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Alright then.


Shall I start the first topic featuring stories, etc.?

Go ahead. Just give me a heads up when its done and I'll shuffle around the Pinned Threads to have the "Consolidated info" ones as being the only pinned ones from then-on out.

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Oh... seems like I said something wrong. ^^"

I only wanted to start a thread where everyone can post his finished stuff rather than search and collect it by myself as I probably won't have time to do it by myself, sry.

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I'm not sure I realised what I was letting myself in for when I agreed to do the document design for this :P Just put together the basics for the Legiones Astartes Appendix Compilation (Now officially designated LAAC for ease) and looked down to realise that it was ~180 pages long!


I probably should have realised this sooner, but it was just looking at the number made me laugh. Especially because this is just the Appendix.

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Thank you for the offer. Though I'm not honestly sure how I would delegate things out. If I get to a point where I struggle for time to get things done I will certainly ask. Right now the biggest difficulty is in pulling all the information together from across the various threads (so pretty much the same problem Kelborn has been having).

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I'm not sure I realised what I was letting myself in for when I agreed to do the document design for this :tongue.: Just put together the basics for the Legiones Astartes Appendix Compilation (Now officially designated LAAC for ease) and looked down to realise that it was ~180 pages long!


I probably should have realised this sooner, but it was just looking at the number made me laugh. Especially because this is just the Appendix.


Is that for all of the legions or just Book 1's?

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Just spent the past half hour looking through rhe General Discussion&Reunited Family threads for stories I wrote.


All I can say is: Kelborn, you made the right choice when you chose not to gather them tigether yourself...


Agreed. Um, I don't suppose you noticed many stories written by me? Not asking you to go back through, just give me a heads-up on whether or not I should start digging.

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I think so? Somewhere around page 5ish and 30ish of the general discussion and in the reunited family thread.


Crap. Oh well, time to dig.


*grabs pitchfork and shovel*

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Actually,  thinking about it, it might be a good idea for the different legion threads to also have indexes pointing to the relevant tales in the consolidated fluff thread :)

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For the new threads, please remember to include an index on the first post, it will make navigation sssoooooo much easier :smile.: (please :tongue.:)



Had the same idea when I was on my way home. Will update my first post and from now one try to give an overview about what was posted and to which legion it belongs.


Don't know if I should use links for each new post (or story) or if it is enough to say: Crimson Lions: Posts number 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, .....101


What do you think?




How about doing aditional threads? I can start them as well. Something like:


BotL: The Legions


Each and everyone of you can create one single post. In this post you can write a short summary of your legion including rules, special units, primarchs, etc.

Like an official depiction of your work. Again, no comments allowed. Only definite stuff.


BotL: The Factions

BotL: whatever


I know that we have numerous threads where all of this is already posted but let's be honest. Who of us wants to dig in a thread consisting of 30 or more pages to have a look on one important information someone might have posted in there? ;)


Is it possible to create a minor subforum for our definite / official stuff? That would prevent a mess in here.

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I can't tell you the sheer amount of work I had to do just to make that first post.


...and I still got the year wrong!


Anyway, 44.0 M31 is the year of the Insurrection.

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Let there be good cheer!


For I have tortured myself to bring us some clarity regarding the timeline. I noticed how several of the story posts didn't have actual years and thought I should do something about it. So, I tried to find an accurate timeline for when the Primarchs were discovered. I thought I found a list on Lexicanum, but when I checked the sources (the FW HH books) none of the dates were there.


So, I made up a bunch of them. I listed them next to the Primarch discovery order in the first post in this thread. Would like to hear feedback on them.

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and athread were all our stories are gathered. And before each post it must be written which legion is involved amd in which time it fits( or book)


Some kind of disclaimer

D'you reckon we could set up an AU section on Archive of Our Own or a similar site? For ease of access.


Pretty there's a "Warhammer Academy" one. What is it with this "yeah, cool universe... but wouldn't it be more exciting if they did mundane stuff like us. Like, Mad Max is way cooler as a mechanic..."


Err, do we have a timeline, gents? Most of my stuff is at just before or after the Qarith Triumph.

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