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Although I'm not an expert concerning the legions relations to one another but I do see the following:


- Scions vs. The Drowned (aquatic warfare)

- Eagle Warriors vs. Wardens of Light (enjoying warp vs. pariah)

- Berserkers vs. nearly all (like World Eaters were nearly against all others)

- Jackals vs. Ghost Walker (infiltration, etc.)

- Fire Keepers vs. The Harbringers (anti-psyker vs. psyker)

Edited by Kelborn
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I thought the Void Eagles were more pitiless than cruel. More Darth Vader than Sauron, if you get my drift.


Frankly, I thought the Void Eagles would view the Berserkers as wasteful in their cruelty.

Pitiless is the word I was looking for, and your thought on that matter is completely true (although the Blood-beaks could qualify as 'cruel', but they are a single company).

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Godslayers would be disdainful of legions like 'serkers and Void Eagles, but whether that would translate into a feud I don't know. Pre-fall, I doubt that they would have had rivalries with other legions on large scales, but after the Zbruch Shenanigans anything is liable to happen. The Serpents would pick fights with anyone really (barring EW, due to being 'superfriends' and the like). Depending on how the Ghost Walkers develop, I could see potential for a feud.
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Before the Inurrection, Gwal loves you all. (Well except for Yucahu who deported innocent psykers on a joint mission)


Rivalry: I can see a friendly rivalry emerge between Gwal and Hectarion in front of the Eternity gate. I mean, Gwal is a human after all^^


Of course after the betrayal we have a special relationship between Eagle Warriors and Wardens.


Peace out

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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I don't know if the Lions/Bears relationship could really be called a rivalry. What do we have between Insurrectionists?

I mean rivalry as in constant low level competition over whose legion is better, has subjugated more worlds, can drink more etc. After all, who are more competetive than brothers or close friends?

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Just popping my head up, sorry for being quiet again - my job's gone full-time at the exact time I'm coming into the final month of my degree, so I'm basically getting psychologically molested from all angles. I'll be peppy again soon (y)

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I don't know if the Lions/Bears relationship could really be called a rivalry. What do we have between Insurrectionists?

I mean rivalry as in constant low level competition over whose legion is better, has subjugated more worlds, can drink more etc. After all, who are more competetive than brothers or close friends?

That's another train of thought. Which legions have strong bonds of friendship?

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Slowly brewing up some vignettes from the celebrations on Terra. This is the first one I've completed, so I'd just like to check that I've got different Legions' relations right.




Captain Pyrruk's words about celebrating unity came back to Ellan as she watched the combatants circle. Clad in ancient dogi robes, these were the masters of unarmed combat within their Legions. It was a cagey match, the Fire Keeper’s defensive stance set against the Ghost Walker’s cautious jabs, but there was clearly tension here that went beyond the contest itself.


Did other people perceive these divisions? To her it seemed they were laid out for all to see, whatever these games were meant to demonstrate. In the crowd, you could trace the cracks if you knew where to look. To Antonidas and Damon Redd, cheering for the Fire Keeper. To Raktra's terrible eyes locked on the Ghost Walker. To Alexandros, barely watching the bout as his eyes roved over the audience. She could only guess that he perceived the rifts as well, only more acutely.


When the Ghost Walker made his move, it came as a flurry of blows that the Fire Keeper shook off easily. The combatants displayed little emotion beyond the urge to win. Then again, she thought, they were representing their Legions. The audience had much more freedom to make their feelings known. She recognised the Shepherds' leaders here and there, noting the studied looks of neutrality on their faces.


Shouts broke out as the Ghost ducked under his opponent’s guard, but then the Fire Keeper simply seized him in a bear hug, squeezing like a vice before twisting to throw his opponent down on the mat. The Ghost rolled over into a crouch, ready to spring, but immediately the larger warrior was on him, pinning him to the ground in a choke-hold. A judicator stepped forward as the Ghost reluctantly tapped out his submission, and a mixture of cheers and groans spread around the amphitheatre.


Ellan returned to scanning the audience. It was, she thought, a rather strange way to celebrate unity altogether. Tomorrow she would make her excuses and take Lotara and Lemuel to one of the galleries set up here and elsewhere, showcasing the work done by remembrancers in chronicling the Crusade. Space Marines fighting side by side. That would be rather more fitting, she decided.

Edited by bluntblade
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Excellent, now it's a cool piece. One day, we'll have the legions properly separated in our heads. To be fair to you blunt, the entire focus recently has been on the Grave Stalkers, while the Ghost Walkers are still have a very open slate.

