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Well I for my part am against Space Marines having kids, but if those traditions with marriage etc are common amongst the iron bears, what hinders them to take from each aspriant their semen and freeze it and if they are later marines and habe to marry, then their women can be impregnated with their frozen seed. So there is no daughter left without kids and the title stays in the family. And of course such kids are very valued.


Just a spontaneous thought how it could function but yeah...

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Jeez this is turning into a long draft... I apologize for that but I feel the new story arc of the Eagle Warriors needed a bit more detailing.

By the time the Eagle Warriors returned from the brutal wars on the fringes of the galaxy, they were a changed force on the battlefield. While they still utilized their traditional hit and run assaults, they now sought to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible with every strike, seeming to thrive on the pain of their foes. The oldest warriors of the XIII, those who had marched with the legion since the Unification Wars, saw how far they had fallen from the legion they had been in the early days of the Great Crusade. Their quest to purify their legion had done nothing but turn its heart black with hatred and bitterness. Yet, the rot was now a part of the legion as much as its gene seed. Still, they longed for something that would give their legion new purpose, remove the rot from its core and return their legion to its former glory.


However, in their search for purity and perfection, they had comitted many crimes, acts of such unspeakable brutality that they had to be called to count for them. So it was that they were confronted by Hectarion and his Crimson Lions on the world of Monarchia. The Mycenor had arrived to confront his wayward brother and his legion over their crimes and to escort him to Terra for a trial, overseen by the Emperor himself. However, this lit the flames of anger and hatred that had been burning within the Eagle Warriors. They had lost countless brothers fighting for the Emperor, brought hundreds of worlds into compliance and now he told them their primarch must stand trial? Angered by this slight on their honour and their primarch's, the Eagle Warriors charged, engaging the Crimson Lions in a battle that would last until dawn the next day when they withdrew, their primarch bleeding from dozens of wounds and the ceramite armoured bodies of Eagle Warriors and Crimson Lions alike littered across the battlefield. When the dawn's light shone upon the carnage and the Eagle Warriors realised the depths to which they had sunk, they fled, fled to the darkest corner of the galaxy, far away from prying eyes: the Ghoul Stars.


Here, the legion finally realised that far from eliminating their flaws, they had become the flaw, their quest for perfection turning them into the most flawed and imperfect monsters imaginable. The legion began to splinter under the weight of this knowledge, starting to fragment into dozens of seperate warbands as its commanders argued over their course of action. Some wished to commit the entire legion to one last action, a battle to wash out the blood of their brother astartes in the blood of their enemies. Others wanted to abandon their primarch, who had entered into seclusion since his duel with his brother, and forge their own destiny amongst the stars, seek perfection in some other galaxy and never return until they had found it, no matter how long it took. However, none could take firm control of the legion and it gradually began to rip itself to pieces.


It was then, as the Eagle Warriors verged on internal civil war, that Alexos Travier emerged from his seclusion. While for years he had seemed dead, lifeless and broken, the 13 days he had spent in seclusion seemed to have repaired him. He now addressed his legion for the first time, telling them that he had been aimless and purposeless for years but that he had now discovered what his and his legion's place in the universe was to be, what it had always been intended to be. His sons, repentant and grief stricken, immediately rallied around him, for he now offered them an end to their years of ceaseless wondering and the purpose they had lacked for decades. Under their primarch's guidance, the Eagle Warriors now slaughtered their way through entire systems of the Ghoul Stars until they finally reached the world of Krikta. It was here that it happened.


None know quite what occured on Krikta but what we do know is the effect it had on the Eagle Warriors. They carved a bloody trail across the galaxy and endured much pain and hardship to arrive at the world and once there, they found the true reason for the Emperor's brutal shattering of their homeworld's religion. It wasn't that gods didn't exit, it was because they were very real. All along, the Aztekis gods had been real and they had just been to blind to see and had allowed the Emperor, who in his hubris and quest for godhood, to break their faith. But now, on Krikta, they, their primarch and their faith were re born and baptised in the blood of the thousands they had slaughtered to reach this point.

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Perhaps Travier gets attacked by Gwal, who later realises his mistake when the big E shows up and tries to make amends?

Gwal attacking???


It was plaaned the way that E and Travier find Avalon and enter togheter. There they find Gwal motionless meditating. Big e respected that and they waited and waited. When Gwal finally awoke from his trance, he was aproacjed by big e and father told him about the great crusade etc but gwal declined. Travier furious attscked gwal. But he didnt defend himself. Travier hit him hard but Gwal didnt give in. Then travier ripped his mask off and looked him into the eyes. Only seconds but travier was lost. Gwal was in pain cause he sucked in the pain, the thoughts and rage that was and is of travier. His eyes bleeding he never severed suxh a strong soul from his body. And through this he gained understanding and when big e brought travier back, gwal made the decission that following that man was right.


