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Oh ok.


And I wanted to propose that the Nightguard could wear the Aquila.




1. A slight but important difference between our project and the canonverse. With no Legion having the right to wear the Aquila, we could flesh out that the Legions are mere tools for the Emperor with their only purpose being defeating his enemies and to conquer the galaxy. There would be no sympathy between him and his sons, giving us another opportunity to explain why and how there is an insurrection, a faction of reformists and a faction of traitors and so on.

2. The Nightguard are the Emperors chosen to fight his arch enemies. He tasked Malcador with founding them. Let me explain that again: he tasked his oldest friend and most trusted advisor to create a force capable of fighting the denizens of Chaos. He (Big E) created the Legions to fight mortal threads. Maybe he also had in mind that some of them could help him defeating the dark gods but Malcador was tasked to create this special army like the canon Grey Knights who bear the Emperor's Gift (his own genetic code). That is the most important difference between the normal Legions and the Nightguard. Therefore we could give them the Aquila, the personal insignia of the Emperor rather to follow the canon rules of actions and give on of our Legions the Aquila.




As it was already decided that the Eagle Warriors shall wear the Aquila, you can forget my plea. :wink:

Edited by Kelborn
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at the battle of Razkev the Imperials were dighting the army of Ursh and over three days they gradually began to be forced back. However, at the last minute the EW charged in from behind and broke the forces of Ursh, routing them and allowing the Blood Wolves to surge forwards and claim Kalaggan's head. Because of the deciding role they played in the battle, the Emperor gave them the rught to use the aquila as their sigil
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Sigi's work on psykers within the Lions has made me think- do we have any cross-Legion structure for them? Obviously a few Legions go completely without, but they're still present in a few others.
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Sigi's work on psykers within the Lions has made me think- do we have any cross-Legion structure for them? Obviously a few Legions go completely without, but they're still present in a few others.


Well, In cannon Icarion opposed the Librarius because he thought that Magnus' pushing for unlimited scope and no restrictions, was dangerous and unwieldily. 


But in this timeline, since Magnus is removed early on, I feel like Icarion would have been the one leading the formation of the Librarius. With his and his Legion's role of combatting warp breaches, and the strict control of their psychic potential, I feel like Icarion would have spearheaded the effort to establish the protocols and training methods for psykers within the nascent Legions. Icarion and the Lightning Bearers/Harbingers, would understand more than other legions the need for psychic powers in the Legions (knowing the enemies they might eventually face) but simultaneously they would grimly understand the insanely strict control required of Astartes Psykers  in order to safeguard and restrict potential immaterial cross-over.


In this scenario I can see Alex backing Icarion's push for the Librarius, with Alexos perhaps pushing for a broader scope (similar to Magnus)


With Icarion at the Helm, and a lack of the Thousand Sons/Magnus' influence I feel like this version of the Librarius would be significantly more focused/restricted than in cannon-verse.




Having someone as beloved and focused as Icarion as the figurhead of the Librarius would also help to explain why the issue of Psykers in the Legion never materialized as council of Nikaea worthy event. 

Edited by Athrawes
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To develop that line of thought from the Warden's perspective, since we're still talking about the Great Crusade era, this is still Alex the background Chessmaster. As such, he'd be content to follow Icarion's lead on this. 


Which, ironically, means the Librarius will be one of the few good fruits of Icarion that will outlast him. 


So, the Librarians are more focused and restricted in canon. While this would mean fewer corruptions, how do you think this would the 30k librarians in a mechanical sense, Athrawes? 

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Apologies for being away guys if anyone has needed to talk about anything with the Drowned. Personal life and work life really piled on everything at once and I had to cut away any distractions.


I hope to be a bit more active in the coming weeks and I'll try and catch up on the last few weeks!

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Hi there Hesh, glad you're back with us :)


As we're starting to see the end of the tunnel when it comes to the Legion heraldry in the Symbols thread, it would be useful if you (and any of the other contributors) had a look in to give your feedback, and if possible, approve the pads: that way, we'll have finished that part and we'll be able to put them up with the summary information.