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I suggest that from now on we make "Ghosts" the shorthand for the GW. I'm only just starting to separate them mentally myself. The Ghosts' big falling-out with the Scions (see the Scions' exemplary battles) helped with that a bit for me.
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Not to mention the names are vexingly similar, Ghost & Grave both being five-letter words starting with G that are associated with death, while Stalkers & Walkers not only rhyme but also refer to movement.


Honestly I'm surprised we don't mix them up more often. :unsure:

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Alex is a candidate. In line with his tarot card, I interpret Alex as the family guy trying to get his brothers to get along. So, even if he doesn't meet Niklaas as the first one, he will seek him out once he learns him. 

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Daer'dd maybe? Or it there were too many "witches" for Niklaas to bear.(damn, what a wordplay^^)


And as both love tombuilt things, that is a common interest that might soothe Niklaas when all those "witches" are around. Otherwise he might just get the fork out and keep the fire on^^

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Got bored


Caraticaian looked in amazement at the ork warboss that had emerged from the horde of boyz. The thing was huge, at least as tall and probably as wide as ancient Ærrion. It was massive, it's skin a dark green, and it was had crude iron plates attached to its jacket, which was made out of some kind of reptilian hide. In one of it's oversized fists it carried an enormous chainaxe, probably as tall as Caraticaian, and on the other it had an enormous power claw. From the sheen coming off it's edges, Caraticaian guessed that the claw's blade's edges had been edged with diamond of some kind, much like the combat blades used by the legions, and from the power field crackling around it it was a power weapon. Those two things combined meant it would be able to tear through Caraticaian's armour like wet paper. However, that didn't matter. On it's back were the helmets of space marines from the Iron Bears, Fire Keepers and Wardens of Light. It made Caraticaian's blood boil to see honourable warriors dishonoured in such a way. Snarling, he dropped his shield and drew his chainsword. Edged in diamond, like the orks power klaw, it was incredibly deadly, capable of shearing through even power armour if necessary, although that would blunt the blade and so was ill advised. Pointing the weapon at the warboss and amplifying his vox speakers to their highest volume, he bellowed "YOU WILL DIE FOR THE DISHONOUR YOU HAVE INFLICTED UPON MY BROTHERS". While it was unlikely the beast understood, the way it turned to face Caratacaian and grinned showed the intent behind his words. had been understood. Flexing the fingers of his power fist, it's fingers shaped to look like a lion's claws and fashioned into deadly blades in their own right, Caraticaian let out a roar in response and leapt at the beast.


To his surprise, the ork didn't roar and charge forward to meet him. Instead, it stood firm, rooting itself to the ground. His first blow, a punch at it's gut with his fist, was deflected by the creature with a contemptuos swipe of it's chainaxe, a swipe which also knocked Caratacaian aside, making him slam into the dirt a meter or so away from the ork. When he got up, he found the ork charging towards him at a speed most would deem impossible for such a large animal. However, Caraticaian didn't stay put and meet the charge, as the ork had expected. Instead, he swerved to the side and, as the ork slowed to a halt and attempted to turn, drove his power fist into the ork's spine, likely breaking most of it's vertebrae, and his chainsword into the ork's shoulder, chewing through the reptilian skin cloak with contemptuos ease.


Then, as the ork howled in a mix of anger and pain, he leapt forwards, driving his chainsword's teeth into the ork's neck and gripping it's trachea, his power fist's claws easily tearing through the greenskin's flesh. Once he had gripped it, he just tore it out, exposing it, raw and bloody to the open air, causing the warboss to start suffocating.


However, as it did, it lashed out with one arm, ripping Caraticaian off it's back and hurling him into the vast horde of ork behind it. When he landed, Caraticaian felt several bones break and a shard of a rib go into his left lung, feeling his lung start to fill up with blood soon after. All around him, orks stared on, dumbly looking at this astartes who had killed their warboss. Then, as Caraticaian slowly rose to his feet and started punching and slashing left and right, their confusion turned to terror and they fled. Caraticaian chased after them, angered by his injuries and feeling the bloodthirst of his legion rising in him, losing the battle to keep it under control. He would kill every single ork he could find, every living being. The thirst demanded it.

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FINNALY finished the playable version of Gwal! Whatcha think? Half sculpted, half converted. my new favourite technique!




Soon to be send to his new owner Mikhal ;) To accompany his awesome wardens

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