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And no, I didnt delete it.

There its back. Make the necessary adjustments, tell me which one.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Nevermind. It's ok. <3


I am currently editing it. The one without a reply can be closed, etc. :)


Thank you! Did I mentioned that you are my most favorite mod? ;)

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okay I know its not really part of this project, but I think your guys votes will be the most important:

I am in need of help brothers!

I am honestly considering selling my WHOLE (yes, whole) space wolves collection!

"But why would you do that?" I hear you scream, well.. With the money for the army, and the money I already have saved up...

I could buy:

A Warlord Titan...

12 cerastus knight titans...


a reaver and 6 knights....

"What is it exactly what you will sell?" well.... This:


Help me brothers! Should I keep the army and keep on expanding? Or should I jump the deep and buy myself a whole knights house or warlord titan? (All will still be done space wolf style ish, but with some extra stuff)

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Do you want me to say the exact thing again?


No, not really.


It depends on what makes more fun to you: creating something new or expanding an existing project?


For example: all of us are saying: go and get those knights and the titan


Couple of weeks later: you're sad about selling your wolves because we told you to do so.


If it was for me, I would stick with the wolves 'cause I have some problems to sell something I'd worked on.

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well the thing is, I do not really get attached to models, so selling them would be of no problem for me. Those knights are really getting interesting for me, but they are also useable for this project.. so eh, I was just wondering what others would think

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Indeed have, my eldar, ork and chaos armies. This space wolf army has been my most laborous though. But I would willingly trait it for many many knights I guess. What do you guys think? I do wanna use the knights for this project
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Indeed have, my eldar, ork and chaos armies. This space wolf army has been my most laborous though. But I would willingly trait it for many many knights I guess. What do you guys think? I do wanna use the knights for this project


If you have been satisfied by your prior trades, then I say go for it. I don't see many Knight armies out there, though I want to start one. 

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A pic of Gwalchavad fighting during the Siege of Terra against Berserkers of Uran and Eagle Warriors. Humming this song while fighting^^






The pic was provided by Eric Tan from DeviantArts.

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The bling needs it, the bling demands it. Gwal believes only in the emperor, the light and the bling, so slaaneesh wouldn't had a chance to turn him...( if he hasn#t had per chance a more blingy armor^^)

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