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Turrus returns

Brother Tybor of the Nightguard crept along the metal coridoors of the vessel, his iron shod boots barely making a sound. While he had supressed most of his life as a legionaire of the XIV, he hadn't supressed the skilld acquired as he could still use those to track and kill allies of the warp, those who sought to have it pass the Nightguard's vigil and swamp the galaxy. It was one such individual he tracked now, a former astartes of the III, Turrus. Just ahead of him, Tybor saw his quarry wondering the coridoors of this corrupted ship alone. A small smile spread across the Nightguard's face as his quarry approached and Tybor sank into the shadows. As his quarry moved past, he readied himself to pounce. However, as he was about to do so, Turrus spoke. "You there, hiding in the shadows. What is a member of the Nightguard doing aboard my ship?". This threw Tybor. However, despite his surprise, he threw himself at Turrus, his combat blade ready to sever Turrus' neck tendons and his bolt pistol prepared to blast a hole as big as his fist in Turrus' forehead. He was quick and his rangy body moved easily through the air, as any true son of the deserts should. However, his foe had seen the attack coming and batted him aside contemptuosly with his pyschic might. As Turrus drew his enormous two handed sword, his voice came again, delivered straight into Tybor's mind. I'll ask you again whelp he said Why are you on my ship?. Tybor didn't answer. Instead, he raised his bolt pistol and fired a single shot before his mind and body sere frozen in place. The single bolt shell was obliterated by Turrus, and as he walked over to Tybor, he said What a shame before slamming his sword hilt into Tybor's jaw, breaking it and knocking him out.


- - - - - - - -


Tybor's eyes opened. He was manacled, he could feel that much, the cold metal resting against his wrists. However, as his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw that he wasn't alone. In front of him, sitting what appeared to be a crude metal bed, was another astartes. This one was in full battle plate, his armour cleaned of most traces of any heraldry save for the dirty red on his right arm. His face was pale and covered in tatoos, his eyes that strange grey green that Tybor associated with the III. He had a neatly trimmed beard and his hair was plaited back into one long braid. In one hand he held an axe, small, clearly designed to be used one handed, and in the other a whetstone he was using to sharpen it. "You're..." he began, before being cut off mod sentence as a voice said in his mind Turrus Fairhair, formerly of the III legion, yes. A more interesting question is who are you?, the warrior speaking not once opening his mouth or looking up from sharpening his axe. "I am brother Tybor of the..." he began but the voice interrupted again Of the Nightguard. I know that already. I mean who are you really?. Tybor gave only silence as an answer. Alright then. Tybor it is. Why do the Nightguard want me dead?. "Why do you think?" growled Tybor "You're a traitor. You made a pact with the warp. You seek to drown the galaxy in it". For the first time in their conversation, the legionnaire looked up, grinning. A pact? No. An alliance? Yes. I have as little desire to see the galaxy succumb to the warp as you Tybor. The only difference is that, for the moment, to serve the warp suits my personal ambitions. Once it no longer does, then I will break my alliance with the warp. It's as simple as that. Tybor shook his head "Nothing involving the warp is simple traitor. You're a slave to it whether you know it or not". Looking down again, Turrus said Oh really? Have much personel experience do you? No? I thought as much. Tybor simply shook his head again and askes "And what are these goals the warp will help you to achieve? Overthrowing the Emperor? Gaining revenge?". Turrus stood up and made to leave, saying Oh nothing so bland or boring. You see, that was my goal when I was first exiled, vengeance, but not now. These days I've decided that I must prove myself worthy of my father and then, he will allow me to re join my legion. Tybor sneered and asked "And how do you propose to do that?". Turning his head to look back over a shoulder guard, Turrus said "By becoming King of the Maelstrom? How else?" and walked out.

Edited by Sigismund229
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Question: Do we have two die-hard, fight until the death, tough as nails and utterly ruthless legions? Because I think I have place that would suit such a temperament and I'd quite like write a short story about two(or one) BoL legion bringing it into compliance. 

And just so you know the kind of tough I'm thinking of, here's the world's description(please excuse the reference to the Black Guard, it's my other lost legion I've been working on and this is their homeworld). 


