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He's PM'd me. Time to put my history specs on and do some research...


And thanks, Raktra. The Berserkers are great fun to work with. PMd you regarding Khârn and co, actually

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By the way, will we also do some kind of red book where all our rules are gathered?

I'd consider it a bonus objective after the core four are done, along with the Abyssii and the knight books.

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Yeah. It's actually probably going to be "finished" first :P Mainly because I'm currently trying to grab what I can of people's rules now, so it's ready to just be copied over into the main books when needed. If anyone wishes to aid me in this just send me your up to date rules in a PM so I don't spend my hours searching for the right iteration ;)

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Hehe. I can understand the desire to tweak. I'm currently restraining myself from going back over K'awil/ the Reapers. I know I shouldn't though and I have plenty of other things to distract me :smile.: Also. Yay for new content to add.


Oh and if anyone wants any help with rules etc I would love to help you. Plus I get another reason to not go back over my own units again :P

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Well I have to go over all my rules again and need then help. Implementing all pariah rules. Redo at least Gwalchavad a bit and alter the luth etc. Implememt the battle meditations. Redo the illuminator, comhaedair, sthe storm blast. Oh man...so much to tweak. But other things come first. Good that the wardens appear so late
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One thing I wasn't clear on- Icarion doesn't jump straight on the Chaos bandwagon a la Horus, does he? So perhaps, several years into the war and it's grinding away, and Alexos comes to Icarion. He's tried to make himsee the need to swear allegiance or at least offer disciples for the gods, and he's given up telling. Now he's going to show. And either via a stroll in the Maelstrom or Icarion pushing his farsight to the point that all he gets are glimpses, he sees the Imperium of Man drowning under the weight of alien attacks.


And Alexos tells him that this Imperium, milllenia in the future, has damned itself with its refusal to bow to the true gods. If only Icarion would grasp the gift offered to him, he would have the power to destroy all these enemies. For the sake of Mankind... that's why you're doing this isn't it, brother?

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I had more the impression, that he sided with chaos, but maybe was thinking that he can control it and this hybris was the reason, that he didn't recognize the slow change in him.

Alexos brought those Lihtning bearers from canonverse to him, if i remember it right and icarion must at least know that he needs tremendous power to break the wards on terra.

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So that could be a shift, as Icarion begins to come round to Alexos' ethos of "your have to give to take" with Chaos as the Insurrection loses momentum. And the first part of that is Raktra's apotheosis.


I'm thinking Sauron in Numenor, in some way, for Alexos' role.

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BTW guys, quick thought I just had, now we all know the EoT is the biggest Warp Storm in the galaxy, full of Crone Worlds, yadayadayada, but given that many Legion homeworlds are really far from there what if one or two legions high-tailed it to the Maelstrom rather thn the Eye like every other Alt.Heresy?

I mean, Madrigal especially is right on the Maelstorm's edge, so why not have the Lightning Bearers Harbingers and/or one or two of the other Legions whole up there?

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BTW guys, quick thought I just had, now we all know the EoT is the biggest Warp Storm in the galaxy, full of Crone Worlds, yadayadayada, but given that many Legion homeworlds are really far from there what if one or two legions high-tailed it to the Maelstrom rather thn the Eye like every other Alt.Heresy?

I mean, Madrigal especially is right on the Maelstorm's edge, so why not have the Lightning Bearers Harbingers and/or one or two of the other Legions whole up there?

I see no problem with that, particularly given that the CL who got kicked out for mucking around with gene tech already do

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Yeah would fit then. Maybe after the insurrection madrigal was sucked into the warp to and increased the whole aize of the maelstrom

It could also lead to a BotL-verse version of the Maelstrom Warders, maybe even a Badab War that's akin to a Black Crusade?

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It would make a lot of sense with Cadia getting messed up during the Blood Crusade as well. I imagine they'd go near-Terra levels of fortified after that, and that's too much of a risk to fight past.

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Yeah, I like that. Would be a lovely, cataclysmic end to the siege of Madrigal.


And speaking of cataclysms and ends:

-Sim, would Alexandros be in the Throne Room when the wards break, or enter during the chaos?

-With no reason for the Emperor's defenders to be scattered during the final confrontation, I think Icarion might claim an additional scalp from Valdor.


I'd love to see a painting or two of the Primarchs and some of the Legions.

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