In canonverse it is horus wo gets his soul sucked out. And I deem that scene very important for Gwal to take part in the great crusade. And there he got the understanding for travier. What exactly pains him and so they forged close bonds. Whixh will lead later to the treason were the wardens are sacrificed.and to the battle atop the imperial palace.

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In that case we keep it. Just cos Alexos os broken don't mean he can't be volatile(in fact it probably makes him more volatile)


Also, I had an idea for the next part of the EW story arc. How about, when they return from the Ghoul Stars complete with new belief in the Aztekis gods(kept secret though), the Emps sends Icarion to judge the EW and take the necessary action(i.e. annihilate them if necessary) if he thinks they're too far gone. However, Alexos then shares the visions the gods gave him of the burning of Madrigal, corrupting Icarion who then tells the Emps the EW don't need expunging and have already paid in blood for their crimes?

Edited by Sigismund229
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Edward the Confessor marrying Ædyth daughter of Godwin, Earl of Wessex is one.

Knights Templar who were already married when they joined the order are another example. They were still allowed to join the order(with their wife's permission) but had to still take the oath of celibacy.

Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall(from 1453 until 1461 and then again from 1471 until 1473 if memory serves) and Anne Neville, daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick&Salisbury, otherwise known as Warwick the Kingmaker.

They're rare but they do happen.


@Slips, sounds like Hec's two adoptive sisters. One is a general of the Arpine Auxilia, the other is Hec's representative on matter in the empire of Mycenae when he's too busy busting heads on the frontlines to deal with it

Alright. So, in theory, these Iron Bear marriages would essentially be high prestige but comes with several costs. One, no offspring, which means there would be absolutely no chance of that title passing from Iron Bear back to the noble family at least, and, at worst, they are essentially losing a daughter with no possible future payoff. Two, there is going to be an emotional toll on some of these women since they are being denied a chance to have their own family. It might be higher or lower depending on the woman, but it'll be there unless they're infertile to begin with. Even then, having a husband who's barely human and most likely far away from home fighting in the Emperor's name is another strain on her. There are some ways to mitigate the emotional stress though.


Anyway, these are some of the thoughts I have. I'm not against this idea and think it could offer some interesting storylines. So far, it doesn't sound anyone has had a violent reaction to the idea either. Did you have anything developed beyond the basic idea, Redd?

Actually, quite a few and they span the gamut. As I imagine it'll have a number of variations for the Wife being a DoD or knight pilot and fighting with along side husband, and couples that are actually loving and caring, to bitter cold daughters of Rogue Traders not seeing their husband for a century; or even to go as far an Astartes having to wipe out his Wive's militant family after siding with Icarion.

Like on the positive side a more specific example we might see; Redd and his wife, whom were married young before The Emperor came, she herself a transhuman Knight pilot. So they fought the whole damn crusade together; letting lesser standing family to run the Clan. To see how they are together might be less mushy horse pucky and help explore the psyche of both, with so much pressure. Not to mention Daer'dd and Redd are almost like brothers, so his death can be an interesting plot point.

Just exploring ideas right now.

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Well, the benefit of having a strong suspension of disbelief is that I'm easy to please. I'm fine with you going through with this, Redd, but I'd double check with everyone else first. 

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I doubt most of it will rattle any cages, and it'll mostly be an off hand comment type thing. But it does help keep the Bears tied to their humanity to the point of Daer'dd encouraging it, to remind his sons what they're really fighting for.
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I know I shouldn't be fiddling woth stuff we've already got fluff for(probably) but this is section I wrote about Icarion's corruption to fit with the new EW fluff. So.

What do I need to change?

The Judgement of the Stormborn

When the Eagle Warriors returned to the Imperium from the Ghoul Stars, they found Icarion, the Stormborn, and near the entire I legion waiting for them. The Stormborn had been sent in the Emperor's place to pass judgement over the XIII and, if needs be, destroy them to prevent the rot in their ranks from spreading. So it was that the Stormborn met his brother of the XIII on the world of Troya and demanded he answer for his and his legion's crimes. However, Alexos saw right through the Stormborn's veneer of loyalty and saw the turmoil in his brother's heart caused by the elevation of Alexandros of the V to the office of Warmaster in his stead. So, instead of answering for his crimes, Alexos showed the Stormborn what the future held for him and the Lightning Bearers.