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To develop that line of thought from the Warden's perspective, since we're still talking about the Great Crusade era, this is still Alex the background Chessmaster. As such, he'd be content to follow Icarion's lead on this. 


Which, ironically, means the Librarius will be one of the few good fruits of Icarion that will outlast him. 


So, the Librarians are more focused and restricted in canon. While this would mean fewer corruptions, how do you think this would the 30k librarians in a mechanical sense, Athrawes? 


I'm not sure about in a gameplay sense, but what I envision is that while Individual Legions have Librarians, and a hierarchy amongst those Librarians,  the training of Librarians would't be left up to individual Legions with their own idisyncratic philosophies.


There would instead be an Imperial Librarius as a grand institution. 


To my mind this would be something more along the lines of how techmarines are sent to Mars to train, That the Imperial Librarius would be a place where psykers from the Various Legions train under the watchful eye of the Librarius Magisters and then are sent back to their parent Legion. i imagine that the imperial Librarius is Led by a council made up of the Chief Librarians of each Legion to dictate training and methodology/orthodoxy of what is and is not a proscribed power. 

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To develop that line of thought from the Warden's perspective, since we're still talking about the Great Crusade era, this is still Alex the background Chessmaster. As such, he'd be content to follow Icarion's lead on this. 


Which, ironically, means the Librarius will be one of the few good fruits of Icarion that will outlast him. 


So, the Librarians are more focused and restricted in canon. While this would mean fewer corruptions, how do you think this would the 30k librarians in a mechanical sense, Athrawes? 


I'm not sure about in a gameplay sense, but what I envision is that while Individual Legions have Librarians, and a hierarchy amongst those Librarians,  the training of Librarians would't be left up to individual Legions with their own idisyncratic philosophies.


There would instead be an Imperial Librarius as a grand institution. 


To my mind this would be something more along the lines of how techmarines are sent to Mars to train, That the Imperial Librarius would be a place where psykers from the Various Legions train under the watchful eye of the Librarius Magisters and then are sent back to their parent Legion. i imagine that the imperial Librarius is Led by a council made up of the Chief Librarians of each Legion to dictate training and methodology/orthodoxy of what is and is not a proscribed power. 



I like this concept, I would imagine the Legions have their own respective unique roles, tradition & duties but a psyker aspirant doesn't get to access to any of that until after they get their Hogwarts Letter sent to Terra to receive an agreed-upon standardised education & training in their powers by the Imperial Librarius. Then they can return home and learn their Legion's specific rituals and shiz, but that training regimen they learned on Terra remains the dependable core of their abilities they can always fall back on, like the ingrained basic movements and stances of a martial arts style, it's a solid foundation to build upon. Hmm, do you think the Imperial Librarius would be involved in any way with training Sanctioned Psykers for the Guard maybe?


As a side note, I had a thought maybe the Sisters of Silence (who if I recall have a base on Terra or Luna) could be involved as guardians/jailors for Aspirants that suffer Perils incidents and need to be "unplugged from the grid" for a while to cool off or prevent full-on possessions.

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I like this idea of the Imperial Librarius, very much! Makes a deal more sense then just plain censure like at Nikaea.


How does it work for the Traitors and the Reformists once the Insurrection kicks off ? Their are always going to be other Forge Worlds in their empires, but not necessarily a new "Imperial Librarius"


This Librarius would also quite obviously be a prime target: perhaps even the loyalists move it off Terra to protect it? In any case, the Burning of the Librarius could become a major event in the Insurrection. Nooo, I assure you I'm not getting inspiration from the burning of the Library of Alexandria... Actually, since the Astronomicon is on Terra too, that could be considered like the Lighthouse of Alexandria ? So it wouldn't be that weird.

