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First off really liking the character arts you have there mikhal. On a related note I assume that generally those who have purchased art are able to use it as they like, so long as the artist receives credit somewhere? (I'm not sure on this as I've never commissioned any art or similar) If so then I'd like to know how you guys think it would be best to do this: With each piece of art? Or in the credits section? Something else? I'd just like to make sure that I'm not doing any of these artists a disservice because their contributions give our project life that words on a page can't on their own.


Also related: If anyone has artwork that they would like to be included in the books then if you could PM me with links or files that would be fantastic. I'll add them all to my growing folders of BotL stuff and try to include as many of them as I can where appropriate.

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First, I'd check one of the FW books to see what they'd do. Until then, I'd suggest giving them their own credit on the credits page. I know for a fact that the artist's name isn't mentioned next to their art piece in the FW books. 


Also, Grifft, as I mentioned earlier, if we do not do a group buy, I'm willing to pay for 1 Book 1 Primarch to put into their rulesheet, like the FW style. Since you've done so much for the project, I'm willing to give you first dibs on that offer, if you can't afford it.

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As Mikhal and I wrote him separately, I believe he would make a good offer, because of the quantity and promotion via our project.


So, the question is: how many of you want to have how many artworks? One for each primarch?


Let's say 18 primarchs, that would be about 180 pounds = 226 € = 257 $

Edited by Kelborn
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That is an incredibly generous offer simison, and one I will take you up on as I am currently unemployed. (Gives more time to work on this though, right? :P) I will have to work on my mental image of K'awil a lot though as he is currently quite underdeveloped visually (as I discovered in a discussion with Skalpynock not long ago).

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I will support one character from your bunch grifft. As you invested so much time into my rule set. Just say which. Gimme the description and I contact slaine.


And Mr. Squig, the offer is for you too, as you are my most important lector;)

So you habe to decide...Koschei or Azus? :-)


Weren't it 3 chars plus primarch? So 40£ per legion? So 720£??? For the whole project it seems a lot but we are talking of 72 characters....there are artists out there who charge 10 times the price.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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My limit is about 100 € for this kind of stuff for my chapter.

Slaine is working on four characters, while another artist will work on a overall depiction of my main character.

Depending on his prize, I'll potentially have something left to help you as well.


If so, I will let you know. If not, I will have a look if I can afford a bit more. ;)

Edited by Kelborn
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Well ill just go ahead and say. I have been in a negative cash flow situation for almost a year, so my "plastic space men" fund is less than zero.


Sorry dudes.


Nothing to be sorry about. The only reason I have any hobby money is because of my wedding anniversary and a nice tax return.

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Actually, do we want to start a Kickstarter or open up the project to donations? Obviously, we can't sell our products, but if B&C can ask for funds to run the site, is there any particular we can't allow fans to contribute to the cause?
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I must apologize in advance as my hobby funds are also extremely limited atm but I might be able to contribute a bit in a month or two(I hope). My creative out put makes up for it though right? ;) no? ok...


Had a couple of thoughts, mainly about what role xenos and the like would play in the Insurrection, given that Alexandros is more tolerant of them and all. Given the significant manpower difficulties he'd face(given the immense mis match between the Imperial Army fighting for him and Space Marines fighting for Icarion) how about he begins to turn to using xenos mercenaries to make up the shortfall and this, in turn, causes more worlds to join Icarion? So Alexandros starts to hire guys like the Kroot or the Tarrellian dog soldiers to make up the shortfall and plug a gap in the line until sufficient human troops can be levied to take over? However, this is viewed by many worlds as a betrayal of the Imperial Truth and so they defect to Icarion(giving his Imperium a jump start)


This led me onto a second thought. Given the integration of the Interex, the Imperium is gonna have to deal with the rather knotty issue of the Kinebrach at some point so I was wondering if, given Alex's more xenos tolerant nature, he allows xenos worlds to join the Imperium so long as they pay taxes and supply the Imperial Army with soldiers, reasoning that for now, if the xenos are willing to die instead of humans, why not accept them and wipe them out at a later date? This could then lead to a surplus of humans(given that more warlike races of xenos are helping out on the front) so there are more recruits when Alex is desperate for troops during the insurrection?


