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Thanks for the feedback Thorn. I'll think on it. In rhe mean time, nother story this time featuring Raktra and an ork pilot


"OI! Makari! What the zoggin 'eck you doin over der!? A squig could fly dat dakkajet betta!" Fuggnok roared through his crude radio. "Sorry boss I just aint used to dese new controls da mekboys put in" replied Makari. Sighing loudly, Fuggnok said "'Ere. Let me show ya 'ow it's done" and then he threw his dakkajet over and slammed on the airbrakes so that he was right behind Makari's dakkajet and then he pressed the trigger on his stick and roared out "DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA! Dat's 'ow you do it!" only to see Makari's dakkajet falling to the earth trailing an enormous cloud of thick oily smoke and hearing him guffawing and cursing over the radio. "Some people just don't know 'ow ta say fank you" muttered Fuggnok.


At that moment, as Fuggnok was racing through the skies and watching the battlefield zip past him, the grot mechanic who he'd taken off with and told to fix his dakkajet's engine appeared at his feet, looking an incredibly unnatural pinky shade. "Oi!" roared Fuggnok "Why aint ma engine fixed yet?". "It is fixed boss" squeaked the grot, turning an even less natural shade of pink. "Then why'z da uvver boyz overtakin me? I'z da boss o diss skwadron! I can't 'ave me boyz overtakin me" roared Fuggnok, showering the poor grot with spittle. Swallowing audibly even over the roar of the dakkajet's engines and shoota's, the grot said "You'z got ya foot on da airbrakes boss!". Hearing that, Fuggnok looked down and saw that, for once, the grot was correct. His boot was indeed still on the airbrakes.


Taking his foot off, Fuggnok sped up immediately. Turning back to his grot engineer, Fuggnok said "Remive dat der airbrake! And fix da engine! I wanna go fasta!" at which the grot nodded and meakly said "Yes boss" to which Fuggnok replied "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" as he zoomed over a line of shelled 'umies, firing as he went. However, as he flew past, his plane bucked as someone jumped onboard. "Oo da zoggin 'eck is dat?" Fuggnok asked, glancing around to try and find the source of extra weight that was stopping him from going faster. In the end, he found it as a hand smashed through the glass of his cockpit and hauled him out of the top, bringing him face to face with an enormous giant who was clinging to the side of his dakkajet. That giant's face was pale and brutal looking, the lower half covered by some kind of face mask and the rest sporting enough scars to have won several wars all by itself.


Leaping from the dakkajet, the giant landed, breaking several bones in his legs, but breaking every bone in Fuggnok's body as he smashed the ork pilot into the ground. Then, Raktra primarch and scion of the VIIth legion brought his foot smashing down onto Fuggnok's skull, shattering it into a million pieces.

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Damn. That sucks sim, hope that papa Nurgle withdraws his "blessings" soon.


I have a question regarding the Crimson Lions and the Arpine Auxilia. In addition to expanding the CL numbers to allow them to garisson some of Mycenae can I expand them a bit so that the Arpine Auxilia funcyions like the Tyrants legion of the Astral Claws?


Also, anyone got any ideas what I could call it other than, the empire of Mycenae? I'd kinda like to avoid any confusion between the empire and the CL's homeworld

Edited by Sigismund229
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Damn. That sucks sim, hope that papa Nurgle withdraws his "blessings" soon.


I have a question regarding the Crimson Lions and the Arpine Auxilia. In addition to expanding the CL numbers to allow them to garisson some of Mycenae can I expand them a bit so that the Arpine Auxilia funcyions like the Tyrants legion of the Astral Claws?


Also, anyone got any ideas what I could call it other than, the empire of Mycenae? I'd kinda like to avoid any confusion between the empire and the CL's homeworld

The Hegemony ?

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Get well soon, Sim. Btw, I was wondering what your plans are for the traitor Wardens under Malus are. I'm sketching out that Icarion piece starting the march on Terra, and realised there are units of those warriors and the renegade Dune Serpents who'll probably be there.


Obviously there's a lot to wait for, but so far it looks like this.




The night skies over Kato thronged with landers and gunships, lit from below by great torches of promethium. The glass plains shuddered beneath the tread of three million booted feet, and the occasional ponderous tread of a Titan. War machines lined the horizon as far as the eye could see, even from the Stormspire. A few were still being manoeuvred into position, ready for the triumph.


Icarion had selected this planet as the mustering point for his army after a long and brutal battle, which had ended with the face of the planet being burned to serve as a warning to the false Emperor's lackeys. The army gathered here boasted only seven Legiones Astartes in place of nine, but it was a far more fearsome ensemble than that which had paraded on Qarith Prime. Millions more soldiers mustered in the void, but here the Insurrectionists' more fearsome troops were assembled.


Many of the mechanical terrors bore the marks of Chaos, their heads twisted into bestial grimaces and their eyes lit by aetheric energies. Those same lights flickered from the steel ranks of the Corpora Ferro, standing slightly apart from their parent Legion. The Eagle Warriors themselves stood proud among their tanks and knights, their modified warriors presenting a host of strange silhouettes besides those Dune Serpents and Halcyon Wardens who had spat on their oaths to the Emperor.