In this vision, the Stormborn saw Madrigal burn and his sons die, cut down by Custodian blades. Amidst it all, Icarion saw the Emperor standing resplendent amidst the burning ruins of Icarion's home, raised on a podium that was actually a pile of Icarion's dead sons. However, then Alexos changed the vision to another possible future. In this one, Icarion sat on the throne on Terra and his Lightning Bearers now wore gold, not the custodians. The Imperium flourished under his rule and humanity had entered a new golden age. It is said that upon seeing these two visions of the future, the Stormborn wept. These were not tears of surprise or grief, for the Stormborn had himself seen these two possible future's but dismissed them as apparitions, but the tears of rage of a son betrayed. It was in that moment, as his tears fell into the dirt of Troya, that the Stormborn made his choice. He could no longer serve the Emperor. He must rally his brothers to his cause and overthrow their tyrannical father.


To this day, it is unknown what weakened the Stormborn's resolve on Troya. Was it perhaps bitterness at being passed over for the office of Warmaster? The weight of keeping secret the Ghost Crusade and all the crimes he had been forced to commit in its prosecution? None know. All that is known is the result.


The Stormborn declared that the Eagle Warriors had returned from the dark path they had begun treading on and had already paid in blood for their crimes in the Ghoul Stars. With his wayward brother pardoned, Icarion left Troya and returned to Madrigal to begin to formulate his plans and rally brothers to his cause. The Insurrection was now inevitable.

Edited by Sigismund229
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I like it. But please call him Travier, so I don't mix him up with alexandros ;)



Ups...forgot something. It was thrre. When traviers soul was sucked from him that he was in the warp and saw a glimpse of the creaturez living there.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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One minor thing; with the exception of Jade, what are our Primarchs' nicknames/titles? Just so I can sprinkle them throughout the fluff. So far I think we have:

Icarion, the Stormborn

Alexandros, the Shield Lord

Daer'dd, the Forge Master

Raktra, the Ashen King


On another note, I'm going to flesh out a couple of minor characters from bit mentions in the pieces I've written, so as to avoid leaning on canon characters too much. Starting with Captain Roanoke from Abaddon's last stand.

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One minor thing; with the exception of Jade, what are our Primarchs' nicknames/titles? Just so I can sprinkle them throughout the fluff. So far I think we have:

Icarion, the Stormborn

Alexandros, the Shield Lord

Daer'dd, the Forge Master

Raktra, the Ashen King

On another note, I'm going to flesh out a couple of minor characters from bit mentions in the pieces I've written, so as to avoid leaning on canon characters too much. Starting with Captain Roanoke from Abaddon's last stand.

Niklaas, the Witchbreaker(thanks Hesh) or the Steel Prince because of his stern disposition.

After the IcarInsur begins Niklaas is given the title Castellan Prime (like Dorn is the E's Praetorian) and tasked with fortifying Terra.

Gwalchavad, the Avatar of Light or the "the Pacifist" from those who will burn ;)

Or Mr. Bling. Edited by Demus Ragnok
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One minor thing; with the exception of Jade, what are our Primarchs' nicknames/titles? Just so I can sprinkle them throughout the fluff. So far I think we have:

Icarion, the Stormborn

Alexandros, the Shield Lord

Daer'dd, the Forge Master

Raktra, the Ashen King

On another note, I'm going to flesh out a couple of minor characters from bit mentions in the pieces I've written, so as to avoid leaning on canon characters too much. Starting with Captain Roanoke from Abaddon's last stand.

Niklaas, the Witchbreaker(thanks Hesh) or the Steel Prince because of his stern disposition.

Gwalchavad, the Avatar of Light or the "the Pacifist" from those who will burn ;)

Or Mr. Bling.

Please keep the correct form: His Highness of Bling

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I feel like we've done this before, but oh well.


Alexandros: the Warmaster, the Shield Lord, the Seer, & the Strategos are the ones known galaxy-wide.

Jade General: Grand Commander, the Physician, Master of the Han

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Well, I'll list these down and bung 'em all in Dramatis Personae or some other thread.


I gave Raktra the Ashen King one in a draft, and figured it'd be a good idea to collet the updated list that'd be easily accessible.

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Would it be then a good idea too to add the other pov chars too?


For example


Wardens of Light:


Gwalchavad, Primarch, the Avatar if Bling

- Mikhal Sasor'i, First Warden, Prince of the northern sky

- Arngrim Valten, Blademaster, The Legend, Death Walker

- Khârn, the janitor of light

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