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He hates psykers and so hates the Emperor but has a strong belief in the purity of humanity, confusing his feelings about the Emperor and the Imperial Truth. Wants to always obey orders but hates the man and later the irganization those orders come from. Knows that administrators are necessary for the survival of the Inperium but despises them as weak.


That sounds like a perfect recipe for daily migraines.

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Something exclusive for the broverse:




This pic shows Gwal in his Insurrection-Outfit when he reenters the battle for the imperium.


This pic was drawn by the wonderful Inkary from Deviantarts. Maybe you want some Primarchpic too? I bet we could strike a deal for an all consuming order.. Would be nice to have from every primarch a pic for the books.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Squig's stories about the Godslayer's transformation got me thinking about how the Imperial Army troopers would react to a bunch of zombie space marines coming straight at them. The result was the following short story

The Hordes of Death Part 1

Trooper Ignace looked down the barrel of his lasgun at the shell strewn wasteland of Isonza. "Anything?" asked Krisjyans. Ignace was about to shake his head when he saw a flash of dirty orange from the poisonous miasma that rose up between the trenches of the Insurrectionists and the Imperials. Squinting down the longlas sights he'd acquired on Iyacrax, Ignace looked harder. Sure enough, a shape was beginning to come into focus. Too tall to be a human trooper. Astartes. Ignace delivered a swift kick to Krisjyans, who immediately got up from where he had been sat and began to sound the alarm. As the rest of his platoon began to take up positions, each one a veteran of the brutal fighting on Iyacrax, Ignace continued to observe the shapes of astartes that he could gradually see through the miasma. To all intents and purposes they looked like astartes but there was something wrong with how they moved. Where most of the astartes Ignace had fought moved swiftly and with purpose, these ones lumbered slowly and gracelessly, almost as if they were throwing their bodies forward rather than walking. As they came forward, Ignace saw that they carried no weapons, which was utterly unlike any of the Imperium's fighting men. He also began to smell them or rather, what he thought might be them. They smelt of rotting bodies, a stench that Ignace was well used to. That was at least usual for astartes who had been deployed for a long time as they normally were unable to clean their armour of the gore that they got spattered all over them while fighting. Next to him, Krisjyans, who had shouldered his autogun with it's massive drum magazine and was pointing it at the fog, asked "Why aren't they carrying weapons?". In reply, Ignace hissed "You think I know how their brains work? Just get ready to fire when the Lieutenant tells you to".


As the astartes emerged from the miasma, Ignace could finally see what he was up against. Godslayers, unarmed but he knew from personal experience that that didn't matter when it came to astartes. They could still kill all of the Imperial troopers manning this trench without their heart beat rising without weapons. Then, off to the right, Ignace heard several of his comrades gasp, gulp and piss themselves. Frowning, he scanned the Godslayers for the cause of their terror. While it was never pleasent to go into battle, these men were veterans. They should be unfased by the possibility of death. When Ignace found it, he froze with terror and almost dropped his rifle. He felt all colour drain from his face as it sank in. The rotting smell wasn't gore on the astartes' armour. It was the astartes themselves. Their flesh was rotting. They were dead already and yet they were coming straight at him.


Taking his eye away from the sight, he rubbed them. It couldn't be real. He was hallucinating. He had to be. He'd been on the front too long. That was it. He was starting to see things. Another look through the sights told him he wasn't. Backing away from his lasgun, Ignace's legs turned to jelly beneath him, seemingly incapable of supporting his own weight and his bladder let go, explaining the trickle of liquid Ignace felt down his leg.


As he began to turn, ready to run, Ignace felt a rough, calloused hand grip him by the collar and shove him forwards, back to his gun. "Get back in position" growled leiutenant Paras, although by the stutter in his voice and his weak grip Ignace could tell that the lieutenant was just as terrified as him. "You survived Iyacrax, you can survive this!" the lieutenant shouted at the platoon before firing a shot with his las pistol at the oncoming swarm of monstrosities. Despite its lacks of accuracy, it broke the spell. All along the line, the veterans of Iyacrax opened fire, pouring fire down upon the swarm of dead men.


However, it seemed to have little effect. While many of the shots were well aimed, striking in between the joins in the astartes armour, often the neck, they had little effect. Whenever they were hit, a small cloud of black blood emerged from the Godslayers as well as flies and rotten flesh blasted away by the high powered lasguns yet the Godslayers just ignored these hits and kept coming, slowly but surely drawing closer and closer to the Imperial lines. A few troopers threw grenades at the oncoming Godslayers but they seemed to have little effect. Only the krak or incendiary grenades stopped the undead astartes and even then it had to be an almost direct hit. None the less, the Imperial army troopers continued to fire like mad men, hoping for some effect.


As he looked away from the Godslayers to reload, Ignace saw some of the freshly conscripted Weislanders break and attempt to run before being promptly shot down by lieutenant Paras. Reminded of what awaited fleeing troopers, certainty of death in flight versus the almost certainty of deat in battle,, Ignace slammed another power packs home and continued firing. While the Weislanders continued to fire wildly, the veterand of Iyacrax were now beginning to focus their fire on the head's of the closest Godslayers. Fixed with fire by twenty or thirty lasguns at a time, their armour began to give way and they began to drop in greater numbers, especially as the Imperial grenades had greater effect at this close range, but it was too little too late. Soon,the Godslayers were dragging themselves over the barbed wire in front of the Imperial positions and before he knew it, Ignace received the order. "FIX BAYONETS!".

