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Puhh.....let me think


Thousand Sons...Egyptian themed Marines...Photep

Nightguard... Night Watch themed organization to fight Chaos...


Ok, got some:


Guardian (simple but powerful)

Night Warden

Black Star

Lux aeterna (eternal light in Latin against the dark of the warp)


Anathema (could fit because the Nightguard is our own mix between Grey Knights and Death Watch)


As it is the former flagship of Magnus, there should be enough information and other stuff concerning the Warp and its denizen. It could potentially have something like the Grey Knight Aegis or runes to banish daemons. That would be cool...


A lone ship against the warp

In a galaxy far far away

These are the new adventures of the . . .

The . . . reaches to places no man has ever been before

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On a related note, got a couple of questions.


1. Should we make rules for the Nightguard to be included in a later book?

2. What level of equipment should they have? Artificer armour with power weapons for all or standard space marine gear?

3.What would their other orbital elements be like? Cos I feel that onr Gloriana is enough for an order that numbers just 1,500 astartes(even if Malcador intended to expand them to 10,000+)

I mean, when I imagined them, I always thought they'd have a few battle barges at most let alone a whole gloriana

Edited by Sigismund229
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I say we should give them rules and put them to the book were we handle the knight, the mechs and the rest of the fest. The equipement depends on their size. If they are only 1500 strong then i am for artificierarmor and very specialist equipment. If they are foing to be 10000+ power armor with standard gear plus psyout grenades and other anti warp meassures.
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I'm leaning toward Latin. Since the Imperium is supposed to be a sci-fi version of the Roman Empire, but given the focus on the legions (who have wildly differing cultures), I feel like there's not enough Latin going around. 


So, my vote is for either the Vigilia Aeternam or the Lux Aeterna.


On a related note, got a couple of questions.

1. Should we make rules for the Nightguard to be included in a later book?
2. What level of equipment should they have? Artificer armour with power weapons for all or standard space marine gear?
3.What would their other orbital elements be like? Cos I feel that onr Gloriana is enough for an order that numbers just 1,500 astartes(even if Malcador intended to expand them to 10,000+)
I mean, when I imagined them, I always thought they'd have a few battle barges at most let alone a whole gloriana


I think the outbreak of Chaos corruption among the Traitor legions would spur the Nightguard into action. Honestly, I'm seeing at least one, new unique force appearing in the latter three books. 


Book 2 - Icarion's Imperial 'Secret Police' force to ensure compliance in his new Imperium

Book 3 - The Nightguard

Book 4 - The Revolutionaries Gene-units

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Thinking about the ordinary Imperial Army troopers during the Insurrection and I had an idea. Seeing as the Legions take quite a big hit early on in the Insurrection, the Imperial Army would need to take up more and more of defending the Imperium's worlds against Icarion and the Insurrectionists, a task that they aren't very well suited to doing. I thought that perhaps, as their unsuitability for the task comes to light, the Imperium begins producing weaponry and rifles specifically for us by the Imperial Army against astartes. 


For quite what, I was thinking something along the lines of the anti tank rifle produced by Germany at the end of the First World War, big, cumbersome, single shot, short range and extremely uncomfortable to fire and only doled out as a special weapon to troopers of proven bravery and most importantly accuracy(if it's given out at all to a regiment). This would give the Imperial Army a vague hope of beating astartes even if they were still pretty screwed against a mass astartes assault and even more so against a primarch. 

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Question for Athrawes: Given that Turrus(a banished Crimson Lion who experimented with gene tech once too often) and his warband hang out in the Maelstrom raiding shipping and worlds for slaves and the like would Icarion have made an effort to hunt them down prior to the Insurrection?


Question for all: During the Insurrection, Turrus and his warband would be picking at the parts of Icarion's empire around the Maelstrom and generally taking advantage of the confusion caused by the Insurrection. If the revolutionaries would allow them, they'd probably take part in the assault on Madrigal. Does this clash with any existing stuff we have written?

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Thinking about the ordinary Imperial Army troopers during the Insurrection and I had an idea. Seeing as the Legions take quite a big hit early on in the Insurrection, the Imperial Army would need to take up more and more of defending the Imperium's worlds against Icarion and the Insurrectionists, a task that they aren't very well suited to doing. I thought that perhaps, as their unsuitability for the task comes to light, the Imperium begins producing weaponry and rifles specifically for us by the Imperial Army against astartes. 


For quite what, I was thinking something along the lines of the anti tank rifle produced by Germany at the end of the First World War, big, cumbersome, single shot, short range and extremely uncomfortable to fire and only doled out as a special weapon to troopers of proven bravery and most importantly accuracy(if it's given out at all to a regiment). This would give the Imperial Army a vague hope of beating astartes even if they were still pretty screwed against a mass astartes assault and even more so against a primarch. 


