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(Moving this discussion here as not to clutter the Book 1 thread)



 How aboit Jafe captures him. We don't have much hostages.


Incidentally, I had that in mind too:



Of course. I don't even know where I'm going beyond the skirmish at Iphigenia (where the General and Kozja find Azus, shots are exchanged, and I think the Revolution kicks off, somehow; this somehow may involve the Serpent being captured, philosophical discussion about what constitutes treason and corruption, and eventually them letting him leave). Then shenanigans ensue, and from what I remember Simison saying, they retreat to Han, forming a parallel empire of disgruntled governors whose loyalties were bought by more or less sincere promises of empty ideas like "More independence" or "lessened tithe demands"… Then horrors ensue, but I'm waiting for Blackshield Chymeræ fluff/rules for that. So that's still a month away.

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(Moving this discussion here as not to clutter the Book 1 thread)



 How aboit Jafe captures him. We don't have much hostages.


Incidentally, I had that in mind too:



Of course. I don't even know where I'm going beyond the skirmish at Iphigenia (where the General and Kozja find Azus, shots are exchanged, and I think the Revolution kicks off, somehow; this somehow may involve the Serpent being captured, philosophical discussion about what constitutes treason and corruption, and eventually them letting him leave). Then shenanigans ensue, and from what I remember Simison saying, they retreat to Han, forming a parallel empire of disgruntled governors whose loyalties were bought by more or less sincere promises of empty ideas like "More independence" or "lessened tithe demands"… Then horrors ensue, but I'm waiting for Blackshield Chymeræ fluff/rules for that. So that's still a month away.



I seem to have missed the beginning of this discussion (although I haven't been overly active recently), but as much as it pains me to have Azus captured (:wink: ), I think that would make a good ending; otherwise, it would literally be an endless chase around the galaxy.  I had been thinking about fleshing out the Serpents being ambushed, and I was thinking of them losing a large proportion of their legion both to enemy fire and to defecting to other legions (c. 50%, maybe a little less, so as not to infringe on the beatdown the bears receive), with the survivors going on the run.  From there, Azus can be isolated and captured.  His capture could also make a nice opportunity to get a closer look at his character, because I see him as usually being entirely reserved and almost silent.

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V.small story about Turrus and friends aqcuiring some suits of mkVI. 


Golash glanced to his right where Krak was disposing of a Lightning Bearer who kept scratching at Krak's shin plates, despite his entrails spilling onto the floor. Over the vox, krak said "Doesn't it amuse you how they continue to struggle?". Golash shrugged, his armour(an artificer mkIV suit he'd "acquired" from a V legion officer) emitting a smooth hum where Krak's ill kept mkII growled, replying in his twin voices, one the man the other the demon that had attached itself to him at "birth", "Not particularly. All that matters is that blood flows". As he watched, Krak removed his helm in order to enjoy the Lightning Bearer's torment with his own eyes. Krak's unhelmed visage was an ugly and hideous thing, criss crossed with scars, his eyelids stitched open so that they could never shut. Like many of the astartes created by Turrus since his exile, Krak was broken, a hideous parody of what astartes were supposed to exemplify. Sheathing his falcan blade but keeping the masterfully crafted sword he had won of Hyrak, Golash's face became that of the demon momentarily as he barked "End him" at Krak. While he would normally humour his brother, on this occasion they had to withdraw as quickly as possible. This was a hit and run, storm the ship, seize any valuables on board and withdraw. Already, Golash's fellow Beainaiath were reporting seizing large amounts of ammunition from the lower decks. Krak's gaze snapped up at the bark, his never closing eyes staring at Golash who simply stared back. Eventually, Krak turned his demented gaze back to the Lightning Bearer at his feet and chuckled, saying "Goodbye brother" before slashing the Lightning Bearer's throat, gore spraying all over his shin plates. Nodding, Golash continued down the corridor towards the store room at the end of it. Once there, he looked at his unhelmed bretheren and said "Helm's on. There may be a vacuum inside". Grunting, they re helmed, slamming their battered and dented helms in place. Sure enough, when Golash keyed the code that Iak had acquired from the ship's computers into the door and it opened, his armour detected an immediate drop in room temperature and the hissing of air going in. "What's inside?" demanded Amak, his sharpened teeth turning the sentence into one long sibilant hiss rather than genuine words. Golash didn't answer, instead just looking at what was in front of him. There were hundreds of suits, arranged in perfect rows, which resembled mkIV but with a conical, beak like helmet. Activating the vox channel to Turrus, Golash said "Turrus, I've found armour. Hundreds of suits of it, probably being shipped from Mars to Madrigal". Over the vox a reply came almost instantaniously. "What type? MkIV?" came Turrus' calm and subdued voice. Shaking his head, despite knowing Turrus wouldn't see and hearing Iak laugh, Golash said "Better. Some new varient. Hundreds of suits". The only response was chuckles. 