Edited by Sigismund229
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Oh, I would like to join as well. :)

Not for a Primarch but for my main Storm Rider character or something like that.

That would be cool. :D

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Well, I wrote her but actually she has a lot to do. But I know of another talented artist who might pull that off. If the brotherhood is willing, I am going to ask him. Downside: Halfportraits cost 40$ but eventually with a mass order he can make as a special price. Sorry to not have better news. Maybe Inkary just needs time to think about it. But you guys could all write in the primarchlookalike-thread every detail and maybe a pic of somebody resembling the primarch as well as a description or kitbash or photobash of your characters, so if the time is right, we could get the infos fast togheter and the artist could start right away. May it be Inkary or someone else
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I realise that this story is skipping a bit ahead(ok a lot ahead) but I felt like writing about Hectarion around M.32(just before he goes missing/dies)



Hectarion shut his eyes and took a deep breath of the air of Mycenae. While all around him a snow storm raged, ripping off small sections of his skin, he felt utterly calm. On this world, on his home, the weight of his and his brother's obligations to the Imperium seemed to lift from his shoulders. Here, he could simply head out to the wilds, beyond the touch of the galaxy at large. Yet nothing could lift the shadow of guilt from his heart and nothing could stop the spectres who haunted his waking moments. Daer'dd, Alexandros, Pionius, his father, Leman, Maridius, Vericos...he had failed them all. He should have been able to save them somehow. The fact that they were dead and he still lived reminded him that he had been alive too long. He was a relic now, just like Ærrion.


No one now remembered the Great Crusade, its ideals, the ideals the Warmaster had gone to his death for. Terra, Cadia, the Blood Crusade. Hectarion had seen them all. He remembered them how they had been rather than as the legends they were increasingly becoming. The Qarith triumph. When he closed his eyes, Hectarion could see still the moment when Alexandros was crowned Warmaster as clearly as if it were yesterday. The cheers, the ship's salutes and the glory of the moment, a glory later shattered by the Stormborn. He now understood how Ærrion must have felt during the Great Crusade. Nobody else knew and so you fought to drown the memories in blood and for a time it worked but it never banished them for good. They always came back. We are gods of war, beings of infinite power and yet I wouldn't wish our life on anybody. The Warmaster's words, words Hectarion had never felt to be truer.


Yet for all his sorrow and regret, Hectarion endured. He fought for his father's ideals and his father's dream of a united humanity, the dream whose last, best hope had long since faded, along with the brotherhood of the primarchs. He didn't do so out of rage but out of resignation. He had said why to Gwalchavad once when his brother had spoken of peace. Peace may come but I shan't live to see it. My destiny was carved in stone from the minute I first opened my eyes in my pod, from the minute father created me. Victory or Hados' Halls. That's my fate brother. The only thing that changes is how I get there.

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So, to bring up an older mini-topic: the vessels of renown. There's essentially twenty Gloriana warships, which are passed around to the Primarchs. I figured it'd be obvious to go ahead and give the biggest, the Vengeful Spirit, to Icarion, although it's up to him if the name stays the same. The second largest, Macragge's Honour, will be handed to Alexandros, who will rename it the Elpis


The actual challenges is what happens to the Russ' and Magnus' Gloriana's and the other relic ships from the Dark Age. First on that list is the Phalanx. Now, we know Raktra conquers Inwit, but what does he with it? What happens to the lost legion Gloriana's? 

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So, to bring up an older mini-topic: the vessels of renown. There's essentially twenty Gloriana warships, which are passed around to the Primarchs. I figured it'd be obvious to go ahead and give the biggest, the Vengeful Spirit, to Icarion, although it's up to him if the name stays the same. The second largest, Macragge's Honour, will be handed to Alexandros, who will rename it the Elpis


The actual challenges is what happens to the Russ' and Magnus' Gloriana's and the other relic ships from the Dark Age. First on that list is the Phalanx. Now, we know Raktra conquers Inwit, but what does he with it? What happens to the lost legion Gloriana's? 

The 'serkers just leave everything burning and mangled to make a point to the Shepherds, as it's the first meeting of Terrans and Primarch.

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Other Relics from the Age of Darkness discovered during the Great Crusade


-Terminus Est (Just a bad ass dark age of Technology ship)

-Mia Dona Mori (Goliath Class battleship discovered by the XIV Legion, carries more alchem and exterminatus weapons than any ship in the Imperium)

-Reaper's Scythe (was Mortarion's flagship, so probably comparable in power to Gloriana class ships)

-Fourth Horsemen (Ram ship from the age of Darkness, gifted to the XIV Legion by the Emperor, wa the Largest Imperial Ship capable of entering a planets atmosphere/low orbit for attacks)

-The Dark Sovereign (long sleek stealth Strike Cruiser built during old Night found by the Emperor in the moons of Jupiter, given to the 1st Legion during the opening years of the Solar Unification)

-The Phalanx (Adrift orbiting Inwit, rebuilt by Rogal Dorn)

-Caress of Xythos (believed to be one of the original Mechanicum Colonization Arks dispatched from mars during Humanity's Golden Age, recovered  in the Galactice core and modified by the X Legion, was basically comparable to mechanicum forge slaved to the will of a Legion.)


There are a few more that I need to search my files for but these are some of the coolest!

Edited by Athrawes
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