This then leads me to my third thought. If the xenos were allowed to fight as members of the Imperial Army, how would they do it? Just in normal regiments like usual or as specialist battalions commanded by their own officers who have been operated on to allow them the ability to speak Gothic? Also, what kinds of numbers would they be  on the field in? For example, the Kroot I could see being fielded on a vast scale given that troops are their only real resource and they actively want to fight as many different enemies as possible whereas the Interex would probably try and satisfy their tithe through other means?


Just had another thought: Rogue Traders. Given that they can have armies of troops who've likely seen combat, both sides would want to hire their army to give the mass armies of levies they're fielding an experienced backbone(and after the opening years or months of the Insurrection, experienced Imperial Army troopers are gonna be thin on the ground)


I see no problem with starting a donation campaign. If people want to donate they can, if they don't well then they don't have to 

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Those are some good thoughts. Honestly, this is one major factor I foresee that allows the Suzerainty to survive the Insurrection, and maybe even expand in later millennia. Kozja can honestly say that they continue to put Humanity above all else. It's a propaganda point, but it work to his favor. 


I do agree that as Icarion's Imperium grinds down the Loyalists, Alex does start employing xeno mercs, which would cause great controversy throughout the human territories. Of course, Alex does point out that their survival is on the line, and he needs whatever tools he can get his hands on to hold back the Traitors. And some humans won't care and still defect. I think this will all start happening around year 10 or 15 mark. This allows enough years to show the xenos can be reliable, some more than others. Thus, it would naturally lead Alex to start inviting xeno worlds into the fold with the same rules as normal compliance, which includes loyalty to the Imperium. 


How Alex would actually go about integrating xeno soldiers is by a tier process. All xenos Tier 1, they are brought into the Imperial Army in small groups of specialists to and are attached to human regiments as individual advisers or as a small team (scouting or special ops). If that race is proven to be mostly reliable, they're upgraded to Tier 2. Now, they're allowed to serve next to soldiers, but still in manageable numbers, either a large squad or a small platoon being the limit. Tier 3 (and I will come up with proper names down the line) is allowing entire xeno units to serve in a campaign, but with human officers. Finally, Tier 4 is reserved for xeno species that have gained the complete trust of humanity and is allowed to serve as independent units. 


There is some give and take, given the nature of mercs and early xeno recruitment, but that's the general layout. 


And, yes, I see the Warmaster trying to hire as many Rogue Traders as he can. 


What I'm curious is what's the state of the galaxy going to be at the end of the Insurrection. Alex would have had 15 years to integrate xenos before his leadership comes to an end, almost a generation. What state is the Suzerainty and Jackel's empire. And what's going with the Eldar and the Mechanicum. I can see the Mechanicum splitting into two factions with sticking to the Imperium, while the other faction joins the Suzerainty, which has revoked the ban against genetic testing. Given his role in the Heresy, it's not hard to see Eldrad taking an active role to support the Imperium. Does that lead to a faction of Eldar becoming integrated into the Imperium, especially with Alex's new xeno-friendly policies? If it does, that could lead to a very different Imperium down the road. Do any of Alex's reforms stick past his death? 


So many interesting questions. 


Also, don't feel like you need to apologize for not having funds. 

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What the nuts is an interex? One of our things I've missed?


They're a human empire that Horus meets with in the first BL books. He attempts to use diplomacy to bring them in, but Erebus screws up the entire ordeal, leading to their conquest. 


In our canon, Alex is free of Chaos traitors and has several diplomatic advantages over Horus, so he's able to integrate the Interex without bloodshed. 

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