to bring bacn especially since getting Wraith'd came with its own benefits....like pseudo immortality.


But really, Id never go that far. I like to keep my two main loves in Warhammer (marines and wraithdar) separate.


Also if the reading of this jazz is wonky, blame phone typing.


I couldn't say why, but I'm not quite convinced with this. I might still be a bit too puritan at heart :S


However, with this logic, shouldn't it be the Forge and Librarius that are bonding ? Because it would more likely be librarians transferring the souls of the dead to the "wraiths", surely ?

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I'm limiting myself to peeps that will actually affect the legion in a Meaningful way; not saying you have to do it this way either but I feel that having a more condensed and concise roster makes for an easier-to-follow narrative when its the same recurring characters that pop up instead of "Line Legionnaire #388591 Reporting for Special Duty!"


Its dependent mostly on how you want to do your Storytelling.

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Well. I have aside from Gwalchavad 4(3 active) main actors. But I named a lot of characters to show the command structure.


I think few recurring actors are better and if it is necessary you can implement another char as protagonist for a short story.and view the actions of your jeros through this eyes. So this story has maybe more impact.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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