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What's Archive of Our Own?


And I just threw out a very basic timeline, primarily focused on Primarch discovery.

Fanfic site. Someone suggested it ages ago in this thread, I believe.


In the meantime, time to so some serious copying and pasting.

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What's Archive of Our Own?


And I just threw out a very basic timeline, primarily focused on Primarch discovery.

Fanfic site. Someone suggested it ages ago in this thread, I believe.


In the meantime, time to so some serious copying and pasting.




I don't see why not. Go ahead and post it on Archive.

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Lol. Just realized as I was looking to the timeline and so to the first post, thst Gwal is still refered as muggle:) and maybe you could change negotiator to Martial Artist( fits the wardens theme of flowing combat far better) and peaceful to peacekeeper? That includes in my olinion negotiator and peaceful^^
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Lol. Just realized as I was looking to the timeline and so to the first post, thst Gwal is still refered as muggle:) and maybe you could change negotiator to Martial Artist( fits the wardens theme of flowing combat far better) and peaceful to peacekeeper? That includes in my olinion negotiator and peaceful^^



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Speaking of tearing up, I've realised something really horrid about Alexandros' fate- all that time he's fighting, he'll know there's no hope for him.



Not quite. Alex refuses to look into the far future, anything past the current and the next campaigns because he believes that it's impossible to maintain sufficient accuracy beyond a year or two.


Unless the Emperor tells him. 


EDIT: I felt sorry for what was going to happen to Sejanus and Khârn! They were filled with hope and you knew that hope was going to get crushes and shattered into a thousand pieces.

Edited by simison
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Just wait until Raktra gets even with Sejanus. We're sailing towards Port Grimdark, and it's going to be a bumpy ride.


I just meant during the fight itself. Which I guess is the impetus for him hitting Icarion with a memory instead.

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Just wait until Raktra gets even with Sejanus. We're sailing towards Port Grimdark, and it's going to be a bumpy ride.


I just meant during the fight itself. Which I guess is the impetus for him hitting Icarion with a memory instead.


Ah, yeah. No hope at that point, unless he can see how the fight ends between the Emperor and Icarion. 

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Yeah, I like that. Would be a lovely, cataclysmic end to the siege of Madrigal.


And speaking of cataclysms and ends:

-Sim, would Alexandros be in the Throne Room when the wards break, or enter during the chaos?

-With no reason for the Emperor's defenders to be scattered during the final confrontation, I think Icarion might claim an additional scalp from Valdor.


I'd love to see a painting or two of the Primarchs and some of the Legions.


Okay, this slipped by me. Probably because it was on my birthday.


Anyway, he wouldn't be in the Throne Room proper, but he would be on Terra. I can easily see him sensing the giant disturbance and rush to check on his father.


For portraits, there's a couple out there. Saint Max has done both Icarion and Pre-Warmaster Alex: http://saint-max.deviantart.com/

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Auras, Primarchs tend to give out various vibes depending on who they are.


According to BL, Sanguinius and Russ give out polar opposites. When Sanguinius looks at you, you can sense him sizing up all of your strengths and make you feel like he can enhance those, in addition to an ethereal atmosphere he emits. For Russ, he's like a primal avalanche always on the verge about to explode and slam into you, while when he looks at you, you feel like he's spotted all of your weaknesses and going to hit them hard.


For Alexandros, when you're in his sights, you feel safe and light-hearted, like this is a guy you could share some secrets or have a beer with, and he naturally radiates trust. The grin probably helps.


What about the others? What do the mortals feel/think when they are in their presence? How about Icarion, Athrawes?

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Love ;) a deep understanding of their needs. A calm friendly person. But at first glance they see the mask. Not seeing your counterparts face kinda feels strange. Which makes them uncomfortable at the beginning. Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Icarion's presence is slightly hypnotic, I pictured it similar to how Magnus and Sanguinius are described as 'looking like the emperor' in the way that their physical appearance subtly alters based upon who is viewing them. He has a calming effect on those around him and in the high priestess description I based him upon, it said he makes people feel as though he is their dearest companion. That he is able to read them, their desires and hopes better than they themselves can.


So in terms Icarion's Hypnotic effect, he would appear to be whatever the viewer needs him to be most, and that acts as a perception filter over not only his physical appearance, but his body language and even his words.


For example, if two warriors of different humors listen to him give a command at the same time, what they see and hear will be slightly different. Icarion order both warriors to destroy a world below, one warrior believes that humanity is precious and the world below must be saved not destroyed. The other warrior is bloodthirsty and revels in violence. Listening to Icarion, the first warrior would hear reluctance and sorrow or even regret in Icarion's command, his language and aura encouraging the humane warrior by showing him a caring, empathetic primarch. The second warrior would hear in Icarion a kindred spirt, someone who shares his understanding that bloodshed is necessary.


All this combines together to make Icarion at once ultimately inspirational, but manipulative to his own ends.be sure of his auras, though and subtly, it would never come across as manipulation to the one perceiving him.



Hopefully that all makes sense.

Edited by Athrawes
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When Hectarion looks at mortals, they feel like, no matter the odds they're facing, victory and glory await them and like this was a man that they were born to follow, the man who will lead them to that victory and glory and he imbues them with a sense of confidence that, in spite of any evidence to the contrary, so long as he leads them then they are immortal meaning that he's basically the perfect guy to lead a charge or shield wall, where determination and utter conviction that you'll win are vital. 

Edited by Sigismund229
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Yucahu's gaze is that of a commander. Cold devotion to his cause, which lesser beings will not try to question, because they know he is right. You do not even have to look at him directly, his mere presence makes you feel as if he could see everything, everywhere. He sees all, judges all, with the cold stare of a bird of prey.


Kozja Darzalas is a more complex matter. Like the Emperor, he seems to shine with a legitimacy to rule. He has this air of nobility that seems to be imparted into you when he is present. You feel empowered, despite knowing you are a lesser being. You feel he can make you greater than humanly possible — and he can, for he is the one who makes armies greater.


On another point, I was considering commissioning professional art of Yucahu and/or Kozja this morning, but got sidetracked into looking for tissues engineering material…

Edited by Skalpynock
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With Daer'dd I feel it'd be a feeling of dread, permanencey, and being overwhelmed. That his immense physicality is something that couldn't be over taken, and nothing could stop him, that challenging him is an automatic defeat, that you will fail against him.


Which makes his death even harder for some as those around hin can't fathom him being gone.

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Okay, this slipped by me. Probably because it was on my birthday.


Anyway, he wouldn't be in the Throne Room proper, but he would be on Terra. I can easily see him sensing the giant disturbance and rush to check on his father.


For portraits, there's a couple out there. Saint Max has done both Icarion and Pre-Warmaster Alex: http://saint-max.deviantart.com/

Happy belated Birthday, then. I'm trying to work out how the webway madness would play out in this 'verse, it could be that with Alex present the evacuation is far quicker, but obviously the Emperor is still stuck on the throne.


I should've said "besides those ones of Alex and Icarion" which are both excellent, by the way. I'd really like to see one for Pionus or Daer'dd.

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