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Decided to write a short story about a possible fate for Vizenko

Vizenko walked along the bone coridoor, his footfalls and those of his escort, a marine named Maridius, echoing eerily around the coridoor. Then, out from one of the side chambers, in which Vizenko thought he saw a vat of some kind, came a...thing, astartes in only the loosest sense of the word. The warrior had nailed a human face to his faceplate, perhaps in some mockery of life, and the rest of his armour was pitted and cracked, with horns, bone and occasionaly rotting flesh, which appeared to be that of the warrior beneath the armour. "Brother" the marine hissed at Vizenko's escort "I see we have a visitor" and with that the astartes took off his helmet, revealing a face that was both scarred in the fashion of the Crimson Lions and also rotting, in places revealing the skull beneath. The the warrior then hissed "Let me welcome him" then giggling and drawing a monstrous flaying knife. Vizenko's escort shook his head and said "Not today Golakk, this one wants to see Turrus", before shoving the monster away. Snarling the monstrous astartes leaning in close to Vizenko and said "I'll see you later, Warbringer" and then walked off, sharpening his flaying knife as he went. "Forgive Golakk" said Vizenko's escort "He is, like many of my brothers, not entirely sane any more". Vizenko just nodded and gestured that they should continue. Eventually, they arrived at a massive, high beamed chamber built entirely of black marble, its doors two massive silver Lions. At the far end of the chamber, sat an astartes in pitch black armour, the only bright points his silver face mask and white narcethium, symbols of the role he had once occupied within his legion. Bowing, Vizenko said "Lord Turrus, I...", stopping when he felt an icy grip wrap itself around him. 'Hmm, interesting' said a whisper inside his mind 'You were banished for you experiments as I was. So father was right. It is against the Emperor's will'. As these whispered words echoed around the inside of his skull, the figure on the throne's head turned to face him. Chuckling the figure said "I believe you can be of use to me. I, Turrus son of the Mycenor, welcome you to my fortress Warbringer".

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More Turrusy goodness/insanity

The screams drifted on the glacial wind, like echoes of events long past. Perhaps they were echoes. Turrus could never tell. Sometimes the things he saw, smelt and heard were genuine other times they were visions sent by the gods, in the same way that sometimes his actions were his own and at other times he was merely a pawn of the gods. On this occasion, it was the former. He remembered that once, many years ago, before he was banished, he had been reading a dusty old tome from the libraries of Prospero. It had been an ancient thing, written in the long forgotten Anglic tongue, named "An hystori as heck Årthor und thy nyts as heck thy rond table". In that book, it had spoken of an ancient King, who had united his people and defeated the Sakson invaders. All of this had been set into motion when Årthor had drawn a sword named Ekskalobar from a stone. When Årthor died, if he ever existed, his sword vanished with him. For millenia humans had been hunting it and for millenia none had found it. Then, in the 22nd millenium, one explorer named Gewayn had discovered, on the frost world of Kernow, a series of ice caves and a skeleton he believed to be that of a King. He said that the skeleton had been old and decaying, the remnants of a crown atop its brow, but in its hand was a sword as sharp as the day it was made, an enormous, ice blue blade with ancient terran runes etched onto it in gold. It was that sword Turrus sought, for with it, he might finally have his vengeance upon the being who called himself the Emperor of mankind. If it weren't for his decree's, then Turrus' father wouldn't have banished from his legion, the only family Turrus had ever known, cast him out to live amongst the rodents of humanity and to scratch a living pirating ships. It had been the Emperor's doing that Turrus was banished, for the Emperor had been afraid that through his research and the favour of the gods, Turrus might one day grown greater than even the primarchs. All these thoughts of sweet vengeance as well as the bitter past rattled around inside Turrus' head alongside the laughter of the gods as he walked down the icy tunnels of these caves. Eventually, he came across a vast chamber, surpassing all the chamber Turrus had passed so far. Entering it, Turrus found that in the centre was a human skeleton and in its grip, a sword that exactly matched that described in Gewayns tales. Walking over to the body, Turrus siezed the sword and hefted it up, feeling its weight and cutting the air with it. With each swing, Turrus felt the age of the blade as well as the tormented soul trapped within it. Looking down at the skeleton, he said "Terribly sorry" before sheathing the sword and walking out, the screams growing louder in his mind as he did so.

Edited by Sigismund229
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Turrus is the kind of evil heroes we deserve.



Edit: had a boring day, so I got some productivity BotL-wise.


First off, sketches!



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Azus Bahamut, primarch of the Dune Serpents (crappy first test, pretty old but that's all that remains since my hard drive failure)


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Secondly, while scribbling a rough timeline of the Warbringers, I got inspired to write a small piece set during the Siege of Terra – but on the Madrigal front.


As the portal fell apart, so did reality. The Warp and Webway collapsing on themselves made the mirages more intense, turning from clouds to ever-shifting visions. Darzalas saw himself fortified in the Alabaster Palace, attacked by the Wolves, and Astartes in grey or black liveries he did not recognize. He saw himself as an angel, dying at the feet of a madman fighting the Emperor. He saw himself on the esplanade of Qarith Prime, named Warmaster in place of Alexandros. He saw himself as an old man in a galaxy at peace, studying sequences for a "Novus Anthropos", as he had dreamed all those years ago. He cast off these ghosts, histories that would never get to pass. If he was to survive, he had to flee this place quickly.

Edited by Skalpynock
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Post them nontheless. If I dare, you can too.


And yes, I am a supporter of the idea. Always nags on me that I can't participate on the other challenges, only if I use my fallen or wolves ( which for times sake I won't)


So now is paybacktime. Let's make a challenge

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Mikhal's post just made me think of something. Have we decided on symbols for the various factions equivalent to the Eye of Horus/Imperial Eagle? A couple of thoughts from me. I guess the Eye of Terra would still be associated with the position of Warmaster so I guess that would be appropriate for the Loyalists. I could see the Insurrectionists taking on the symbol of the Stormborn as a rallying point in the same way that the 'chaos' forces did with the Eye. For the Gene-revelutionaries I guess they would either do the same and take on the symbol of their leader or make a new one to differentiate themselves from the other factions.


What do other people think? (Also did this topic come up before? It feels slightly familiar, but I don't remember the resolution if it did and don't have the time to search all the threads.)

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