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So, no Phalanx for BotL, unless one of the engineering Primarchs gets ahold of the pieces, which is either Daer'dd or Niklaas. 


For the Mia Dona Mori, which of our legions likes chem warfare? If we go by sheer massive bombardments, that'd by the Void Eagles, so I'm asking about chem warfare first. 

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So, no Phalanx for BotL, unless one of the engineering Primarchs gets ahold of the pieces, which is either Daer'dd or Niklaas.


For the Mia Dona Mori, which of our legions likes chem warfare? If we go by sheer massive bombardments, that'd by the Void Eagles, so I'm asking about chem warfare first.

Ghost Walkers? Their RoW allows them to take ead nades on the sergeant so they'd seem a logical choice.(speaking of the GW, any news on whether Depth is happy for them to be Tzeentch's legion?)

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@Sigismund229: I thought the Ghost Walkers were Loyalists?


A Ram Ship like the Fourth Horseman sounds rather fitting for the Crimson Lions or Berzerkers of Uran, what with their propensity for getting up close and personal with foes. The Dark Sovereign looks to be right up the Grave Stalkers/Ghost Walkers' respective alleys.

The Caress of Xythos is a bit trickier though, the obvious move would be to give it to the Iron Bears (Daer'dd with his own forgeship equals one happy teddy bear) but the VIth already have one monster warship in the form of the Dragon of Autumn, would adding the Caress be too much? And if so, who else would receive her? Off the top of my head I can't think of any other "techie" legions in the BotL like the Iron Bears that could use her to her fullest potential...

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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I had thought Sigismund might have mixed them up with the Grave Stalkers, so does that mean the Insurrectionists have both the sneaky/terror legions? What about the Dune Serpents? Are they traitors too?

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So, no Phalanx for BotL, unless one of the engineering Primarchs gets ahold of the pieces, which is either Daer'dd or Niklaas.


For the Mia Dona Mori, which of our legions likes chem warfare? If we go by sheer massive bombardments, that'd by the Void Eagles, so I'm asking about chem warfare first.

Dune Serpents go in for a bit of gas.


As for the Phalanx; Inwit's conquered by the Berserkers so they'd probably have dibs on it. What say they don't get it working as a ship again, but use it as a base of sorts? This may have happened with the Inwit, as they were found later in this 'verse.


Side note: Raktra, I thought we had that as the breaking point, a decade after reunion? So the Shepherds were watching a whole little empire getting ground into the dirt. But the gist still works, the Zerkers would just pillage anything useful.


I could see the Void Eagles taking the Terminus EST.

Edited by bluntblade
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As for the Crimson Lions fleet, the flagship is the Lupa Sanguis and it's on the large end of Gloriana's(cos boarding specialists ftw) and is optimised for boarding actions and close range engagements. Then the CL also have 12 larger than normal battle barges, almost two times as large, each of which functions as a Clan's headquarters(Clan Mycenor excepted, although they kept theirs even after Hectarion's discovery). In canon, one of these battle barges became the Eternal Crusader. On a similar note, the CL's fleet was larger than their numbers would suggest and the remains of it were distributed to the Imperial Fists following the legion's destruction.


Also, been re-thinking the CL's numbers in this verse. Their gene seed is meant to be the stable end of average and they're able to recruit from across their empire(although Mycenaeans are still the preferred recruits). Given the extended timeline, could I expand them to 180-200,000 strong?

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@ Sig I'm fairly sure there is no "normal" "battle barge" during the crusade/ heresy. A BB is just any capital class ship converted for dedicated legion use/ drop pod planetary assault. The standardization of BB/ Strike Cruisers is part of the codex reforms.
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So, no Phalanx for BotL, unless one of the engineering Primarchs gets ahold of the pieces, which is either Daer'dd or Niklaas.


For the Mia Dona Mori, which of our legions likes chem warfare? If we go by sheer massive bombardments, that'd by the Void Eagles, so I'm asking about chem warfare first.

Ghost Walkers? Their RoW allows them to take ead nades on the sergeant so they'd seem a logical choice.(speaking of the GW, any news on whether Depth is happy for them to be Tzeentch's legion?)



I've spoken with Depth, he's approved the Ghost Walkers falling to Tzeentch. And that sounds like a fine choice for the Mia Dona Mori.


So, the confusion over the loyalty of some of the legions has gotten me thinking about the Grave Stalkers. While the non-Pariahs will serve Malal, what happens to the Pariahs? They can't flee to the Eye or the Maelstrom, which means they're stuck in normal space. I'm curious about having their loyalties be the most mixed, perhaps shattering them into different warbands. Since they're anti-Chaos, they typically fight them, but since they're Traitor, they avoid Loyalists. Perhaps some of them head to Jackel's new empire to get away from it all and go renegade. Or some find safety in the Revolutionary space. 