Edited by Sigismund229
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Maybe it depends on the char. Koschei was realtiv earlier chosen by nurgle and raktra beeing the bride of khorn is relatively obvious. But k'awil for tzzeentch? I could see a fight. Same goes for morro although he is heavilz manipulated through this dark eldar guy and belakor


But it seems you have a fight for the soul of raktra up your sleeve, right?

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I just have this mental image of the Primarch pods, as they're being warped wherever, being shunted through the different Chaos realms at random as each God tries to mark the occupant. Except the Pariahs, obviously, but might explain the "natural" madness in some of the Primarchs, if they spent their infancy in space-hell.

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I just have this mental image of the Primarch pods, as they're being warped wherever, being shunted through the different Chaos realms at random as each God tries to mark the occupant. Except the Pariahs, obviously, but might explain the "natural" madness in some of the Primarchs, if they spent their infancy in space-hell.

Ingethel straight-up tells the Serrated Sun crew that they did that to Lorgar. So as far I'm concerned, that's a thing.


Well Jaghatai was originally supposed to land on Chemos, so I guess they had a bit of a fight for some of them.

Rather backfired on them, unless Slaanesh just really wanted Fulgrim.


In my last re-reading of Scars there's a tiny mention that Jaghatai remembers feeling the presence of the gods. Just imagine Alexos needling away about that.

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Short story

Behind the adamantium of his faceplate and wreathed in amniotic fluid, Ærrion's face contorted into a snarl as he opened fire on the Berzerker's of Uran. What had the Crimson Lions expect from Raktra's get? Discipline? Loyalty? Ever since Raktra's disovery, these traits had vanished from the VII, with only the oldest of them holding true to their legion's ideals. Those were the true VII, not these black and white grubs Ærrion now fought. Ærrion shed few tears over the ending of their worthless lives. He took joy in their deaths. Their blood drowned his sorrow, his anger, his hate but most of all, their deaths allowed him to forget, to forget everything except dealing death. However, he could never truly forget. His new form haunted his steps wherever he strode. His ironform was masterfully wrought but there were certain feelings it could never truly capture, the feeling of blood splashing across his face or the crash of a bullet slamming into your armour. It was in these moments that Ærrion remembered he died over 160 years ago amidst the black spires of Ivrax and it was with this recollection that the faces came back to him. Ari, laughing and joking as he killed, Torsan, his gallows humour livening their spirits in even the darkest moments. All dead. All rotting. All gone.

