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So this is my new sculpting way, I take an existing primarch model that the customer thinks is the best base model. I then fully resculpt and rebuild and repose that model to the buyer's ideas and demands. this will then be fully painted to a good standard (most of you know I DO paint to a good level, and am able to paint very well).


I will do this for anyone who personnally asks me via message for the base price of 70GBP (about normal primarch price). This includes EVERYTHING except shipment. The more primarchs commisioned the better (As itll lower the time cost and shipping for me Ill admit :p)


So PM me if you want your personnal primarch created/painted and build by me for normal FW prices! Gwal is a good example of what I do, as you can see, almost exact the same to the supplied artwork etc.


Would love to hear from you guys. And sorry about this post being so salesmenish.

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I might actually be able to do that one, as opposed to the daemon ;)

Oh my, I would be very excited to see the White Devil become a reality in resin, ready to lead the ashen sons of Uran to war! :devil:

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I've begun working with Grifft on translating the Iron Bears into PDF format. Ideally, we'll get them done before May, wrapping up three chapters in one month. 


Wednesday nights are my 40k gaming nights. Was too sick yesterday, so I mostly watched and chatted. Asked a couple of my gaming buddies if they'd ever be willing to face off against Warmaster Alex. Both said yes, though one emphasized that he'll want his own Primarch in that particular battle. It's nice to know that I'll be able to give AO's model play time, despite Alex's upgraded power level.


Also, I can't remember, but have we chosen our Sigismund for BotL, aka, the mini-Primarch? 

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You mean an emperors champion?


Essentially, that one marine fighter who can last more than three seconds against a Primarch. The peak of what a Space Marine can accomplish. The only guideline I can think of is not having it be one of the Traitors. They'll get the Daemon power-ups, so they don't get the 'Sigismund'. 


I'm also going to retract my Wardens from consideration since Alex is the Warmaster.

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I think we can safely assume that the Sigi equivalent won't be a Serpent :teehee:


On a different subject, I'm working on my final Godslayers exemplary battle (shock horror, Squig's doing work!) and I was wondering what would happen were a xenos world to surrender.  Would they be forced to emigrate?  I'm guessing that they're not being integrated into the Imperium to live happily ever after.

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If they surrender and aren't considered an Immediate Imperial Threat, the areas they inhabit can be turned into protectorates. IIRC, in the cannon, this occurred to an extent with a few of the peaceful xenos species being left alone so long as they posed no threat.

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I think we can safely assume that the Sigi equivalent won't be a Serpent :teehee:


On a different subject, I'm working on my final Godslayers exemplary battle (shock horror, Squig's doing work!) and I was wondering what would happen were a xenos world to surrender.  Would they be forced to emigrate?  I'm guessing that they're not being integrated into the Imperium to live happily ever after.


Depends on a few factors. Slips pointed out one, is this during the Warmaster's or the Emperor's time is another question. Have the xenos in question ever engaged in conflict with the Imperium?

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Okay.  Looking like we've got some Eldar Exodites moving house...


EDIT:  The ninja strikes again!  Yeah, this is after a conflict, so I think even the kindly VIIIth wouldn't allow them to remain as a part of a protectorate.

Edited by Big Bad Squig
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Okay.  Looking like we've got some Eldar Exodites moving house...


EDIT:  The ninja strikes again!  Yeah, this is after a conflict, so I think even the kindly VIIIth wouldn't allow them to remain as a part of a protectorate.


Yeah, in that case, the only reason for them to be spared is if it would be more practical to 'accidentally' allow them to flee than to exterminate them. 

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I considered Arngrim Valten, he lasts more than 3 seconds against Travier just long enough to grant his brethren to flee with their primarch. Only problem: he dies in the attempt^^
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I considered Arngrim Valten, he lasts more than 3 seconds against Travier just long enough to grant his brethren to flee with their primarch. Only problem: he dies in the attempt^^


Yep, that disqualifies him. 


For what its worth, the Fire Keepers do sound like an excellent candidate.

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What if about one of the reformists? I mean the loyalists have the warmaster, traitors have chaos allies. Giving the strongest marine alive to the reformists would increase their strength significantly and even things out.


He could even be infused with forbidden tech. The reformists own captain america^^


The they have 2,5 primarchs to defend their suzeranity

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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A sort of "Primarch XXI"? I can agree with that. He'll await book V though. Quick brainstorming, even if the idea gets ditched:


"The Paragon", no name, no former legion, lord of the One True Legion, wrought by forbidden technology and taken to the field in the last years of the Insurrection. Although an attempt by Jade and Darzalas to create something greater than themselves, their fear of the Warp result in him lacking the psychic (or blank) nature of actual primarchs. Bearing the advantages of the 20 primarchs, he also cumulates many of their flaws.

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A sort of "Primarch XXI"? I can agree with that. He'll await book V though. Quick brainstorming, even if the idea gets ditched:


"The Paragon", no name, no former legion, lord of the One True Legion, wrought by forbidden technology and taken to the field in the last years of the Insurrection. Although an attempt by Jade and Darzalas to create something greater than themselves, their fear of the Warp result in him lacking the psychic (or blank) nature of actual primarchs. Bearing the advantages of the 20 primarchs, he also cumulates many of their flaws.


That's an interesting idea and save that for later, but I was referring to a Space Marine Exemplar. Again, think Sigismund. 

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There is Hec's personal champion, Tyr, a Terran who has been with the legion 150ish years and despite losing his right hand fighting an Eldar champion early in the Great Crusade he's still the most skilled fighter in the legion. In canonverse, he held a fight with Sigismund for 20 minutes and fought back to back on Garta with a young Emperors Children legionnaire named Lucius(later became honour brothers and he began to teach Lucius the art of the sword).


Although a Fire Keeper champion would be awesome(just got the image in my mind of a Fire Keeper striding forwards into a breach in the Palace walls wielding a flaming sword and bellowing None shall pass while the Keepers stand)

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Hmm, so Jade & Kozja go Frankenstein their own Primarch? Huh, looks like Jade's constant note-taking finally paid off, perhaps Jade could steal some of that tech/research Emps gives Corax in the canonverse for the project?


Still, I feel this Paragon needs some kind of significant drawback to keep them from being as effective as a true Primarch or the Reformists from mass-producing them. Maybe Fabius Bile him a bit and have his physiology be ultimately unstable, requiring regular gene-therapy from Jade to prevent his body breaking down.

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