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Hm, given the century or two that it's been in place, I think it'd be far more likely for the Librarius to remain within the Terran Palace up to the point when the siege happens. 


Upon the Insurrection, I imagine Icarion sets up a rival Librarius on Madrigal for the first 20 years of the Insurrection. Which I think could have a lot of story potential since the Madrigal Librarius could represent the overall corruption of the Traitor forces. Imagine for the first decade, aspirants coming in from the Eagle Warriors legion, who have all of the rituals and are probably tainted in some way, but Icarion is still keeping Chaos at arms length. So, for this first phase, there's a cold war going on between Travier and Icarion over the purity of the Madrigal Librarius. Perhaps Icarion keeps a contingent of Grave Stalkers just to keep the Warp corruption in check. 


But as time goes on and the corruption spreads to the other legions, the Harbingers and Grave Stalkers now have to keep an eye on the Berserkers, the Drowned, and maybe the Ghost Walkers. Now there are rooms that are outright encrusted with Warp corruption with unauthorized rituals as the Eagle Warrior aspirants spread Chaos knowledge secretly to others. At that point, all Icarion/Harbinger magister can do is temporarily seal them off as they attempt to cleanse the rooms. The psyker cold war becomes worse as both sides become harsher in their 'tactics'. 


And then the defection occurs. Now, Icarion has to invite more Chaos support and the Grave Stalkers are greatly reduced in size which could affect the Librarius guardians. At the point, the cold war is over as Chaos slowly completes its conquest of the Madrigal Librarius. And, when the corruption is complete, Icarion will be beyond the point of caring because of how far he's fallen.


Now, for the Reformists, we're mainly talking about the Kozja's boys since librarians are rare or nonexistent in the WoP. I think this becomes one of the important negotiation points between Alex and Kozja. Because, by this point, the Caryana of the Halcyon Wardens are the most veteran and knowledgeable body of legion psykers with the Harbingers gone. They'll continue the Imperial Librarius post-Insurrection. At this point, I'm not sure how close the Suzerainty and the Imperium will be in the treaty Alex will make with them. At most, there will be a promise that the Suzerainty will re-integrate with the Imperium after the Scouring, but still be it's own body, like the Mechanicum. At least, a 'permanent' alliance will be created between the two. In either result, one of the benefits of the alliance is that the Warbringers can send their psykers to be trained at the Librarius.

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Alexandros' Nicknames 

Normal - Drunk


Ike - Sam

Leman - Wolfman

Hec - Hell

Yu - Wingman

Daer - Giant

Kos - Cosmos

Koz - 'Cuz

Nik - Nicky boy

Gwal - Ninja

Travier - Al

Az - Zeus

K - Shadow man

Mor - Morowinski

Jade - Sapphire 

Pio - Santa

Co - Choke

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Pyrrhicles quietly sank a glass, sighed and turned to his men. "Eckzart, you and your squad will convey our lord discreetly to his chambers. Don't worry about his robes, he can sleep in them. Akylles?"

"Sir?" Akylles' wore the expression of a man utterly outside his comfort zone.

"Take a message to the kitchens that the Warmaster will desire a hearty breakfast tomorrow. In particular, they are not to spare the bacon."

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I've had the idea that Alex gives nicknames to his brothers for awhile now, and the drunk part started when I thought of 'wolfman'.


So, naturally, I had to try to come up with one for everyone else.


EDIT: Obviously, Alex is not close enough to all of his brothers to use the proper nicknames, but the Wolfman nickname is canon. 

Edited by simison
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Private nicknames among the Primarchs aren't unknown, after all (if you believe the feast story, they all have one. Except the Jade General, no matter how hard his brothers try to force one on him).


Speaking of which, the "great games" pieces are trundling along, and I feel I should actually focus on a duel as well as what's happening in the stands. Face-offs we'd like to see, anyone? BTW I'd like to add something for Co'chise, Ka'wil and Willym, but I'm not sure what angle to take with them. I've still got Hec to use as well, now I think of it.

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