Sounds like a good idea. Given that the first phase of the Insurrection is primarily Traitor Legion vs. Imperial Army with some Loyalist Legion support, Alex would be trying to find ways to mitigate the disadvantages facing the Imperial Army.


Question for Athrawes: Given that Turrus(a banished Crimson Lion who experimented with gene tech once too often) and his warband hang out in the Maelstrom raiding shipping and worlds for slaves and the like would Icarion have made an effort to hunt them down prior to the Insurrection?


Question for all: During the Insurrection, Turrus and his warband would be picking at the parts of Icarion's empire around the Maelstrom and generally taking advantage of the confusion caused by the Insurrection. If the revolutionaries would allow them, they'd probably take part in the assault on Madrigal. Does this clash with any existing stuff we have written?


None that I am aware of. Jade would be practical. If he needs the marines, and can trust Turrus to do his part, he'd allow them to fight next to his Warriors.

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Just checked the Grey Knights vessels to get some inspiration for a name.


They have the following battle barges:


- Emperor's Will -> Imperatoris Sui

- Bright Sword -> Micantis Gladii

- Fire of Dawn -> Mane Ignis

- Redeemer of Souls -> Redemptor Animarum

- Ruler of the black skies -> Princeps autem exercitus nigrae nubes (. . . way too long)


What about one of these as an alternative? Kinda like Redemptor Animarum.

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Actually I think Ruler of the Black Skies is Princeps Cealum Negrae(Cealum is declined wrong but still. You get the idea). And Emperor's Will is Imperatores Voluntas(also grammaticaly wrong) whereas Imperatores Sui means "His Emperor". Bright Sword is Clarus Gladius. And Fire of Dawn is actually Aurora Ignis. :)


first time Latin has been usefull outside of class...


EDIT: Fire if Dawn is actually Ignis Aurora. I got the words the wrong way round

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Actually I think Ruler of the Black Skies is Princeps Cealum Negrae(Cealum is declined wrong but still. You get the idea). And Emperor's Will is Imperatores Voluntas(also grammaticaly wrong) whereas Imperatores Sui means "His Emperor". Bright Sword is Clarus Gladius. And Fire of Dawn is actually Aurora Ignis. :smile.:


first time Latin has been usefull outside of class...


EDIT: Fire if Dawn is actually Ignis Aurora. I got the words the wrong way round

nagh... Bad google translator. BAAAD!

It's been a while since I had Latin in school, so don't mind. ^^"


But still Redemptor Animarum would be my favorite of these ones.

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Astartes vs Army is something of a PR headache, when you think about it. SM against non compliant human cultures is unpalatable on its own.

It gets worse when you realise that most of the veteran Imperial Army troopers will be killed before they start getting anti-space marine weapons so then you have new recruits/conscripts wielding plasma. These guys won't know how to maintain their stuff properly so more of it will fail in combat and so the Imperial Armies weapons will be killing their own men


And even the tank killing weapons(lascannons excepted) they have is hopelessly outmatched against SM tanks

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Please guys remember to put the right disclaimer into the story thread. It helps later to find things or if ae are going to make a story book, to sort them out. That means at best add a time, even if it is only a guess.


And please highlight the title or else my old mens eyes get problems reading. Especially if there are more than one stories in a post.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Please guys remember to put the right disclaimer into the story thread. It helps later to find things or if ae are going to make a story book, to sort them out. That means at best add a time, even if it is only a guess.

And please highlight the title or else my old mens eyes get problems reading. Especially if there are more than one stories in a post.

Thanks for reminding me, and sorry.

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By the way. I have found another prof. artist. He makes quick colorless sketches for 10 £. Those sketches look like the sketches in the fw books(okay a bit rougher) showing the characters. If we want to go want to copy the style of the fw books, maybe this is the best for the rulessections. Other pcis cann be added on other places in the book.


Here an example of his work:




Here a comparission


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Hey guys, I want to apologize for the lack of material and updates from me.


My back is pretty far with healing so projects are finnally flooding back.


Im in the middle of creating a company (wich many of you probably will greatly enjoy). So that is taking up alot of my time, I hope you guys can understand. But this company can either make or break my future life.


Love the work so far, looking forward to more,

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First of all: Get well soon, Alpha!

As bluntblade said: Real life takes priority.


Second of all: You've found pretty damn artworks, Mikhal! For now, it seems like I'll spend some money for some of those sketches and at least one full astartes picture.... round about 60-80 €/ $.


Good thing is, I'm not spending money on minis, colours, etc. So I can spend it elsewhere. :wink:


How we will proceed then? Shall we create a group or a thread in which we will collect all wishes / ideas and then we'll contact the artists for some offers?

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Easiest way would be to contact him directly and he fits you in as soon as he has the time. Just greet him from MikhalLeNoir;)


Ahh, you find him on deviant art under slaine69

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Does anyone know of stories that depict Destroyers in action?


Nope. My own PDF of Betrayal is actually missing the Destroyer page, so I don't even know what their unit fluff is.

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