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Typical wingman scenario between Primarchs:


"Ok, are you ready?"


"You'll take those 300 over there and I'll take those 100 and the twin war hounds over there."

"Wait. Why are you always getting the war hounds? Every single time I'm getting the infantry which scales at 2 and you're getting the titans which are apparently a 10?! That's not fair!"

"So what? Guess who's the warmaster here?"

"Oh c'mon! Not this again. Why don't you just go and marry your stupid title?"

"''Cause I'm not made for only one title. That's why. So if you don't mind? I got some titans to crush." *CHAAAAARGE*

Edited by Kelborn
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I'm going to push Raktra's butchering of the Shepherds back. I'd underestimated their sheer size at the point when the Insurrection breaks out.


I suggest that Icarion has to work hard to persuade him to not go after his erstwhile "sons".

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His retirement plan involves converting the Grinder into a combine harvester.


While I'm failing to sleep, did we properly discuss the implications of the timeline on armour marks? Mk V may or may not be a thing, but both Terminator and Mk IV should be more widely available by the outbreak of the Insurrection than with the Heresy.

Edited by bluntblade
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Maybe because the lions are so crimson it reminds alex of ancient terran mythology. So the lions are devils and thus hec is hell?


Remember that alex is under the influence of this devlish stuff hecs homeworld is brewing....come to think of it...maybe it is a reference to the hell alex goes through whenever he becomes sober again. All those stories and pictures of him doing weird stuff...it is his personal hell and hec is responsible for it. So hec= hell^^

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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His retirement plan involves converting the Grinder into a combine harvester.


While I'm failing to sleep, did we properly discuss the implications of the timeline on armour marks? Mk V may or may not be a thing, but both Terminator and Mk IV should be more widely available by the outbreak of the Insurrection than with the Heresy.

I always thought the rough equivalent of MkV would be the 'serkers realm, with it being more obviously bits nailed together rather than the FW models' slightly-different-MkVII look.

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Or, it comes out like this 


Hec = Heck = Hell


It's more like 'Give our enemies hell!' encouragement instead of a curse.

That's just reminded me of the wonderful battle cry in Reaper Man. "Darn them to heck!"

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I hope so. Raktra uses only one sword. Hec has a bigger head and a shorter axe. Maybe a few.dead.marines here and there. Legion symbols on a few.marines. so i think yes. It could be improved upon^^
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