Ærrion was ancient, a relic from the legion's past. He still wore the slate grey and blood red of the Blood Wolves, just as he still had a rearing golden wolf emblazoned on his ironform. He had worn those colours and that sigil his whole life and so he now wore them in death. So it was that he had remained a Blood Wolf while the rest of what was once his legion became the Crimson Lions. While they were honourable to be sure and worthy heirs to the Blood Wolves, the Crimson Lions weren't Ærrion's legion. Not really. He fought alongside them, covered them, gave them his strategic wisdom and fought foes against whom they couldn't hope to be triumphant yet he was a Blood Wolf where they were Crimson Lions. Occasionally they would ask questions about what it felt like to be within an ironform, about the power it gave you. While Ærrion told them of the honour there was in fighting on beyond death what he didn't tell them was the truth. He had never felt more alone or more enraged than in his ironform. The loneliness made Ærrion want to howl in rage. It had given him power that was unimaginable for a flesh and blood man, even astartes, he had never felt more alone or more helpless than in his present form. Death had permanently wrenched him away from the bonds of brotherhood, for the dead could not be brothers of the living. All of his brothers waited beyond the vale, on the other side, while Ærrion was trapped in this world, unable to join them, constrained as he was by his interment. Yet Ærrion was also afraid. He feared the dark and the memories it brought. So he fought. He unleashed his rage at being trapped in this form in battle and fought to avoid the dark because he was afraid. A sneer crossed his scarred lips, sneering at his own weakness. He hated it and his brother's had known he would hate it when they imprisoned him in this lump of metal and they'd done it anyway. So he killed, he killed until he almost forgot it all and then killed again. But he still had a duty and he would continue to stick to his duty until the final breath finally passed his lips. Roaring and ignoring the flashing runes telling him his plasma cannon was overheating, Ærrion charged. He was a son of Albyon and the last Blood Wolf and he would roar, shout and fight until he was dead, no matter what came.

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Maybe it depends on the char. Koschei was realtiv earlier chosen by nurgle and raktra beeing the bride of khorn is relatively obvious. But k'awil for tzzeentch? I could see a fight. Same goes for morro although he is heavilz manipulated through this dark eldar guy and belakor


But it seems you have a fight for the soul of raktra up your sleeve, right?

Bride of Khorne...


(Pictures Raktra in a wedding dress)


(Claws at eyes)

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Is that what you wore to Alexandros's coronation as Warmaster Raktra? I'll admit the colour really brings out your eyes but Bluntblade did say a Wedding Dress, ya'know, white, fancy veil, long train dragging behind...? Oh well, I suppose you wouldn't have much experience with them, always a Bridesmaid huh? ;)
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I'm away for twelve hours, and this is what you get up to... :teehee:



;) :p

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Let's think about something more pleasant. Like Heresy. Assuming we do ritual to the Max, here's Aquillon's POV:


Reality peeled open in front of him, like skin parted by a knife. Through the gashes he saw… awful things, beyond imagining. Imperial fleets burned. Astartes murdered by their brothers. A face of blood and mangled bone, screaming as fangs ravaged it. A statue of the Emperor destroyed. Two Primarchs tearing into one another. Remembrancers torn and splattered by chainblades. And at the centre of it all, a robed, tattooed giant howled in depraved delight as he raised his hands to the sky, an Astartes heart clutched in each fist.


“What is this madness?” gasped Aquillon.


Malcador’s face was stone as he stepped forward, assuming a martial poise despite his frail appearance. “Treachery.” And then the true madness tore its way into the throne room.

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Been writing the fluff for the various Clans of the Crimson Lions and recently been going over them to try and weed out any special snowflakeisms. Just want to know what people think. Good? Bad? God awful? Special snowflake?



Clan Karakal

Numbering 6000 astartes, Clan Karakal is commanded by the infamous Myrvallen Tyros Karakal, a grim, unsmiling and brutal man recruited from the world of Mortax. While the majority of his Clan fight as breachers, much like their brothers in other Clans, his pezhetairoi are the infamous and feared Black Guard. While he possesses enough honour not to allow them to use rad grenades(something these brutal warriors would doubtless do if allowed), Karakal encourages his guard not to show any mercy to anyone they find. As such, they have few Mycenaeans amongst their ranks mainly being composed of Mortaxians like Karakal himself. Painting their armour black and decorating it with lightning bolts, when they are deployed it's taken as a sign by the rest of the Clan that no mercy is to be given. Karakal himself is well known for using a power scythe in battle.