Anyway, back to the vessels of renown, the Phalanx is an odd spot since it is just a hulk of junk orbiting Inwit. Would Raktra even bother wrecking it when it's already a wreck and devoid of human victi-er, enemy combatants? I was struck by a thought that someone manages to finagle it away from Raktra, repaired it, then handed it over to the Morning Stars (the Terran contingents if I remember right) to use as a base. 


I do agree with some of the recommendations. Terminus Est for Void Eagles. I think the Fourth Horseman would be a welcomed addition to the Berserkers. Given when we know about the Grave Stalkers' fleet, I imagine K'awil would love to have the Dark Sovereign. Finally, if we're worried about giving Daer'dd too much bling with the Caress of Xythos, perhaps it'd serve better with the Fire Keepers. 


That just leaves the Reaper's Scythe, but I think that's part of the original 20, so it's probably already attached to a legion.


Skal, you mentioned the Drowned taking the Hrafnkel, do you know where that source is?  That leaves the Photep unaccounted for. 

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So, no Phalanx for BotL, unless one of the engineering Primarchs gets ahold of the pieces, which is either Daer'dd or Niklaas.


For the Mia Dona Mori, which of our legions likes chem warfare? If we go by sheer massive bombardments, that'd by the Void Eagles, so I'm asking about chem warfare first.

Ghost Walkers? Their RoW allows them to take ead nades on the sergeant so they'd seem a logical choice.(speaking of the GW, any news on whether Depth is happy for them to be Tzeentch's legion?)



I've spoken with Depth, he's approved the Ghost Walkers falling to Tzeentch. And that sounds like a fine choice for the Mia Dona Mori.


So, the confusion over the loyalty of some of the legions has gotten me thinking about the Grave Stalkers. While the non-Pariahs will serve Malal, what happens to the Pariahs? They can't flee to the Eye or the Maelstrom, which means they're stuck in normal space. I'm curious about having their loyalties be the most mixed, perhaps shattering them into different warbands. Since they're anti-Chaos, they typically fight them, but since they're Traitor, they avoid Loyalists. Perhaps some of them head to Jackel's new empire to get away from it all and go renegade. Or some find safety in the Revolutionary space. 


Anyway, back to the vessels of renown, the Phalanx is an odd spot since it is just a hulk of junk orbiting Inwit. Would Raktra even bother wrecking it when it's already a wreck and devoid of human victi-er, enemy combatants? I was struck by a thought that someone manages to finagle it away from Raktra, repaired it, then handed it over to the Morning Stars (the Terran contingents if I remember right) to use as a base. 


I do agree with some of the recommendations. Terminus Est for Void Eagles. I think the Fourth Horseman would be a welcomed addition to the Berserkers. Given when we know about the Grave Stalkers' fleet, I imagine K'awil would love to have the Dark Sovereign. Finally, if we're worried about giving Daer'dd too much bling with the Caress of Xythos, perhaps it'd serve better with the Fire Keepers. 


That just leaves the Reaper's Scythe, but I think that's part of the original 20, so it's probably already attached to a legion.


Skal, you mentioned the Drowned taking the Hrafnkel, do you know where that source is?  That leaves the Photep unaccounted for. 




The Reaper's Scythe is separate, as in not a Gloriana. The Deathguard's Gloriana was the Endurance, and while it was Mortarions Flag vessel during the events of Istvaan, the FW books state that the Reaper's Scythe often served as Mortarion's Flagship, which in my mind makes its potency comparable, but distinctive from the Endurance or other Gloriana class ships.

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As long as the two Aqua Themed Legions have +/- the Biggest Fleets (pre-insurrection), I'm good with whatever :p


Besides, the Scions have a Forgemoon that orbits their homeworld all to themselves!

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Fair point. So, who calls dibs on the Reaper? Perhaps another Void Eagles ship to establish their dominance as void masters?

I do. While the Void Eagles are masters of void warfare, the CL are masters of boarding actions so void warfare comes with their specialism.


I wouldn't mind taking the Photep as well...(looks away attempting to look innocent)

Edited by Sigismund229
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Fair point. So, who calls dibs on the Reaper? Perhaps another Void Eagles ship to establish their dominance as void masters?

I do. While the Void Eagles are masters of void warfare, the CL are masters of boarding actions so void warfare comes with their specialism.


I wouldn't mind taking the Photep as well...(looks away attempting to look innocent)



The Reaper is yours, but not the Photep.

How about giving one Gloriana to the Nightguard or as Malcadors personal flagship?


The Photep will go to the Nightguard. I find it fitting and as a way to consistently remind the Nightguard that the Warp is dangerous. Having the Photep reminds them that the Warp has claimed the Primarch who owned that ship. Watch your path.


Of course, it'll need a new name. Kelborn, any suggestions?

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