Much of the plain was taken up by the favoured Legions of each god. The once-proud Godslayers were a terrifying mass of corroded armour and putrid flesh, while more than ever the Berserkers of Uran bristled with barely contained aggression, freshly marked with the ashes of their foes…


On a platform at the base of the spire stood the pre-eminent warriors of Imperium Nova. After decades of war, none questioned the might of the Harbingers, their ornate warplate glimmering in the reflected light of the promethium fires. Their armour was the colour of thunderclouds, marking them as the sons of the true Emperor.


Above them stood the Primarchs. Alexos, a triumph of augmentic surgery and the mutating power of the Warp, black wings furled like a cloak about his shoulders. Raktra, ashen and bloody, brass chains snaking across his skin. The slavering Koschei, his face locked in a desperate grimace of blackened teeth, lips rotted away. Morro a nightmarish mass of tentacles that contorted with a disgustingly sensuous motion. Co’chise… All united in the service of the son who set out to topple the Master of Mankind.


And now, as the final pieces moved into place, he came forth to address his chosen warriors. Spectral lights snapped into life, illuminating the figure at the spire's apex. His gilded armour shone with both the light around him and a strange, inner luminescence. Although some of the primarchs below were larger, he dwarfed them all by his sheer aura of power. Shouts of adulation sounded from millions of throats until Icarion drew his spear and struck the haft against the platform. Silence fell.


“Warriors!” Icarion's voice rang out, echoing from a thousand vox casters that shook the very air. Today we begin the end of my father's empire of lies. At this moment, in the cradle of Mankind, the Emperor cowers beneath His palace and lies to the Galaxy, even as He plots to become a god over us!


"But truly He must cower at our coming. With your blood and toil, we have built this unstoppable army. By the sword and the bolter and the adamantine hand of the Astartes, we shall bring an end to the great deceiver. To his precious fortress and the deluded fools who stand beside him.


"When this is done,” he intoned, as a sneer crept across his visage, “we will bring the full extent of our power to bear against those weaklings and cowards who have fled from our side. They think they can survive by their sterile science. They will burn under the wrath of the gods’ chosen warriors. For we understand the true nature of this Galaxy; our war machines are powered by the raw energies of creation itself and the armies of the Neverborn will bring terror to our enemies. With these weapons we will crush all who defy us! All remaining worlds will bow to the true rulers of Mankind, and remember these as the final days of the False Emperor!


As one, three million weapons thrust into the air. War horns and voices shook the plains.


As the clamour died away, Icarion brandished his spear and the blade crackled with lightning. "Go forth into the void and we shall begin the march on Terra. Let the Galaxy burn!"

Edited by bluntblade
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Well, now that I'm no longer sleeping half the day away, I imagine the Traitor Wardens will primarily fall to Khorne, and start featuring spiked shields. Perhaps the few psykers with them will go to Tzeentch, the more optimistic Wardens to Nurgle, while the few who had chosen Dharmas based on pleasures to Slaanesh.

Edited by simison
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I know that there are no stupid questions but (besides the Berzerkers) do we have Legions which pledge themselves to a specific gods of chaos?


Berzerkers of Uran = Khorne, of course

The Drowned = Chaos Undivided or more Slaneesh?

. . . = Nurgle ?

. . . = Tzeentch ?


Maybe I missed it or I can't remember it but it came into my mind.

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Uhm didn't we chage it because of more sense? I mean the last thing was, thst the ghost walkers became tzeentch and the grsve stalkers became malals plaything because it makes more sense for the anti warp marines to become followers of the god who wants destrou chaos.
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They don't truly 'fall' to Malal until after Icarion's death. It's when they are abandoned by the Traitors that Malal starts sending messages to them through intermediaries. 


EDIT: Hm, when I put it like that, the Grave Stalkers really do screwed over the most out of all the legions.

Edited by simison
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Ok, thanks.


As it turns out, the Liber doesn't seem to be the right place to upload my Storm Riders project.

Therefore I started a new topic in the Special Projects subforum. I will upload the already done fluff bit by bit.


As it is a never ending side project besides ours, I will add the canonc version of Knight Household Toho, Legio Gojira and flesh out a complete sub sector (or nearly complete).


It's quite a lot of work, but one I'm really enjoying. Maybe, sub sector Waniku will find its way into our 'verse, who knows? :)


Would be happy if some of you might have a look on it once in a while. :)

As a warning: it's quite much, even though I only uploaded 80% of their history, combat doctrine and organization. So take your time, when you got time. ;)

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Of course they find entrance in our universe. At least when we reach the scouring and the time after as the storm riders....ah..deja vu Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Written some stuff about the empire of Mycenae(wjivh I've devided to call the Dominion). Just wanted to see if people thought it was too Mary Sueish


The Dominion

Of all the things accomplished by the IIIrd legion, one of the greatest is without a doubt the creation of the Dominion. A vast expanse of space around the Lion's homeworld of Mycenae and the warp rift known as the Eye of Terror, this empire is in no respect simply a piece of the Imperium. While the Crimson Lions fight for the Emperor and are fiercely loyal to him, they are also as fiercely territorial as the big cats after which they are named and will not tolerate another legion being deployed to what they view as their territory nor an Imperial tithe collector telling them what their duty to the Imperium is. If any attempt to do so, they should consider themselves fortunate if they depart with their head still attached to their shoulders.


