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Well I will leave it up to vote for you guys ;) Alexos pretty much kills an astartes from every legion... ;) so get votin'

EAGLE WARRIORS!!!!(probably a Terran who believes in such foolish notions as the Imperial Truth)


Hah! Best possible answer ;)

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Well damn, he's not quite how I imagined him but Alexos looks brutal as Hell!

I think he'll probably look closer to my mental image of him once he's painted up :)


Great job AlphariusOmegon !

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Holy moly!


Did a great job. To be honest, my very first impression was: What the hell? Megatron?! (I must admit that I firstly looked only at the face + helmet)


But the more I discover, the more I like it. :D

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Something I caught while working on the PDF. I could be wrong, but the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens are the BotL's psyker legions, correct? Well, it seemed to me that there could be a minor theme of tension over how the two biggest legions and the two Primarchs closest to the Emperor are both psykers. 


It could manifest as one Primarch, maybe a Pariah, being jealous over this situation. Maybe an Imperial Governor who distrusts psykers is uneasy with how three of them occupy the highest seats of the Imperium. 


Just little bits and pieces that can be mentioned here and there to further distinguish us from the canon-verse. 

Edited by simison
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Something I caught while working on the PDF. I could be wrong, but the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens are the BotL's psyker legions, correct? Well, it seemed to me that there could be a minor theme of tension over how the two biggest legions and the two Primarchs closest to the Emperor are both psykers. 


It could manifest as one Primarch, maybe a Pariah, being jealous over this situation. Maybe an Imperial Governor who distrusts psykers is uneasy with how three of them occupy the highest seats of the Imperium. 


Just little bits and pieces that can be mentioned here and there to further distinguish us from the canon-verse.


And I keep trying to figure out Niklaas' attitude about the "witches" being in charge.


The only thought I have had is that Alex and Icarion are both diviners, using their powers "quietly" rather than overtly. And then there is the big E.


My goal was to have a complex character. Look what I done did. Oy.

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Something I caught while working on the PDF. I could be wrong, but the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens are the BotL's psyker legions, correct? Well, it seemed to me that there could be a minor theme of tension over how the two biggest legions and the two Primarchs closest to the Emperor are both psykers.


It could manifest as one Primarch, maybe a Pariah, being jealous over this situation. Maybe an Imperial Governor who distrusts psykers is uneasy with how three of them occupy the highest seats of the Imperium.


Just little bits and pieces that can be mentioned here and there to further distinguish us from the canon-verse.


And I keep trying to figure out Niklaas' attitude about the "witches" being in charge.


The only thought I have had is that Alex and Icarion are both diviners, using their powers "quietly" rather than overtly. And then there is the big E.


My goal was to have a complex character. Look what I done did. Oy.

Could be worse. Niklaas could have ended up like Dievas(primarch of the Black Guard, ny other lost legion. Yes Clan Karakal are a tribute to them) who's just utterly confused about everything :P

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Something I caught while working on the PDF. I could be wrong, but the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens are the BotL's psyker legions, correct? Well, it seemed to me that there could be a minor theme of tension over how the two biggest legions and the two Primarchs closest to the Emperor are both psykers.


It could manifest as one Primarch, maybe a Pariah, being jealous over this situation. Maybe an Imperial Governor who distrusts psykers is uneasy with how three of them occupy the highest seats of the Imperium.


Just little bits and pieces that can be mentioned here and there to further distinguish us from the canon-verse.

And I keep trying to figure out Niklaas' attitude about the "witches" being in charge.


The only thought I have had is that Alex and Icarion are both diviners, using their powers "quietly" rather than overtly. And then there is the big E.


My goal was to have a complex character. Look what I done did. Oy.

Could be worse. Niklaas could have ended up like Dievas(primarch of the Black Guard, ny other lost legion. Yes Clan Karakal are a tribute to them) who's just utterly confused about everything :tongue.:



Everything? How does that work?

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He hates psykers and so hates the Emperor but has a strong belief in the purity of humanity, confusing his feelings about the Emperor and the Imperial Truth. Wants to always obey orders but hates the man and later the irganization those orders come from. Knows that administrators are necessary for the survival of the Inperium but despises them as weak.
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