When the primarchs were scattered across the galaxy by the warp, the primarch of the Black Guard landed on the world of Kulaggo. While most of his brothers landed on harsh worlds, Kulaggo was hell made manifest. A penal world, there were two distinct regions on Kulaggo, the mountains in which the inmates lived and worked and the swamps below. The mountains were enormous, most reaching well over 8000 metres and it was on the tops of these giant mountains that the inmates lived. While the air was thin and the climate freezing as well as prone to frequent avalanches, the peaks of the mountains and any area of them over 3000 metres were survivable with access to the crude rebreathers many of the Kulaggonites made themselves. However, as you got lower down, the air became more and more toxic until by around 1000 metres you would die almost instantly from inhaling it without a separate oxygen supply and at 500 metres when it ate its way through any and all breathing apparatus. Also, below 5000 metres, the air began to heat up until by the time you reached 1000 metres the average air temperature was around 58 degrees celcius, making the air below 1000 metres not only toxic but also hellishly hot, hot enough to kill humans. 

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Not the wardens:) they come from a world blessed with a sky bright and pure. Living on floating continents and sky islands above a dark abyss or cloud ocean.


But don't fight all astartes to the death?

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Not the wardens:) they come from a world blessed with a sky bright and pure. Living on floating continents and sky islands above a dark abyss or cloud ocean.


But don't fight all astartes to the death?

Yeah all astartes fight to the death but I mean astartes who die where they're standing because they're too damn stubborn to give their enemes any ground whatsoever

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A thought. Do we have a counterpart to the Lodges, and if so might the Godslayers be the best point of origin?


Alex instituted the Lodges as a bridge between transhuman and human. They can be anything from intellectual halls to recreation centers, depending on the preferred tastes of the locals.


In canon, the Wardens disappear and eventually the lodges come back in corrupted form. Here, we haven't really done anything with them.


EDIT: It was also a place for Wardens to embark/master their chosen dharmas or aretes.

Edited by simison
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Here's what I originally wrote, nearly a year ago. 




Organization Subsection #1 - The Warrior Lodges


While there are similarities between the Warden lodges and the later ones established by the Word Bearers, the differences are significant. One of his first acts as legion commander was to establish a recreational hall on most Warden warships. Given the nature of a space marine, many commented on the usual decree. Within these halls were various partitions, equipment, and supplies to offer a wide variety of activities should one chose. One hall may feature a variety of esoteric obstacle courses to challenge the body, while another offered an extensive library to illuminate the mind, typically dictated by the vessel's marine commander. Most lodges offered food, while the better stock lodges could produce delicacies that far outmatched a ship's standard fare.


What truly separated these lodges from their latter cousins were there transparency. Not only were these lodges made known to the general populace, any solider or warrior who fought for the Imperium was welcomed to take part, whether they be transhuman, human, or abhuman. Rank was to be left at the entrance and mutual respect enforced between those gathered. Violations both within and without (such as a soldier forgetting to address a superior accordingly due to time spent within the lodge) could result in loss of lodge privileges, while serious offenses could lead to general bans. The Imperium's military forces had various reactions to this unique aspect of the IInd legion. From utter disdain (Death Guard, World Eaters, Iron Hands, etc) to mild bewilderment (Mechanicum, Ultramarines, Luna Wolves, etc) to enthusiastic support (White Scars, Thousand Sons, Imperial Army, etc.) With the Wardens' records expunged, the warrior lodges were tainted with a dark reputation, which would further be ruined the Horus Heresy.

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So, I've actually climbed out of my hole here in the BotL forum a couple of times this week (something I haven't done for months) and visited a couple of the other forums: fanfiction (I need to update Third Son soon) and Age of Darkness.


Imagine my surprise when the age-old "Help pick legion" thread had been iced and another one started up because the old one was becoming a beast of a thing. That got me thinking, is there a certain point when we should retire this general discussion thread and start a new one? I don't think it needs to happen now, but I was just curious what the usual rule is for handling these things. 

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Yeah, could be worth it.


I needed nearly 1/2 hour to read about 7 pages...only from this thread.

Maybe we could open Legion threads with finished fluff, rules, etc. (in which only the Legion's creator is permitted to post something) and use the old ones to discuss new ideas?

Same for timelines, happenings, etc.?


It became really difficult to catch up with all the stuff happening here and there. I'm working on to catch up with you for 3 days and haven't finished until now... was it necessary to write billions of posts in the last two weeks? :P

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