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Hey guys,


I know that it doesn't have to do with our project but I wanted to share with you that I finally got my revision of my Storm Riders chapter done.


Well...about 80%. Still working on post heresy fluff and their fleet. But mostly it is done. ^^


Would be happy if some of you might have a look on it and could give me some ideas for improvement. :D



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Will get around to it when I can. Thankfully, the semester is almost over.


Also, I haven't heard from the Void Eagles, so I'll start the vote. For the premier Space Marine champion, we have 3 candidates.


Try of the Crimson Lions

Redd of the Iron Bears

Nahib of the Fire Keepers


Voting will be open for a day. I'll vote last in case we need a tiebreaker.

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Vote for Redd.


'cause him being the Big E's champ who wants to avenge his beloved father is just to good and sad. :_)

Edited by Kelborn
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There is only one Try, and his name is Bragg! (Sorry, I know the character's name is Tyr, I just thought the slight typo was amusing)


I'd also like to vote for one of the chapter's who hasn't had much screen time (yet), but I just get the feeling that Redd would fit the story better. The Iron Bears (and Redd in particular) have this air of tragic nobility which would come off great in a Marine/Knight Exemplar. While the Fire Keepers are great, and definitely deserve more screen time, I feel like the Legion's characters as a whole are a bit too grimdark to fit the role of the paragon of honour. Plus, if I remember correctly, the Bears were never one of the more numerous legions, and so each marine is probably more prone to hone his skills a bit more.


Now, that's not to say I don't want to see more of Naihab (sp?), quite the contrary! I think however that we can craft for him a story quite unique, even when compared to canonverse stories (after all, there aren't really any marine witchhunters in the HH ^^). Could we envision a team up for him with a Sister of Silence? and they then go off to hunt the greatest psykers there are... including the arch-traitor :ohmy.:

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The Iron Bears are actually one of the more mid-large legions. They're 160,000 strong

Isn't that before they get ambushed and savaged by the Grave Stalkers & Godslayers? What are their numbers post-dead Daer'dd?

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I vote for Redd obviously.


And to chime in on the VIth's legion size, they do number around 160,000 before Daer'dd's death; But! It was Daer'dd's confidence in his sons that the four primary Grand Wartribes rarely deployed together. His push for each individual Marine to be a "hero" and their artificer quality equipment only reenforced this concept. And Redd is the most successful of the Lord Chiefs. So his Wartribe is the largest at 35,000 Astartes.

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Of course i vote for my guy.


Also thought i had about legion strength. Our insurrection is three times as long as the canon Heresy so it stands to reason that the legions smashed in the ambushes would have rebuild to some degree.

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Those of us whose legion's have a candidate are allowed to vote? :O


I vote for Tyr obviously

*shrugs* Sure.


And I didn't throw in Scorpion because the Wardens of Light are neutral for a large segment of the Insurrection. Like canon, I want an Exemplar whose fidelity to the Imperium never wavered.

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Ow! Well, crap. I forgot to add Antonidas of the Scions. Er, don't suppose anyone wants to change their vote? 


As it stands right now, it's:

4 - Redd

3 - Nahib

Edited by simison
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