While the Dominion pays formal tribute to the Imperium, it is in every other way fiercely independent. Ruled over by Hectarion Mycenor in person, the various star systems and even worlds of the Dominion are ruled over by either the Crimson Lions themselves in the case of star systems or loyal legion serfs in the case of a planet. It is from these worlds that the Crimson Lions draw the Arpine Auxilia, a force of human troops equivilent to the Imperial Army of the Imperium. While the equipment of these units differs little from that of the mainstream Imperial Army, the fresh recruits are instructed by the Crimson Lions personally making it of a higher standard than what is received by ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Army. On the battlefield, instead of being led by human colenols most of these regiments are led by a tried and tested member of the IIIrd legion. However, while this gives the Arpine Auxilia an effectiveness in war and a backbone the likes of which few Imperial Army units possess, those Crimson Lions seconded to the Arpine Auxilia are not recorded on the legion's order of battle meaning that for the most part their numbers are not reported to the Imperium at large. Because of this, there has been some dispute over the number of legionnaires possessed by the Crimson Lions. Most conventional estimates put their numbers near 180,000 but some go as high as 230,000 as the IIIrd legion garrisons of their worlds in the Dominion are similarly not recorded on their order of battle.

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Had an idea after sim's story about the toleration of the Lectitio Divinatus.


The Ordos Umbrae

Founded in the dark days of the Insurrection, the Ordos Umbrae were a collection of organizations created by the Warmaster and the Sigilite in order to safe guard the populace of mankind from the multiple threats that circled in these dark years and also to ensure the loyalty of the Imperium. Passing unnoticed amongst the teeming swarms of mankind, the Ordos Umbrae did battle not in upon the field of war as the Legiones Astartes did but in the dark corners of the Imperium, where treachery and blood pacts thrived.


Ordos Mechanicae

The Insurrection proved that, while the adepts of the machine god may have been less susceptible to the touch of the warp than the majority of humanity, they were not all together immune. They were also all too easily seduced by the promise of knowledge. It was because of this that the Ordos Mechanicae was founded and in utmost secrecy. While the servants of the machine god didn’t take kindly to Imperial intervention in their affairs, the Ordos Mechanicae was to observe the Mechanicus from a distance and investigate any adepts who seemed to be diverging from research that was for the benefit of all mankind.


Ordos Daemonicus

The Insurrection displayed the threat posed by the inhabitants of the warp, a threat that had been kept secret by the Emperor for so long. While the Nightguard would combat the threat of deamons where they appeared in the material plain, the Ordos Deamonicus would study these otherworldly foes, find new methods with which to defeat them or to shield common humans against them as well as seeking out those pyskers who had already given over their minds to the insidious powers of chaos.


Ordos Vigilantibus

While the Ordos Daemonicus maintained a vigil for pyskers possessed by the entities of the warp, the Ordos Vigilantibus watched for ordinary humans who were committing acts of treachery against the Imperium, practicing faiths forbidden by the Imperial Truth.  


Ordos Carnifectii

The Ordo with the bloodiest reputation, the Ordos Carnifectii was entrusted with the task of eliminating traitors, rogue pyskers or adepts and the faithful located by the other Ordos. Nicknamed the Emperor’s executioners, the Ordos Carnifectii dispensed swift and bloody justice against any betraying the Imperium.

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So I don't think we've talked about it, what's the deal with Astartes in our universe wearing Aquilas/Palatine Aquilas? I personally love the style of the Palatine and was thinking of asking for use on the VIth.

But; then the thought hit me what they were just worn by individual Astartes as a badge of honour? Opposed to any single legion.

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So I don't think we've talked about it, what's the deal with Astartes in our universe wearing Aquilas/Palatine Aquilas? I personally love the style of the Palatine and was thinking of asking for use on the VIth.

But; then the thought hit me what they were just worn by individual Astartes as a badge of honour? Opposed to any single legion.


No, I don't think anyone has claimed the Aquila as a legion. I know the Emperor's Children were the only legion allowed to wear it as a whole because of their defense of the Emperor and how often they served in diplomatic positions. 


I think, post-HH, the Aquila becomes a more general icon for the surviving Loyalists. 


So, I have two answers for you, Redd. One, since our armies will be Insurrection based, there's no harming in throwing the Aquila on a few marines here and there. Two, I'm not sure if the Iron Bears are going to be the legion of the palatine aquila. I'm not sure who that'd be, to be honest. Personally, I would prefer my Wardens to be that legion since they are the Warmaster's own, but that's also because I intend to eventually collect a Loyalist Emperor's Children army, so if I can dual purpose my Wardens to be EC and visa versa with less hassle, all the better.


Plus, we're both purple.


I suppose, if we're keeping with parallels, the Godslayers would be the most apt to receive that honour. However, I'm not sure if that's mirroring canon too closely. 

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