Clan Daran

Numbers 12,000 astartes, commanded by Myrvallen Erran. Not particularly distinguished for good or bad reasons except for Myrvallen Erran's habit of using a chainglaive in battle(one that many of his Pezhetairoi have begun to immitate)


Clan Briganda

Numbers 23,000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Serenos, the largest Clan in the III legion.


Clan Ikenos

Numbers 8000 astartes, commanded by Myrvallen Tincomos. Famed amongst the Crimson Lions for Myrvallen Tincomos' and his Pezhetairoi's usage of long slashing power swords as opposed to falcan blades.


Clan Senonos

Numbers 18,000 astartes, commanded by Myrvallen Vellocatos.


Clan Askar

Numbers 9000 astartes, commanded by Myrvallen Hothor. Known as the Wardens of the Cadian Gate, Clan Askar stand guard over this volatile region of space, located on the outskirts of the Empire of Mycenae. Clan Askar is also known for recruiti.g extensively from the Knightly Order of Caliban(with some estimates putting the number of astartes in Clan Askar from Caliban at 17%), leading to the practice of quartering the Clan's sigil with the personal sigil of the astartes in question.


Clan Garda

Numbers 12,000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Venutius. Known as the Clan of the Crimson Lions most adept in the prosecution of siege warfare, containing Rix Tironnos Fort-Breaker, a reputed genius in assaulting fortresses. The reason for this is the number of recruits(around 9.5%) who come from Jurakk, a world of mountains and hills, where siege warfare is the only form of warfare.


Clan Atrebetos

Numbers 16,000 astartes, commanded by Myrvallen Belonos. Is rumoured amongst the othet legions to contain former Space Wolves, accounting for the Clan's plain slate grey heraldry.


Clan Tauran

Numbers 2000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Tyrconus, who was recruited from the deserts of Ayni Prime as were a large number of Clan Tauran(around 12-18%). Clan Tauran stands out from amongst the ranks of the III due to their use of hit and run tactics rather than the shield wall normally used by the Crimson Lions following their near annihilation on Treyatan. This is embodied in Tyrconus and his Pezhetairoi who ride jetbikes into battle, something which is unheard of amongst other Clans(indeed, jetbikes are extremely popular amongst Clan Tauran, earning them a reputationas madmen amongst their brothers of other Clans).


Clan Balda

Numbers 5000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Antathos. Clan Balda is known as being a Clan of recluses, with the astartes of Clan Balda being quiet and subdued individuals, their speech rarely rising above a whisper. Recruiting primarily from the islands of Mycenae and the jungle world of Athis, Clan Balda is known to produce a larger number of pyskers and cocidii than other clans. The Crimson Lions of Clan Balda are also known to style their armour after the serpents which surround the islands of Mycenae.


Clan Siluros

Numbers 9000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Tynos the "Flesh-Tearer". Tynos and his Clan are famed amongst the ranks of the Crimson Lions for their wielding of flaying knives as a sigil rather than displaying heradlry on their left shoulder guard as is traditional and also for their sense of honour and strict following of what they view as the "Rules of Engagement" although if their enemies flout this then they can expect no mercy nor a quick death. Mainly recruit from the primitive tribes of southern Mycenae.


Clan Enthos

Numbers 11,000 astartes. Commanded by Myrvallen Antron. Clan Enthos, while in most respects a perfectly normal Clan of Crimson Lions, is a Clan where a higher proportion of astartes than normal are able to forge their own weapons and armour, leading to much of Clan Enthos wearing ornate suits of armour which are one of a kind, although always have common features with more common armour marks. Recruits from the mountains of Mycenae and the world of Medusa.


Clan Mycenor

Numbers 6000 astartes. Commanded by Hectarion Mycenor himself, Clan Mycenor fulfils the role of a 1st company in the Crimson Lions. While it is mainly composed of the Hypaspists, Clan Mycenor also contains the Improdoi(the only Crimson Lions to wear cataphractii plate) and the Inroiar(planetary assault specialists).


Total strength:137,000 space marines.

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