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Janitor indeed. Humph.


Well, it wouldn't hurt. I was thinking for my own reference and was about to suggest that I'd must stick them in a word document (I'll probably do that anyway) but I guess they should go in the thread.


Another viewing of Fury Road and one particular scene has given me a thought. Is there room in our 'verse for an Astartes who, having gone blind, instead of augmentics receives genehanced hearing as an experiment, and becomes obsessed with sound, to the point of...


Out of the darkness they heard a hideous shriek, amplified by a dozen speakers. "I am the voice of Chaos, conductor of the choir of death! Sing for the Stormborn! Sing for the Dark Prince! Sing brothers, siiiing...

I'm a heretic and I'm ok

I sleep all night and I kill all day..."


There's a verse too. My excuse is, I was working a boring job and trying to distract myself from a hornet sting on the finger, that caused swelling halfway up my forearm. And I was thinking, if we do end up with any marines truly devout to Slaanesh it'd be worth differentiating them from the Emperor's Children.

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So, was prepping the next part of Pyrrhicle's slow walk to death and disaster, which involved a visit to Athrawes' legion thread. I caught sight of an old link: http://menducia.atspace.com/primarchs/II.html


Now, if I remember right, Athrawes based Icarion off the High Priestess. I know I based Alex off of Fortune. My completely superfluous question of the day is, where does everyone think the other Primarchs fall under which 'role'?

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Well, Gwal was based too on the fortune, emphazising in the faith and trust in humanity and His calm insight.


But negatively he is too trusting ;(


I bet we will have a lot fortunes and high priestess here, cause those were the slots avaiable. At least for those who conceptualized their legion as 2nd and 11th in the canonverse.

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Well Daer'dd that wasn't developed for 40k first but in D&D whom I was very lucky with, probably the best rolls I've ever gotten for stats and lived through multiple campaigns. He was a multi class Monk/Cleric of War and Strength. Got him up to lvl 40 and killed Aries himself. And after rereading those I'll be damned if he doesn't sound almost exactly like Strength.
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I haven't a sodding clue. Original recipe Raktra was a comic character I made who was the physical incarnation of the sin of Wrath, if that's any indicator. Death maybe? Edited by Raktra
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I can't remember what I went with when I first started with K'awil. I only remember thinking that he would be a broken version of whatever of the archetypes he was based off. Looking at them all though I think that the Tower actually fits K'awil best as he is now: violent and angry, seeing insult in the oddest things.

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And time for a double post!  I believe it was Mikhal who mentioned the Brotherhood of the Lost Data; well, you're looking at its newest member!  My PC just took a death, whether virus related or not I have yet to find out.  Thankfully, this comes a day after my having dumped almost everything Godslayery on the forum, but it is still very irritating.  The point of this being to say that I am confined to mobile for some time, so no images, and a general lack of productivity - other than old fashioned pen and paper, I don't really have a way to carry on with my entry for the foreseeable future.  I'll try and soldier on on my phone/hijack another computer and send on my progress, but I might need some help writing, depending on how successful I am.

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And time for a double post!  I believe it was Mikhal who mentioned the Brotherhood of the Lost Data; well, you're looking at its newest member!  My PC just took a death, whether virus related or not I have yet to find out.  Thankfully, this comes a day after my having dumped almost everything Godslayery on the forum, but it is still very irritating.  The point of this being to say that I am confined to mobile for some time, so no images, and a general lack of productivity - other than old fashioned pen and paper, I don't really have a way to carry on with my entry for the foreseeable future.  I'll try and soldier on on my phone/hijack another computer and send on my progress, but I might need some help writing, depending on how successful I am.

That...sucks....(glances over shoulder paranoidly in case anyone goes to touch computer)

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Oh yeah, my computer fried too last week (quite literally I think). I don't think I've actually lost any data, which is good, but using an old windows XP from 2002 with 1GB of RAM as a backup plan isn't exactly refreshing :(


Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing actual data is a lot worse then losing a computer imo

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Was the idea of posting some of this stuff on a wikia ever considered ?


here's an example of the fanon wikia.


I have to admit that I've often got confused about the different things here, especially with different versions cropping up and having to root around in the myriad pages is quite challenging.

Plus, wikia's offer some features that are much more reader friendly than a forum.

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While I agree on the practical side, there's something about switching to another substrate that just doesn't fit right in my mind. I think it's got something to do with the talk, a few months ago, about the Legio Imprint and how B&C Special Projects should be kept here to deserve the name. Perhaps I misinterpreted it, but I'll prefer to play safe.

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Wouldn't we directly infringe the site rules? I am not sure, but I am pretty sure, thst our stuff contradicts the canon :wink:.


While I agree on the practical side, there's something about switching to another substrate that just doesn't fit right in my mind. I think it's got something to do with the talk, a few months ago, about the Legio Imprint and how B&C Special Projects should be kept here to deserve the name. Perhaps I misinterpreted it, but I'll prefer to play safe.

Fair enough, it was just an idea :)

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Well if we get it all done and it's popular enough, I'm sure it'll pop up on 1d4Chan or something like the Dornian Heresy. With 99% more vagina jokes.

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Well if we get it all done and it's popular enough, I'm sure it'll pop up on 1d4Chan or something like the Dornian Heresy. With 99% more vagina jokes.

Gotta dream, right?


I wouldn't mind having somewhere we could stow the fluff for easy access. Dunno if we could set up an BotL 'verse on AoOO or something?

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One minor thing; with the exception of Jade, what are our Primarchs' nicknames/titles? Just so I can sprinkle them throughout the fluff. So far I think we have:

Icarion, the Stormborn

Alexandros, the Shield Lord

Daer'dd, the Forge Master

Raktra, the Ashen King


On another note, I'm going to flesh out a couple of minor characters from bit mentions in the pieces I've written, so as to avoid leaning on canon characters too much. Starting with Captain Roanoke from Abaddon's last stand.

Just noticed I hadn't replied to this:

  • K'awil: The Soulless, Shield Against the Empyrean
  • Ajaway: The Thrice Damned, Lord of the Fallen, The Dark Prince
  • H'Balam: Chief Apothecary, Highest of the Blood Hands
  • Xtaabay: Phase Walker
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So, with book 2 looming om the horizon, I've started gathering together my various notes and ideas on the CL and all of their practices, ranks etc. However, whenever I try to write the sections on the clans they always come out too different and too much like canon legions. While I realise that the book 1 legions have priority, I wanted to ask if anyone would be willing to write the Clan's fluff for me?
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